
  • 5 Mission Posts

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Wed Jan 27th, 2021 @ 5:54pm

Lieutenant Bardan Dunne

Name Bardan Dunne M.D.

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El-Aurian
Age 50

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 159 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Changeable
Physical Description Tall and lean owing more to a fast metabolism and an active lifestyle than any dedicated workout routine, he is youthful in appearance. Among his own people, at the age of 50, he would be similar to a 20-year-old on Earth. He has brown hair that tends to be somewhat unruly. Warmth and ready wit are clearly visible in his changeable gray eyes.

- Ages very slowly
- Extraordinarily sensitive to disturbances in the space/time continuum (remembers the original version if a change is made)
- Eidetic memory (strongly triggered by auditory stimulus). When he remembers something, it is a fuller and more robust image.


Spouse or Significant Other None
Children None
Father Cason (Status Unknown)
Mother Denali (Deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Adopted Parents - Maxwell and Catherine

Personality & Traits

General Overview He has grown up as someone who straddles two realities. The only members of his own kind he knew, prior to his entry into Starfleet, were his parents. His culture and experiences growing up were that of any child of Earth - time spent at the beach, swimming and surfing, and dreaming with his friends under the stars about what the future would hold. Being separated from El-Aurian culture in his formative years, the idea that he will outlive virtually everyone he knows is something he is only just beginning to grasp.

At the age of 50, he is only just becoming what his own people would call 'emotionally mature'. At his heart, he is a natural altruist who is both caring and empathic and possesses a strong desire to help others. He sees individuals rather than just the group. He is something of a natural leader and communicates well with others. Like most El-Aurians, he's a good listener and his eidetic memory means that he remembers what he hears.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths & Weaknesses
Languages Spoken:
Vulcan, Federation Standard, Klingon, Trill, Andorian

+ Altruistic/humanitarian - believes in working for the greater good and in helping the individual whenever he can
+ Intelligent and highly intuitive
+ Eidetic Memory (auditory triggers)
+ Charismatic, a good listener with well-developed people skills
+ Outgoing/friendly
+ Compassionate. Cares deeply about people, puts a lot of energy into helping others, and takes being a doctor seriously
+ Strong sense of values - believes in doing what's right
+ Good sense of humor/fun
+ Independent/Self-Reliant
+ Doesn't rattle easily, calm under pressure

- Injustices that aren't in his power to put right affect him deeply
- Not given to reaching out to others when he has a problem
Ambitions * To read the top 100 books from every Federation world
* To stand on a world where no one had ever been before ... twice
* To experience the oceans of as many worlds as he could -- especially if he could dive in them
Hobbies & Interests + Learning about other cultures/folktales
+ Interest in herbology and natural medicines
+ Anything to do with water - swimming, surfing, diving, boats
+ Reading. He's a voracious reader, anything he can get
+ Camping/hiking/climbing
+ Spending time with friends

Personal History 2265 (approximate): El-Aurian homeworld fell to the Borg
2346: Bardan was born on Earth to Cason and Denali (both El-Aurian). Denali succumbed to a rare infection and died shortly thereafter.
2347: Grief-stricken over the loss of Denali, Cason signs over parental rights to Maxwell and Catherine Dunne and joins a mission intending to return to the El-Aurian system. He has not been heard from since.

Bardan grew up on Earth, in a small beach town called Paia, and, like most of his classmates and friends, spent the majority of his time at the beach. He made friends easily and did a lot of volunteer work. Paia is popular with artists, surfers, and wind sport enthusiasts and is located on the north shore of Maui. Paia is populated by a diverse mix of colorful and eccentric people and with a population of just under 3,000, everyone knew everyone else. Having only his adopted parents, he began to see the community as his extended family. In Paia, the locals took care of each other.

His easy-going lifestyle began to change the night his father brought home a telescope. They spent the night looking up at the stars and in doing so, he became fascinated by what lay beyond their own world. He had always been a good student but now, he applied himself in earnest. He became intensely curious about life on other worlds, how cultures differed from his own, and how much need there was even within Federation space for individuals who were willing to help.
Service Record 2346: Born on Earth to El-Aurian parents
2364: Entered Stanford University, Pre-Med/Bachelor's Degree
2368: Entered Starfleet Medical Academy
2372: Entered Residency Program, Starfleet Medical
2376: Transferred to the USS Blackwell, a medical ship
2378: Promoted to Beta Shift Lead, USS Blackwell
2380: Promoted to Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Blackwell
2385: Returned to Starfleet Medical Academy for advanced coursework
2387: Transferred to the USS Goodfellow as Chief Medical Officer
2395: Transferred to the USS Orion as Chief Medical Officer