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Sat Sep 4th, 2021 @ 11:20pm

Warrant Officer Arin Merkara

Name Arin Jayliin Merkara

Position Propulsion Specialist

Rank Warrant Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human Orion hybrid
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 165
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Fit and tall, but fuller figured. A disarming smile and spectacular eyes


Spouse or Significant Other Michael Lorada
Children Lisa Lorada age 12
Father Daniel Murphy
Mother Jayin Merkara
Brother(s) Half brother Riordan Murphy 28
Sister(s) none
Other Family Step mom- Colleen Meyer

Personality & Traits

General Overview Arin is humorous, and fun loving. Works hard and plays harder. Once she starts, it can be hard for her to stop it.

Very loyal to people until they slip up, it can be hard to her to trust again. She tends to take people at face value, unless she gets a bad vibe. Pitbull tenacity and typical Irish temper to match.

She has a good nature and is outgoing. Loves a good time and will seek out people to talk to.

Strengths & Weaknesses Determined and focused. Her greatest strength is her laid back demeanor. Her temper can be her worst weakness. While it takes an effort to provoke her, once started, she tends to lash out.
Ambitions No real ambitions to command. Likes to tinker and fix things.
Hobbies & Interests Antique aircraft. Woodworking, yoga, and acroyoga ( A mixture of acrobatics, yoga, and Thai massage ) Also proficient in Tai Chi and likes to grow roses.

Personal History Arin's birth was an accident. Her mother was involved in a plot to steal a starship, where her father was the Captain. The attempt ultimately failed but her Mother Jayin became pregnant. The mother lost custody in a legal dispute and her father raised her in his home town in Ireland.

Her stepmother Colleen was the one that taught her many of the Irish traditions.

After that she lead a fairly normal life. Being different than most humans, Arin did have to deal with more than her fair share of bullying and insults. This lead to her being involved at an early age in the fighting disciplines.

She showed an aptitude for mechanical things and spent many years in shops, helping fix old machines and even a short apprenticeship in aircraft mechanics and restoration.

She and Michael met at the university where she was studying for her degree in Mechanical Engineering. When she became pregnant at 19 he kept up her studies until Lisa was born. Soon they both realized their marriage was a mistake. They were divorced two years later. At 23 she was accepted into Starfleet as a crewman and worked her way up the enlisted ranks.

At 27 she worked on finishing her degree as Michael had sued for sole custody
and won. She threw herself into her degree, earning her masters in starship propulsion and earning a commission into Starfleet.
Service Record 2386: Enlisted in Starfleet
2386: Posted to Utopia Planetia shipyards.
2387: Promoted to Petty Officer 3rd class
2389: Promoted to Petty Officer 2nd class
2391: Attended Warrant Officer Candidate School. Promoted to Warrant Officer 2nd class
2395: Transferred to the USS Ontario