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Moonflower - What We Do In The Shadows

Posted on Thu Aug 19th, 2021 @ 1:24pm by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood

2,811 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 08 | Secondary Science Laboratories - Noctarium

Putzing about in one of his science labs on the eighth deck of the Starship, Percy was creating something that he personally found beautiful. It was similar to a greenhouse or terrarium, not too dissimilar to his botanical laboratory on the deck above him. This space, however, housed much more than exotic or difficult to grow plants. He was creating an entire ecosystem in this particular laboratory, the plants were nothing short of spectacular. There were however several differences (a) the plants grown here needed vastly different conditions, (b) they were not easy to come by, and (C) he needed some natural pollinators for the lab.

So far, he was able to acquire Spilosoma lubricipeda and Hypercompe scribonia two species of moths from Earth. What he really could use were some Pyrithian bats, maybe just one because they would naturally eat the moths. He doubted Grace would be too fond nor eager to let him have anything though.

"Computer, switch to Ultraviolet light illumination units," he instructed the ship's computer. Percy had the UV lighting installed specifically for this...his noctarium, which housed a few species of plants including Earth's Ipomoea alba or 'Moonflower' as they were more commonly known as. All the flowers in his noctarium were considered night bloomers, most like the moths were white and the purple hues of the ultraviolet brought their beauty to a whole other level.

Another thing Percy wanted was scorpions, but he was almost certain that Grace would not be allowing him scorpions aboard the starship. He had lost track of time which was problematic because the ship's chronometer immediately reminded him that he was ten minutes overdue for his counseling session, but thankfully it was not with Amanda Rose. Instead, he had been agreeingly handed over to a Counselor LuAnn Lovegood, and Percy suspected that she would be looking for him.

Like clockwork, his communications badge was chirping. He tapped his comm badge and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I know. I don't want to come near the counseling offices though. Can you meet me on deck eight instead, I'm in one of the science labs."

"Of course," came a slightly-breathy female voice. "I'll be right there."

She wasn't right there, but it only took her a few minutes to get to the right lab. When she walked through the doors she stopped. "Oh, this is beautiful. I didn't know you had a nocturnal garden." She spotted the flowers right away. "Moonflowers!" She went over to them and gently ran a finger over the petals. "Hello. You are beautiful, aren't you?"

Percy flexed a little "Why thank you," he replied teasingly though he knew the woman was drawn to the beauty of the moonflowers, not the vanity of a narcissistic scientist. He watched as she gently touched the petals of the white flower with a bluish tint under the ultraviolet. "They are beautiful aren't they," he added.

This was to be their first real session together and he wasvlooking forward not having to deal with Amanda Rose. It had become very ear that putting aside their differences was not on the menu. "Welcome to my little project. I have started to call it my noctarium because of the ultraviolet light and the flowers in here are night bloomers. I hope you don't mind the moths, they help with the pollination proccess."

"You pollinate much?" she asked.

"Fortunately for everyone else, no," he replied with a snicker. "I do not think the universe could handle a new a new batch of little gremlins running around when they grow up," noted Percy. "If you haven't heard yet, I am Ontario's resident troublemaker. As far as pollinating flowers go, then yes, I do tend to pollinate quite frequently."

"Pollinating can be good," she said. "Especially with flowers." She looked at him for a moment, assessing him. "Gremlins? Did you feed a Mogwai after midnight? I've always wanted a Mogwai."

Percy smiled "Oh you have no idea how much I would love a Mogwai, a Tribble, anything cute and fuzzy like that," replied the Half-Tellarite who then blushed a bit because his thoughts went to someone that he found cute and a little fuzzy, the ship's Chief Intelligence Officer.

"No gremlins fed after midnight, but good grief do I get myself in a bit of trouble. I love this ship, but I always feel lost here too."

"So tell me, why do you feel lost? From what I hear, you are quite...busy."

Percy sighed. "That's a really long drawn-out story," he replied initially and walked over to a work station, sliding the chair out and over to LuAnn. "Have a seat. You'll be here a while, so I hope you've cleared your schedule. He flashed a small awkward smile.

"The one person that I look up to and admire does not trust me. She does not believe that I respect nor admire her, and that makes me feel lost. No matter how hard I try, I just mess up."

LuAnn turned her full attention to Percy. "Who do you look up to and admire? Why do you feel she doesn't trust you? Because you mess up, or because you keep trying things you know won't be approved?" She raised an eyebrow. "I read about the killer plomeek. Did you consider a saddle?"

Percy shook his head. "No, it isn't the science projects and mishaps. It feels like there's something else. I am sure my little projects don't help matters, but I cannot help but shake the feeling that she does not trust me as an officer. It's Commander Vetur, the First Officer. She's the closest thing I have to a parent aboard the Ontario."

"Considering your behavior since you joined the Ontario, do you think you've done enough to gain her trust?" LuAnn turned to look at another flower while she waited for his answer. Sometimes it was better not to stare down someone if you wanted an honest answer.

Percy paced around a bit and leaned against a bulkhead and let out a heavy sigh. "Counsellor, I have spent my whole life trying to win my parents' approval, to make them proud of me. I still am trying to do that through my science projects. My behavior has been problematic and I openly admit that I have not handled things very well" confessed the Chief Science Officer.

"Making Commander Vetur proud of me is the only opportunity I have aboard the Ontario to make someone proud of me. My father never will be, and my mother passed away shortly before I came aboard. I know that I act like a spoiled brat and a rebellious teenager at times, but I did not exactly have a normal childhood if a childhood at all."

"That's quite insightful," LuAnn said, wondering how far she could trust him based on what she'd read. "Do you often act out to gain attention?"

Percy shrugged "Not consciously no, but my mother's death hit me hard even though I knew it was coming. She had a rare disease that shortened her life, but my family knew she had it from when I was a teenager. It was what pushed me into science and studying plants...why I am bouncing from project to project. I was looking for a cure or at least a better treatment."

"That's a worthwhile goal." She pulled out her PADD and made some notes. "How long has she been gone?"

Percy's arm trembled a bit. He wished Yiv was there with him now, maybe his strength would help stabilize the science officer. "Approximately a month Earth time. We had her service in time just before I had to make my way to the Ontario" explained Percy. "So, it hasn't been that long. I probably should have requested leave, but I did not want to put off the chance at serving aboard the Ontario."

LuAnn nodded. "Yes, if you'd taken leave you would have been reassigned," she replied casually. He didn't need her to answer as he already knew that information. "You said that acting out got you nowhere with your family. Did it get you anywhere with Starfleet? And if not, why continue to do it?"

Percy nodded "Well, I wasn't burning Risian fertility symbols on the Captain's door on my previous postings or getting swept up in a romance whirlwind with another member of the crew. So...maybe I did not act out, but I was all over the place and worked really hard on my projects. As crazy as they have been at times my superiors kept faith in me and let me do my thing. It paid off and I climbed the ladder to the point that I earned this position on the Ontario. Now, I just need to keep it...somehow. I am my own worst enemy."

"Based on your behavior here, I would have to agree. You are your own worst enemy. So, now you need to become your own best friend. Nobody can succeed for you.

She nodded to the moonflowers. "Things like this are a good outlet for stress. Why did you burn a fertility idol into the Captain's door? Does he wish to procreate?"

"Uh...probably with anything that walks and has breasts and a feminine figure, but that's beside the point," quipped Percy. "I thought he was making the First Officer uncomfortable, and it isn't like I could just walk up to him and slug him across the jaw. So, I thought I would bring women to him. Plus I see the Commander as a second mom to me and nobody wants to see their mom get hurt by some knockoff Captain Kirk."

"A knockoff Captain Kirk? I haven't heard that one before. It's better than lovesick Lothario or voyeuristic Valentino. Do you know for sure that he's chasing every female that gives him a second look, or are you jealous of him because of the first officer?"

Percy scrunched his snoutish nose. "Jealous of the Captain underpants? No, I don't think so. I have found someone for me. Someone I feel a connection with. The Captain can have all the women he wants, and if the Commander likes him that way, that's up to her. I just don't want him bothering her or hurting her, but scuttlebutt around the ship is they spend a lot of time together. So, I think she is interested in him somehow."

"It's possible." LuAnn shrugged. "A lot of things are possible. So, let's get back to your need to get approval from parental figures. How will that change how you see yourself?"

"If I make someone proud, someone like Commander Vetur then I won't feels much like a failure. When my mother died, I felt like I failed her. I was supposed to find something, to make a break through. Life didn't work out that way. All my years of studying plants, trying different things. I discovered some interesting things, but I failed. I couldn't save my mother."

"You can't save everyone," LuAnn said. "Doctors can't, counselors can't, scientists can't. Moondancers can't. People die. What matters is how you remember them. Maybe you couldn't save your mother, but you can live for her. You can be a good person for her."

"I want to be, Counsellor, if not for my mother, then for Commander Vetur, and for Yiv. He deserves someone that's a good person, and not someone that will put his own career in jeopardy." Percy was starting to understand he wasn't alone. His actions affected others.

"That's very true. We never act in a bubble. Every choice, every action, has consequences. Ripples," she said. "Like water on a lake. The ripples spread until they hit a resistance, then they bounce back, or go off in different directions, often crossing each other. Too many ripples, like too many chaotic choices, can be uncomfortable for those around us. Like when you're skinny-dipping and someone throws a large rock into the water. It's not very pleasant, even if you think it's fun."

"So...can we make this a regular thing? I think you actually listen rather than jump in with accusations and forcing individuals to feel or think a certain way about things from a few moments of observation. I would feel comfortable having you as my counsellor. I'm willing to work on being less of a rock in the water if I have your guidance."

"I don't mind making this a regular thing. I like flowers. We could meet here and talk." She wasn't going to comment on whatever counselor he was referring to. She hadn't met them all, and was quite aware that sometimes personalities clashed. Hers did often enough. "I also like moonlight." She looked around. "This may be as close as I get for a while."

Percy smiled and looked gleefully. "That sounds wonderful, would you like to have tea with me during our next sessions together? I have a bit of a collection of tea plants growing in hydroponics and airponics," he explained. "I think tea in here among these moths and moonflowers would be delightful with good company." This was a much better counseling experience than any Percy had in recent memory.

"I love herb tea." Luna smiled. "Herb tea with moonflowers sounds lovely. It's a nice, relaxing environment to talk. I'm glad you've found some things to help you get centered." She didn't say stay centered because she'd read enough about his activities to know better.

Percival laughed almost maniacally for a brief moment, but quickly quelled the laughter with a focused smile. "Ah but let's keep the moonflowers and tea separate," he replied. "They are beautiful flowers yet extremely deadly to those who are not careful. Beware of beautiful things. The plant and the seeds especially could kill us both if consumed and we did not get immediate medical attention."

Then Percy shrugged. "On second thought...I'm half Tellarite, and Tellarites are immune to most toxins. I could be safe and walk away from a deadly tea with a bit of a tummy ache, but let's play it safe and have some nice non-deadly herbal tea."

"Yes. I would prefer not to die over a cup of tea. There's far too much to live for," she said. "And far too many moonlit nights."

He smiled. "I'll keep you safe then," Percy replied. "I agree though, too much to live for and too many stars to explore."

She laughed. "You are not at all what I expected, Lieutenant. However, I think meeting with you could be good for both of us."

"I am often not one expects to meet, but I never disappoint," he noted. "I'm sure you have a busy schedule with the crew we have."

"More than usual," she admitted. "Even though Lieutenant Rose sees most of them." Generally, that allowed her time to make visits to sickbay and to check on the general mental health of the crew by going there and to the lounge. But on the Ontario, there seemed to be more need of a counselor than usual.

Percy shrugged. "All the better to pencil me into your schedule whenever you want to stop by. I am likely in one of the science labs if I am not on the bridge of course, because I am the Chief Science Officer, and there are bridge stations for that," he chuckled.

"Why does that remind me of the Big Bad Wolf?" she asked. "Or one of them. I know of at least two in different fairy tales."

"I don't know but I am no wolf nor am I bad," he replied. "As for you? I think you are far smarter than little red riding hood. You are a smart one, a very observant individual, and you have a unique way of looking at things."

"So I've been told." She laughed. "Unique is a nice way of putting it. Some just call me looney."

"Ah well, I have a counselor recently who I think wants to label me a sociopath. Though I have sociopathic tendencies, I do not believe I have check enough boxes from the Federation's most recent DSM to diagnose me as such, but I'll leave that in your capable hands."

"Sociopathy, like psychopathy, is a spectrum, not an on/off switch. You can be a sociopath and a mostly-functioning adult at the same time."

"Fortunately for me, I'm hardly functioning," he teased. "Until our next meeting, Counselor." Percy smiled and wondered how their next session would go. At least he had not scared her off.

She half-bowed. "Until next time, Lieutenant." Then she turned and walked out, humming.


Lieutenant Percival Bálor, Ph.D
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood
USS Ontario


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