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Down in the Lobes

Posted on Thu Apr 21st, 2022 @ 4:52pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D

1,196 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain


An alarm sounded on the Bridge, indicating that they were now within sensor range of the Ferengi ship. "On screen," Grace said. She was eager to get a first-hand look at the ship and its damage.

Anahera performed scans on the vessel. "Commander, the damage is consistent with disruptor fire." She said. The Security Chief kept shields up and phasers on standby. Caution was the word of the day when dealing with Ferengi, even under Grand Nagus Rom's more enlighten regime.

"Agreed," Grace said, looking at the scans. "We also don't know if this is some sort of a trap." She pressed the yellow alert button on her console to alert the ship as a whole.

As soon as the yellow alert went on, Amanda made her way to the bridge. Once there, she asked, "What's going on? Is there something that I can help with?"

Grace turned to Amanda. "I'd like you to pay attention to what's going on, especially with the Ferengi, and give me your assessment of the situation." Betazoids were blind to Ferengi, but as a counselor, the other woman might pick up on quirks or behaviors that could be of value.

"Yellow Alert activated." Anahera reported. "I have my eyes peeled for any sign of deception." She added.

"Of course," Amanda replied cheerfully, knowing that with the Ferengi, she might actually have an advantage over other counselors.

Grace then turned to the operations officer. "Open a channel."

For the most part Elijah sat back and allowed Grace the chance to take the lead on this one. She was a highly qualified Diplomat and had served in numerous roles where situations like this took place. He may be the Captain of the Ship. But even he knew when to defer to the right right moments. "After you, Number One," he gestured for her to continue.

Grace nodded at the Captain. "This is the USS Ontario. What assistance do you require?"

There was an audible agitation in the Ferengi's initial response. "Hu-Mon female of the Federation," came the response. All the Ferengi needed was to hear Grace's voice and the ship's identification. "I am Daimon Cenk of the Ferengi shuttle Illustrious Latinum. Lobeless thieving scoundrels have attacked my vessel and stolen my profitable cargo. We...require assistance repairing our vessel. My idiot cousin is an incompetent engineer, and an even worse cargo guard."

"Daimon Cenk, we will be happy to send over Lieutenant Mizuhara and a team of engineers to assist you." There was every chance the Ferengi would need more extensive repairs and possibly an escort, but that would need to be determined later.

"A considerable offer," replied the Ferengi Daimon. He said nothing further for a few moments. It was in the momentary silence that some of the Ontario crew could contemplate, observe, and theorize. "We will accept your assistance of engineers."

Elijah sat and observed the reaction to the Ferengi and it was amazing how much they were quick to call for assistance in the name of Profit. It was staggering that someone was more interested in Cordanium than latinum.

Sat at the rear near at one of the mission consoles tugging at one of his whiskers as he listened to the Ferengi, Yiv frowned. He wondered why their cargo had been so ill-guarded. Surely not even a Ferengi would venture out here whilst skimping on the protection.

The Ferengi Daimon was quick to continue the discussion. "How much compensation do you require for your assistance?" inquired the Ferengi. He had a tone in his voice that was hollow confidence masking something and underlying with suspicion.

"No monetary compensation will be necessary," Grace replied. "Our help is freely given. However, we would appreciate information on the pirates and your dealings with the HTA."

"Freely given?" The Ferengi nearly keeled over. With disgust, his shrill voice ricocheted a snort. "Hu-Mons. There is no profit in giving away goods or services for free. That's repulsive. We will provide compensation, to do otherwise would be Un-Ferengi."

Elijah raised a smirk. Even in times like this the Ferengi still wanted to pay their way, admirable in some circumstances. “I think we can accommodate your Ship for that information as well, call it mutual benefit.” The Captain responded.

The Ferengi smirked. "A deal is a deal," replied the Daimon. Until it isn't he added exclusively as a thought. "Federation starship, we await your arrival."

Since the captain had stepped in to deal with the Ferengi, he had clearly decided to take charge. Grace turned to him. "Your orders?"

Elijah looked at her. “You oversee the repairs and the investigation. You’re the Diplomat after all.” He nodded. “I’ll see what we can spare in the Ship’s inventory that we can use to coax a little bit more information from them, since they care about profit and loss it makes sense we adapt to their way of thing.” He responded to her. “It might loosen a few tongues and jog a few memories.”

Grace nodded. "I'll have a team ready within the hour." She was already running through a mental list of the people she wanted with her.

Amanda looked at the Captain and the Commander, "Something is wrong here. The Ferengi have been too quick to accept our assistance. They say their valuable cargo was stolen but say little about it. And then, they accept 'free' help after insisting that there be a price. Something is very wrong here. They should be more suspicious by nature. I don't know what is wrong, but I would request to go aboard and try and assist in figuring that out." She shrugged her shoulders a bit and said, "I may not be an engineer and they may not be thrilled with a dressed woman, but I can pretend to be one and maybe discover their motivations."

"You don't need to pretend to be an engineer," Grace said. "We're also going over to get information. I don't know if they're in desperate need or if they're lying to us, but we do need to go over and investigate."

"As you wish, Commander," Amanda replied, not convinced that being completely straightforward was wise.

Grace sighed. "Duly noted." She sent out a message to the people she felt best for the team and asked them to join her in the transporter room in twenty minutes.

"Now, if you will excuse me, I need to get a few things for the trip." She nodded to Elijah and Amanda before walking off the bridge.

Amanda gave a small smile, feeling that a small victory had been won. Grace was going to consider her suggestion. Considering how things had been lately on the ship, especially with Percy being the terror that he was, Amanda was happy to take the small victory.

>>Final Tags?<<


Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence and Second Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security and Tactical Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Captain Elijah Michaels
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario

Daimon Cenk
[NPC by Percy Bálor]


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