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Stuck In Time

Posted on Sun Jan 30th, 2022 @ 12:25pm by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Edited on on Sun Feb 20th, 2022 @ 2:58am

2,402 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Ontario Conference Room


Grace arranged to have the Captain and first officer of the Resolute and the Commander and Sub Commander of the Relentless to meet with a few of the Ontario's officers to inform them that they were now in 2395 and would not be able to return to their former time. She expected their reaction to be...mixed.

It was the Ontario's Chief Science Officer that briskly watched through the doorway, crossing the threshold, something that the crew of the Resolute had done in a temporal sense only they were not going to be able to return. Lieutenant Percival Bálor's hair was braided, a single yellow zinnia pinned to braided strands pulled horizontally.

He glanced over at Commander Vetur as he entered, a brief exchanged non-verbally said a thousand words. Though Percy merely greeted the woman with a prompt "Commander," and proceeded to take a seat.

Grace nodded at him.

A moment later, Romana sailed into the room. "Why have you brought me here?" she demanded.

"When the others arrive, I'll be happy to tell you," Grace said calmly.

The Romulan glared at Grace and sat regally in a chair.

Anahera entered the room, dismissing the Security officer that had escorted the Romulan Commander, and took a seat.

Grace nodded to Chernova. "Welcome."

"Thank you, Commander." Anahera replied an turned her sights to Romana.

The Romulan looked her over and raised an eyebrow. "Hostility? I was invited here."

"Let's just call it 'caution', shall we?" Anahera said. "I love the sash; red is definitely your colour." She added.

"It's too bad you no longer wear red yourself. It was always a good color for your security," she countered. There was clearly no reason for dissembling now.

"Indeed." Anahera said. "Unfortunately, people high above my pay grade, get to decide those sorts of things." She added.

"That is a universal truth, is it not?" Romana countered.

Amanda wondered why she had been summoned again. It must have been important if the XO had called for her. Noting that Percy had already beaten her into the room, she let her eyes immediately slide away into another direction. More surprising was that the Romulan Commander was on board from the ancient ship. Amanda's eyes shifted to Grace, silently asking the question of "why?" before saying, "Commander Vetur and Commander...." At this point Amanda realized that she had no recollection or knowledge of the Romulan Commander's name and attempted not to allow herself to blush.

'Romana!' Yiv exclaimed as he entered the room, almost colliding with Amanda such was his haste and surprise. His eyes flicked to Vetur, then to Percy, then back to the Romulan Commanding Officer before he managed his most winning smile. 'What a delightful surprise to see you here!' The Efrosian quickly advanced and took a seat at the table.

The Romulan smiled at Yiv. "I doubt you are surprised, but I appreciate that someone approves of my presence. It is good to see you again as well."

Grace nodded at Yiv and Amanda as they entered.

Hearing the Romulan state that she was pleased that someone was pleased at her presence and watching Yiv be excited to see the Romulan worried Amanda. It was becoming apparent that Yiv fluttered like a leaf in the wind and caution was not something he knew. She was still upset with Yiv and yet at the same time still attracted to him. She bit her lip, wondering exactly what she should say, and wondered if it would make her sound like a jilted lover.

When the invitees had arrived, Grace introduced everyone and then began. "thank you for coming. While we've been assisting with repairs, we've been researching how you got here and if we can get you back home." She paused to activate a 3D hologram of the system they were currently in with the nebula prominently in the center. "From what we've learned, your skirmish in the nebula, along with its chemical composition, location, and size, caused a spatial anomaly that sent you both ahead to the year 2395."

Romana's eyes sparkled with interest now that they were finally admitting what she'd assumed.

"A little of this, a little of that, set the mood and some chemical X, and boom a little push and pull...2395" commented Percy. "Best I can tell for the time being. It was a spatial potluck. You brought something, the Federation starship brought something, and those ingredients under the right condition brought you here" explained the Chief Science Officer.

"I've always said that life was just a mixture of physics and chemistry." Anahera remarked.

"Poetic," Percy replied, commenting on Anahera's description. "Poetry and science aside, this is the situation we have. People in a time they should not be in, no offense."

"None taken," Romana replied wryly. She had little faith in this scientist based on his comments.

She turned to Grace. "Your science makes no sense."

"No. Our science makes perfect sense. Our Chief Science Officer is another matter. The bottom line is, too much has changed in the chemical composition of the nebula for you to go back. We've sent a message to the nearest Romulan settlement to help you get settled."

"We know our way home," Romana said haughtily.

"That's the other thing we need to tell you. Romulus was destroyed when the Hobus star exploded." The first officer stood and handed Romana and the other Captain a PADD. "That's the information we can share."

The Starfleet captain had remained quiet. He didn't seem surprised, either. "We'll escort you to the nearest Starbase."

The doors opened up and Elijah walked in. "The Romulan Star Empire is no longer the power it used to be in your time." He said to both of the Ships officers and then to his crew. "Centuries of control and dominance for the most part kept the region stable....Until now." The Captain replied as he stood out of the way. "Now your home is a lawless and desolate frontier, if you do go to the Romulan Colony it won't be the same as when you left."

"Captain." Elijah said to his counterpart in Starfleet gold. "On behalf of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet, welcome to 2395 and I am informing you that your orders are to leave Dreadex at your best possible speed and return to Federation Space, we can escort both of you part of the way but the rest is up to you."

Romana frowned. "Captain. Your first officer said she had contacted my people and they would rendezvous with us. Now you come in and tell me my empire is lawless and desolate?"

"Well Commander Vetur is a very good diplomat as well as First Officer." Elijah responded as he gave Grace a smile, only briefly but with a lot of care. "She's worked tirelessly to make the Romulans that you are meeting......Are the good guys."

"Not Tal'Shiar," Grace added. "They're one of the two factions."

Romana raised an eyebrow, then inclined her head to Grace. "That is...appreciated."

"It's the best we can do. I don't think you'd appreciate being taken to a Starbase."

"No," the Romulan replied.

"They should be here in two days," Grace continued. "We'll ensure you have everything you need, but there's no threat of attack here."

Again, the Romulan nodded.

Lieutenant Percival Bálor remained silent though his thoughts were on the Romulan colonies that were out there. Some of those aren't that hospitable thought Percy. He was thinking about the limited resources and even then, the marauders and raiders that plundered the more remote colonies. Still, Percy was certain Grace wasn't about to let these Romulans just dropped on a colony that was unsuitable.

Grace looked from the Romulans to the Captain and First Officer. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions. We've been instructed to give you nothing more than is on the PADDs. For now. You'll be briefed later. Adapting will...take time."

Feeling a wave of sadness wash over him, Yiv observed the Romulan subcommander take all this in her stride. I can only imagine how awful I would feel if I found out that the Federation had simply ceased to exist while I hopped forward in time. In truth, his heart ached for Romana who had only shown him kindness, and Starfleet offered what, a partial escort to a devastated political entity. We can do better than that, surely?.

Amanda blinked at Yiv as she unbelievingly watched his eyes expressing sympathy for the Romulan subcommander. She looked back at the subcommander who did not protest and seemed more than satisfied with the answer. She was up to something. Amanda knew it. But what?

Romana said nothing for several moments. "I would like to speak to the people I will be meeting," she said. Outwardly she remained controlled, but the information was unsettling and unwelcome. She stood and sighed. "I thank you for the information." She looked at Yiv. "Will you escort me?"

Amanda interjected, "Subcommander, your escort will be determined by the Captain or Commander, not you." The counselor then turned to the Captain and firmly requested, "Captain, I would request that if the subcommander requires an escort, that it be me."

A flash of irritation snarled Yiv's features for a split second as he looked up at the Counsellor. She risks insulting the Romulans by barking orders at them. Doesn't she think I'm up to the task? That I don't know Romulans?

If there had been popcorn, this would have been an apropos time for it. Percy had just kept his mouth shut, something he suspected Amanda was probably happy about. Though by the sound of tone and body language, this meeting was teetering between melodrama and telenovela. "I believe that Lieutenant Commander Vetur was part of the Diplomatic Corps for several years and respectfully, holds a doctoral degree in Psychology. Add in her command experience, I would say both she and Lieutenant Rose would be appropriate escorts for our guest."

"Lieutenant Rose, you are out of line," Grace said coolly. "The Sub-Commander is entirely within her right to ask for someone specific to assist her. I believe Commander Ra-Gruvloveii is an excellent choice."

She nodded to Yiv before turning to Romana. "I apologize for the counselor's response. Please, go ahead. The commander will assist you."

Romana looked at Amanda for a moment, then nodded to Grace. "Thank you." She went to the door and paused to wait for Yiv so they could leave together.

Amanda silently fumed. Things on this ship started so well. Then Grace took the Captain and now the Commander was not listening to reason. Could she not see that Yiv was under this Romulan's influence? She was risking the ship!

That went a little differently than I expected thought Percy. He wasn't disappointed though. It was not his place to really say anything. He had no comment to make. Instead, he just remained seated and observed the individuals in the room uncertain if the drama was over or had it just begun?

Anahera had listened to what the others had said, which she found difficult. Perhaps the El-Aurian gene for listening skipped her. "I know it’s a Diplomatic mission, but I like to make sure those of the crew, taking part, have their phaser certifications up to date before they leave the ship." She said.

Grace raised an eyebrow. "You may check, but I will not recall Commander Ra-Gruvloveii if he isn't." However, the intel officer did not seem the type to let something like that slide.

She turned to Amanda. "Lieutenant Rose, please accompany the captain and first officer back to the Resolute."

As he got to his feet, Yiv shot a glance in Vetur's direction, 'I assume I'm dismissed then, ma'am?'

Grace nodded. "You are. Thank you."

Returning the nod, Yiv flashed another smile, 'my pleasure, Commander.' He collected his PADD and flashed Percy a smile, and Amanda a jaunty wave as he went.

Amanda narrowed her eyes at Yiv and scrunched her face. She knew the Romulan was playing games. Why would anyone not listen? Why was she a counselor here? Perhaps I should consider transferring again? Mentally she sighed. She did not think it would reflect well on her to transfer so soon again but somehow between Grace, Percy, and Yiv, she did not know that she could handle the ship anymore. Without conveying her thoughts, she simply responded, "Yes, Commander. I will go to the Resolute."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Grace replied.

She turned to Anahera. "Keep your eyes on both ships for now. I don't want any problems before we turn them over to their respective authorities."

"Yes, ma'am." Anahera replied. "I hope the Romulan engineers know what they're doing, I don't like the idea of being so close to a potentially unstable singularity." She'd seen first-hand what happens when they go, blamo.

"As do I," Grace admitted. "But I am more concerned with their reaction to more recent events." At least it would be difficult--if not impossible-- to get back to their own time.

"Indeed. I lived through that time and it was a lot different from now." Anahera replied.

Grace looked around at those remaining. "Anything else we need to address? If not, you're dismissed."

"Excellent," replied Percy standing and stretching his legs a bit. "I have some Diomedian scarlet moss growing that I need to tend to." He looked at Grace and snorted. "Don't worry, Commander. It is perfectly harmless."

She smiled. "I hope so."

When everyone else had left, Grace leaned back and closed her eyes. That went better than she'd feared--and worse. Percy had been a model of restraint. Amanda, however, had surprised her. She shook her head. She didn't think she'd ever be able to repair the friendship they once had. And, after the meeting, she wasn't sure she wanted to. She stood and slowly made her way back to her office to file a report with Starfleet Command.


Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence & Second Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Bálor, Ph.D
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Security Chief
USS Ontario

Captain Elijah Michaels
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario


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