The Sim

In the early part of the 24th century Ambassador Class Starships were the pinnacle of Starfleet Engineering with notable ships like the USS Excalibur, USS Zhukov and Yamaguchi in active service but none can surpass the USS Enterprise C.
The Ambassador's reputation meant that the lineage of this class continued into the mid 24th century when the Nebula and Galaxy Class projects began construction.
With Ambassadors slowly being phased out in favour of newer designs the class was relegated to secondary roles within the fleet until the dominion war in 2373. With the need for starships to combat the Dominion, many of the old workhorses were refitted to modern specifications and fought on the frontlines from Chintoka to Betazed and Cardassia.
By war's end so many ships were left damaged beyond repair that they were mothballed or outright scrapped. A different fate was in store for the Ontario.
Serving in the Cardassian War of the early 24th century and numerous first contacts up until Wolf 359, Ontario had an esteemed service record. While newer ships were assigned to chart the Gamma Quadrant, she stayed at home patrolling the fringes of Federation Space. The Ontario fought in some of the fiercest battles of her history during the Dominion War, enhancing her reputation as a fierce combatant. Following war's end in 2375 and a much needed refit, the USS Ontario returned to active duty as a patrol craft in the wilds of a crumbling Cardassia fending off pirates and Dominion holdouts well into the 2380's.
By then, her time seemed over as an active ship of the line. Countless battles and skirmishes and the changing face of starship design had taken its toll on the aging workhorse. With the destruction of Hobus and the subsequent fall of the Romulan Star Empire, many parts of the Empire's former territory and the Neutral Zone are being fought over by various factions.
The USS Ontario has found new purpose as a protector in such areas that are now home to the needy as well as the lawless.
Since her launch in 2332, the USS Ontario has served in an active role within the fleet. While not as glamorous as the newer ships of the fleet, her role is just as important as she continues to seek out new life along the fringes of uncharted territory.
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