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Not a fun or perfect first interaction

Posted on Tue Jan 26th, 2021 @ 6:02am by Crewman Apprentice Talee Malena & Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara

622 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Engineering

=/= Begin Log =/=

....sighing Talee walked into engineering knowing that sooner or later she would actually need to meet her new chief engineer, truthfully she didn't care who it was, as long as they weren't who she had to deal with on the Ganymede.

Talee looked over the jobs que board looking for something, anything to keep her out of engineering as much as possible, to yet again avoid meeting her new chief. "Ah-ha," said quietly placing her name to several jobs, that would keep her out of engineering for the majority of her shift, but before she could leave she was spotted as she collected her tools, "pinché," she muttered under her breath slipping into her Boomer creole.

"What'cha doing?" A voice said as a nearby hatch opened. A brown-haired young woman peeked out from the hatch upside down.

{What do you mean what I am doing?} Talee thought, {...I am on duty and getting ready to work on reducing the jobs que,} she continued to think, "I am heading to the shuttle bay to work on some structural work for some fo the shuttles, and...," but she closed her mouth as she continued to collect her tools.

The woman grinned. "Need a hand? I haven't seen the shuttlebay properly yet and I thought that I've been all over this ship! This Ambassador Class is much bigger than I expected" she grinned.

{You are in Starfleet, not only in Starfleet but a lieutenant and you haven't seen a shuttle bay,} Talee thought allowing an inward sigh, "if you must lieutenant," Talee said finishing collecting her tool and slipping the over-the-shoulder bag over her head, as she shook her head, {what must I do to be able to work on something alone} she thought.

Haruna grinned. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention. I'm Haruna by the way, Haruna Mizuhara, resident girl genius and chief engineer on this boat" she explained.

"Talee Malena, damage control specialist," she said trying to not stare daggers at her new department head, {girl-genus, really} Talee thought, "anyhoo, I gotta get on these repairs and so on, I'll check in with your end of the shift, yeah?" Talee said hoping that would be enough.

Haruna stood there a little surprised. She trotted around until she was stood in the other woman's path. She leaned forward as if examining the other engineer. "You're not too sure what to think about me are you?" she asked curiously.

Talee didn't know what to say, {frankly, I don't care,} she thought all she wanted to do was get to work, finish her shift and get to her bunk. "No, I just want to get back to work," she finally said.

A grin stretched across Haruna's face. "Now, I know you're lying. Or at least trying to and failing. Can't get past a girl genius like me" she explained. She straightened up and puffed out her chest, which was still rather flat for her age and figure. "No need to worry, I'll be your friend. You seem to need one."

{Are you shitting me,} Talee thought, "look, I don't need a friend, especially my superior, I am here to do a job, and I'll do it to the best of my ability," Talee said, "but everything else is my time," she added.

Haruna seemed to pout. "You think you're a right hard ass don't you?" she said sulkily. "Well fine then Crewman Tsun. I'll let you get on with your day if it is that precious to you."

Talee grabbed her stuff and walked out of engineering and headed for her first destination.

"Keep an eye on that one Haruna" Haruna muttered to herself as she watched the crewman leave. "She's no fun"

=/= End Log =/=


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