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Mon Aug 9th, 2021 @ 6:40am

Petty Officer 3rd Class Pim

Name Pim

Position Encryption Specialist

Rank Petty Officer 3rd Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran x Cardassian hybrid
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 152cm (5’0”)
Weight 46kg (101 lbs)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Pim's black hair is shoulder length and has a pierced nose as well as the Bajoran earnings.

A wasp tattoo about two centimeters long is on her neck, along with a tattooed loop around the biceps of her left arm, another loop around her left ankle, and finally a Chinese symbol on her hip and a rose on her left calf.

But her biggest and well more most impressive tattoo is a large tattoo of a dragon on her back that runs from her shoulder, down her spine, and ends on her buttocks.


Father Mumogs Deja (Cardassian/deceased)
Mother Mizah Aoll (Bajoran/deceased)
Other Family Oohuu (Surrogate Mother/Bajoran/deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Has anti-social tendencies; like trust issues and wanting be alone, for Pim these are directly related to what has happened in her past. Her trust issues stem from everyone that she has cared for has left her whether in death or just leaving.
Strengths & Weaknesses Pim’s strength laid in tech; soft and hardware, this was skill that she picked up at an early age a natural skill. As she was teaching herself to code this was when she also learned how to hack. Her other skill was digital arts which was also a hobby/interest for her.

As good as Pim was at the computer stuff she struggled well with everything else in life. Not necessarily leading to panic attacks but she does and has lashed out when things have gotten stressful. And there is a lot of effort to get her trust or even just building it.
Hobbies & Interests Digital Art/Coding

Personal History When Marva IV (2369) was still a Cardassian controlled planet in the DMV a Bajoran women named Mizah Aoll was a shop owner one of the few Bajorans in the settlements on Marva IV. Mumogs Deja was a male Cardassian tailor/cobbler very similar to personality of Garek. They met at the only bar in the settlement it was one of those "love at first sight" things. And it wasn't long before their relationship turned physical which they had to keep a secret as Bajoran/Cardassian feelings were still heated.

After about 3 months of them seeing each other in secret Mizah learned she was pregnant and terrified of what might happen if anyone found out. Luckily Mumogs knew the settlements doctor well and that he didn't care what species his patients were they were patients who needed his help. So he helped keep their secret safe and at the end of the pregnancy (2369) helped deliver the child. But the problem was in 2370 Marva IV had a force eviction of all Cardassians after it was transferred to the Federation; Pim was 1. And shortly after this was done the Marquis moved in quickly dispatching of any Cardassian's that remained.

So in 2376 the Maquis; for prejudice reasons, took Mumogs and essentially lynched him near the school that Pim went to. So Pim was the first one to see her father's body after seeing it she was 6 at the time and went mute for almost a year and with the settlement as it was there wasn't really a qualified counselor to help Pim with what she saw. The death of Mumogs also took its toll on Mizah more physically than emotionally even though emotionally Mizah was devastated. The setttlement's doctor classified it as "broken heart" syndrome. A few months into 2377 when Pim was 7 her mother was hospitalized 'cause her heart muscles were so weak that it was having trouble beating the doctor gave her just days to live.

Like the doctor predicted Mizah was dead by the next morning leaving the 7 year old Pim to the settlements government to deal with. And with the Maquis in control of the settlement no one wanted to take care of a "mutt" so she was ostracized. It wasn't until 2380 when she was 10 a Bajoran aide worker met her and decided to bring her back to Bajor and teach her about her Bajoran culture and Pim's mother's heritage. But what Pim didn't know was that Oohuu was also sick but Oohuu was able to teach Pim about Bajoran culture. But when Oohuu's sickness over came her instead of that culture and heritage helping Pim it made her more angry.

With Pim being 15 she took whatever credits Oohuu had Pim knew she needed to get off planet and out of the system before she would get caught by one of the local criminal organizations which meant a lot of colony hopping in the DMZ. Luckily for her she was picked up by what she would learn later was a Syndicate blockade runner used for majority of the illegal activities from slave trafficking to drugs and weapons.

The blockade runner almost got caught heading into the Sol system but luckily Pim was able to fake paperwork to allow the blockade runner entrance to the Sol system. It was also extremely lucky that she was just naturally gifted with anything tech related and well giver a few minuets she was able to get that paperwork into the system.

Which was good but the next problem was well the whole next step. She knew no one in the Federation or at least in the Sol system. Again she needed to act quickly so she made it simple she was a refugee. Dead parents. The best and simplest thing was foster care problem was she also didn’t know Earth but she did know enough that Starfleet was based out of San Francisco so that was where she put for where she needed to go.

Now with the number of people coming and going in the Sol system was big and with the paperwork filled out and looking legit it wasn’t really questioned. Only thing that was questioned was where were her chaperones were. After some explaining the blockade runner was allowed to dock at the San Francisco spaceport. Once at the foster care place she started her next task oddly enough it was getting her registered into school.

By 19 she had finished primary school and early on found where she fit in or at least enjoyed spending time. The computer lab but this time finding a mentor or at least someone that actually knew what they were doing. Problem was the women that was helping her realize that she had talent and that talent could also be her life. Problem was it could be just someone else that would leave her like her two mothers even though her mothers died of natural causes.