
Vincent Parker Personal Log

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 10:04am by Ensign Vincent Parker

266 words; about a 1 minute read

"Computer, start a personal log, please." The computer beeped to indicate that he could start.

"I've been relieved of duty, and confined to my quarters." Vincent started pacing around his room. "As soon as someone comes and tells me that I am being reassigned back to Earth, I have my resignation letter to Starfleet ready. Everything that happened was my fault."

"I'm being charged with violation of the Chain Of Command. I waited until someone in the CoC to contact me to inform me of my duties, but as time went on, and no one hailed me, I just sat in my quarters until, in desperation, I decided to report to engineering, to see if I could be of assistance. At the Academy, my major was Ship's Operations, but my minor was engineering, so I was comfortable in either place."

"I walked into main engineering, no one asked what I was doing there, walked up to the assignment board, grabbed a repair kit and headed out to an assignment. I choose the least critical area that was listed on the board. I completed 3 repairs until I found myself in front of the chief engineer. It was after that that I found myself back in my quarters, confined."

"Once my resignation is complete, I plan on applying to be a cutter, working in the asteroid fields. The cutter is responsible for splitting the asteroid, allowing the miners to extract the metals buried in the asteroid. The job pays well, and the cutters get a percentage of what's mined."

"I can't go home after this."

"Computer, save log."



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