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Turbolift Talks

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2021 @ 3:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii

1,008 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Into the Unknown
Location: USS Ontario Turbolift

Leaving the CMO's Office, Yiv hopped on to the nearest turbolift, feeling a little better after his conversation with the Captain. It had been a needed clearing of the air. Deep in thought, he had almost missed the other occupant of the lift. 'Computer, Airlock Twelve, secondary destination.' He flashed a smile at his fellow crewmember, 'I didn't want to be rude and commandeer the turbolift.'

Noticing the Commander's rank pips, Yiv made an educated guess, 'you must have just come aboard, ma'am?'

"Yes, I'm Anahera Chernova, the new Security Chief, but, Lieutenant, as Intell Chief, you probably already know that." Anahera said with a smile.

'Well, it seems that you've done your homework as well,' replied Yiv with a chuckle. He noticed that whilst the Security Chief smiled, there seemed to be a sadness in her eyes that it didn't reach. 'We've had a fair bit of the senior staff transfer off this time,' he carried on conversationally. 'Must be one of those cycles.'

"Life is a series of cycles, Lieutenant." Anahera said in a voice that seemed to hold the wisdom of ages. She then laughed and reverted back to her normal voice. "When some people learn I'm El-Aurian, they expect me to be a font of knowledge, so in my civilian days, I used to wow them with some fortune cookie advice."

'Ah,' Yiv cocked an eyebrow before laughing heartily, 'yes it seems that we have to play up to the stereotypes of our species - I'm sure it's worse for El-Aurians than the rest of us. Humans are so fond of attributing great wisdom to long-lived species.' He paused a moment then said, 'I dare say it's proven useful in your professional work as well?'

"Indeed, I just got done with what you'd call 'field work'." Anahera replied. "I'm not sure how much 'field work' you've done, but being someone else for months at a time, can really do a number on you."

'Not quite my field of Intelligence I'm afraid - I'm more of an analyst. The only fieldwork I've done in the last few years is sit in the records hall on Miridan.' Yiv looked at her sympathetically, 'how long were you in the field for?'

"My last stint was 3 months after which I was to sent to retrieve a CHS (Confidential Humanoid Source)." Anahera replied.

He let out a low whistle, 'that's quite the undertaking. I assume he was a high-value asset if you were made to go undercover for that long?' Yiv had often wondered about undercover work - he knew some of his colleagues from the Academy Annexe at Berlin had gone to do undercover work, but his strengths definitely lay elsewhere. He had also not been too friendly with the previous Chief of Security, and had never had cause to ask him about any cloak and dagger work he may have undertaken. 'Did you get your guy?'

"Yes, after he'd started a bar fight in a bar full of criminals." Anahera replied.

'Sounds like quite the eventful arrest,' replied Yiv with a touch of admiration in his voice. 'How long have you been in Starfleet, then, if you don't mind me asking?'

"About 8 years. but I spent 20 years as a guest of the President in New Zealand, during which time, I help with the rebuild after the Breen attack on Starfleet Headquarters."

'Ah,' replied Yiv, tactfully not pursuing the question of why she had been put in the pen. It would be something he could no doubt find out on his own, and spare the Commander her blushes. 'Well it sounds like you've had quite the colourful life, so far Commander - I hope that at least a little of it will follow us on our journey here. We could use a little excitement from time to time. Cataloguing gaseous anomalies isn't the most thrilling of tasks.'

"Yes, I always though of cataloguing gaseous anomalies, as busy work, since an automated probe ship could do it more efficiently."

'Quite! But they do make a great background to the daily grind - nothing like glancing out a viewport and seeing a nebula there to remind you why we're out here.'

"Nebulae are beautiful, viewing them makes me feel young, my over two centuries of life is just a drop in the bucket compared with the time they have existed." Anahera said.

'They're quite something,' replied Yiv sincerely. The Turbolift began to slow. 'Ah, this seems to be your stop, Commander - off to see the Captain I assume?'

"Yes, the Captain and I are old friends." Anahera replied.

'Oh really?' Yiv asked, his ears fairly pricking up with curiosity. 'You've served with him before? As a Security Officer?'

"Yes, on the Normandy briefly until she was decommissioned, I was a junior Lieutenant back then and still smoothing down my rough edges." Anahera said.

'Then you go back a long way,' Yiv grinned, 'that can be useful, especially when you have to trust that officer with your Security.' He fell silent for a moment then leaned in and said, 'I'm sure Captain Michaels himself had some rough edges back then - it must have been a blast if you've returned to serve with him after all this time.'

"The Captain requested me personally, so he must have enjoyed my company." Anahera replied.

'Ah, always a confidence boost when the Captain requests you personally,' Yiv's smiled widened further. The turbolift finally came to a halt, and the doors opened, revealing the Bridge beyond, 'and there we go Commander - it's been nice meeting you.'

Anahera smiled back. "You too, Lieutenant, I'm sure we'll be working together soon." She said before stepping onto the Bridge.

He nodded as the doors closed and whisked him off to his own destination.

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Security Chief
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Ontario


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