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Reporting on the HTA

Posted on Wed May 5th, 2021 @ 9:02am by Commander Grace Vetur & Captain Elijah Michaels

1,572 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: After "Building 62"


When the shuttle docked, Grace thanked the other three and went to her quarters to change. She wanted to shower because she felt unclean after dealing with the Halcion Trade Authority. She had a feeling she wasn't done with them, either. Especially after the notice on the building after they left, but she really should report to the Captain first. He needed to know what she discovered--and what she'd done.

She stripped off her clothes and dropped them in a hamper to wash. For several moments she stared at them, tempted to drop them in the replicator to recycle instead. The HTA made her angry and uncomfortable at the same time. The clothes reminded her of that meeting. She turned to put on a uniform. She'd think about it later. Right now, she had a report to make.

Once dressed, she went to her desk long enough to copy the data from her earring tricorder to her computer and then to a blank PADD. "Computer, location of Captain Michaels."

"Captain Michaels is in the Observation Lounge."

"Thanks." It didn't matter, but she liked to be polite, even to the ship's computer.

When she walked into the lounge she stopped, suddenly hyper-aware of the Captain. She had no idea why, unless it was her conversation with Amanda earlier. It wasn't envy of her friend, the counselor deserved every happiness. Perhaps it was more her own...lack, heightened by her experience with the HTA. Yes. That was it. She pushed the unwelcome feelings away and continued walking over to the table. "I thought you should hear my report in person."

"Well considering you've just completed your first Away Mission as XO of a Starship I think that would be best." Elijah replied as he sat there with a cup of tea. He looked at Grace. And since she'd been back she seemed different, almost as it she'd changed her personality.

"Yes, sir." She ran a hand through her hair, a little distracted. Her run-in was not something she was happy about. She set the PADD on the table and sat down. "The merchants are skittish and don't want to talk about the Halcion Trade Authority. All they'd tell me was to go to Building 62. Even the people on the streets shied away from strangers. So, after your approval, Amanda and I went there to ask some questions." She didn't mention she wanted Amanda to stay at the shuttle to wait for the others.

"It's the corporate headquarters of the HTA on the planet. At least it's where you go to apply for a business license. I asked for the paperwork. I said I was interested in opening a bookshop." She pushed the PADD in front of the Captain. "This is the agreement they wanted me to sign."

Elijah took the PADD and scrolled through it with a few pauses inbetween. "Christ, even the Ferengi wouldn't stoop so low to agree to some of these terms."

"That contract is predatory. It's practically extortion. I wouldn't sign it. I told the man at the desk I wanted forty-eight hours to think about it. But I had to put my thumbprint on a PADD and pay a fee just to be able to consider doing business." She paused, looking at the Captain again. "After that contract, I verified the PADD. It was a simple agreement that I paid the fee to be able to think about it."

She hesitated again, biting her lip. "Even though I was careful, I'm afraid I got in trouble. I used the tricorder in my earring to record the contract, and the conversation up to where I paid..." She again ran a hand through her hair. "He knew somehow that I had a recording device. It's apparently against the law. Two men with weapons came to arrest me and Amanda and...I fought back." She wasn't very proud of herself, but she wasn't going to let them arrest her, either. If the contract was bad, the punishment for breaking a law would be worse.

"Well as First Contacts go it isn't your finest hour is it Commander?" He asked her as he paused to sip his tea. "This region of space is uncharted and wild, we knew that we would be walking into a hornets nest when we left."

"Yes, but I had no idea I'd be in trouble for recording a document." Her inherent honesty made her add, "I may have broken a legitimate law. If I did, I could go back and turn myself in."

"You could do but based on this documentation and also how they reacted to you, it would be career suicide. " Elijah responded. "When we were waiting for the Away Team we listened in on some chatter and it appears that Halcion have quite the reach."

"I'm pretty sure by the time I got out of whatever they call a prison I'd be too old for Starfleet," she said wryly. "But if they are the legitimate ruling authority, Starfleet may not give me a chance." She met his gaze again. If they were going to have a good working relationship, she needed to be open and up front with him. "I don't want to, but I also don't want to get you or the crew in trouble."

"Whatever the outcome is we face it together." He responded with a smile, "Ontario still has a mission to complete and Dreadex is a big place." He finished his cup. "I doubt they'd find us right away."

"I hope you're right. I'll look into their claim on the area. There's a good chance I have legal ground for my actions." She felt better, but she didn't like breaking the law. As a diplomat, it had been her job to help mediate and find ways to work within the law, not break it.

"This area used to be a borderland of Romulan Space, I guess when the Empire crumbled so did the foothold on Dreadex." Elijah responded.

"There was no information about the HTA being in control before we got here," she said, thinking over the information she'd read on the area.

"It's possible that the Romulans kept them in check up until Hobus, they were restricted to their borders." Elijah commented. "But with no overlords they are filling the void."

"Makes sense. The other team had some trouble, too. Commander Chernova got into a fight with a guard. And then she ordered Yiv to use hte shuttle's phasers to cut through the doors while she disabled a tractor beam."

"Of course she did." Elijah sighed. He got up and walked over to the window of the Observation Lounge. "You know its funny in the grand scheme of things, we come here as the spearhead of a new exploration campaign and yet instead of finding Cordanium we find trouble."

"Afraid so. The HTA is going to be difficult to work around. With your permission, I'll look through the database and then see if I can connect with some old friends to learn more about their control of this area. For the sake of peace in the sector, we should find out more about what's going on."

"Agreed." Elijah said to her. He then turned back around. "Do you have any plans for dinner?" He asked switching from his formal to informal tone.

That caught her off-guard for a moment, then she remembered they were going to have dinner together from time to time in order to help build a working relationship. Why that now bothered her, she had no idea. "No," she replied softly. "No plans."

"Join me?" He asked her smiling, softly and friendly. A little different to his usual on Bridge persona.

Her eyes met his for a moment. This was a different side of Elijah and she had to admit, she liked it. She returned his smile. "I'd like that. Casual?" That was a dumb question. Of course it would be casual.

"Of course." He smiled back at her as he walked over to the desk he was sat at previously. "I'm making a risotto from a family recipe." The Captain replied.

She raised an eyebrow. "That sounds lovely. Do you want me to bring anything?" She was back on an even keel now.

"I guess something to accompany it would be great." He responded to her.

"Red or white wine?" she asked, not sure what type of meat he was using.

"White wine works. I'm using white meat so that goes with it perfectly." He commented. "If you don't mind chicken of course?"

"Not at all. Do you have dessert planned?" she asked, thinking about options if he didn't.

"How does cheesecake sound?" He asked.

"I love cheesecake." She smiled again. "So the only question I have now is, what time do you want me?"

"I'll see you at 18:00 hours Commander." He replied flashing her a smile, a lot more laid back than his usual ones. "That'll be all for the moment."

"Yes, sir. See you tonight." She smiled again and headed to her office. She had a report to file and a number of queries to make before the end of her shift.

Elijah sat back down and looked at the reports of the away team. It was certainly an interesting first contact to say the least.


Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario


Captain Elijah Michaels
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario


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