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Meeting Science

Posted on Sun Feb 7th, 2021 @ 7:41am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Arev

715 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Main Science


Grace had yet to meet the new Chief Science Officer. She made some time when she wasn't knee-deep in paperwork to go down to science and see how the new chief was doing.

Arev was seated at a console in the main science lab, his eyes trained on the display as he researched the molecular structure of the substance they were in search of. It was a truly fascinating mineral, with properties he had been surprised by, and while the experience of exploring a completely uncharted region of space was, in itself, likely to be incredibly fulfilling, he still found himself drawn more to the paradox of cordanium.

Hearing the doors off to his left swish open with a hiss of their pneumatic systems he turned and watched as a woman he did not know entered the room. She was dressed in command red, and had the pips of a lieutenant commander. Above that was a serious, but attractive face, and a mane of grey hair, darkening to black at the tips.

"Lieutenant Commander, how may I be of assistance?" he asked.

"I came to meet you and see if your department has any needs," she said. "I'm the first officer and part of my job is to make sure you have what you need."

"We seem to have been adequately supplied for our mission," Arev replied. He had gone over the ship's supplies inventory for the science section, and had been surprised, but gratified that the supply teams had seemed to have taken into account the science heavy aspect of what was going to be happening on their immediate mission. "I do not believe I have any specific needs at this time that have not already been met." he added.

"Good. Starfleet is usually good about making sure we have what we need, but sometimes things fall through the cracks," Grace said. "Do you have everyone from your department on board?"

"With the exception of a few minor positions, yes. I am still awaiting a crewman from xenoarchaeology, as well as two lab technicians," Arev replied. "It is my understanding that they will all have reported aboard within the next hour." he added.

"Is there anything specific you need from sciences, Commander?" he then asked, wishing to ensure that every possible base could be covered. If there was a project she had need of their assistance with he would need to work it into their current schedules, and ensure that it was given the proper weight as measured against the needs of the mission.

"Not at the moment," she replied. "But I'm sure you and your department will be needed often in the coming days. I like to know who I'll be working with so I can best utilize your strengths." If she wasn't aware of the crew's expertise, she would only be able to ask general questions, and she liked to use everyone's skills.

"A most logical approach, Commander. My skillset lies most strongly along the lines of evolutionary biology, though I do also have training in many other branches of science, and my team, of course would be able to supply any data I am not proficient in." Arev replied.

"Science is one of the most varied departments in Starfleet. That's one of its strengths," she replied. "Have you had many opportunities to use evolutionary biology since leaving the Academy?"

"Yes, I have. During my eleven years aboard the Windsor I was the ship's biologist and was able to put my skills to direct use. Afterwards, on the Oberon as the Assistant Chief and then the Chief Science officer I still was able to do so from time to time, though understandably not quite as much as my role shifted to a more supervisory role." Arev replied.

"Yes, advancement does tend to do that. I'm not sure I want to be more than a first officer." Grace paused. "I think you'll be a good addition to the Ontario senior staff."

Arev nodded, "I am gratified to hear of your confidence in me," he said.

"Your record speaks for itself." She gave him a half-bow. "I've taken enough of your time. If there's anything you need, please let me know."


Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Arev
Chief Science Officer


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