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Sun Feb 7th, 2021 @ 7:41am

Lieutenant Arev

Name Arev

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 52

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 147
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Dark Grey
Physical Description Arev is shorter than may people expect a full-grown Vulcan male to be. He has pale skin, dark grey eyes, and short cropped brown hair that also goes against the preconceived notions many have of his people. When not on duty he wears darker colors, in highly traditional Vulcan styles.


Spouse or Significant Other T'Pen
Children T'Vrosh
Father Delvok
Mother T'Lon
Brother(s) Ivek, Kov
Sister(s) V’Lar

Personality & Traits

General Overview Arev is, at least psychologically, a very stereotypical Vulcan. He is calm, cool, collected, and stoic to a fault. Relying entirely on logic to guide his every move in life, and ruthlessly controlling his emotions. He is honest to a fault, and can be seen as cold, uncaring, and even haughty by those who do not know him well. He does not socialize or associate with others in any real way outside of his work, but those who prove themselves to be worth the effort can find him to be a surprisingly open man who is a compassionate and loyal friend.
Strengths & Weaknesses Arev, like all beings, has strengths and weaknesses, though he strives to balance them out as best as he is able. While he is a highly intelligent person, he realized he makes mistakes just like all other beings and strives not to let it be a source of undue arrogance. While he can sometimes be cold, and analytical, he understands that not all beings are capable of that detachment, and so tries to soften his outlook with compassion. And while he is uncomfortable with social situations, he does realize that at times they are required, as an officer, to maintain open communication and functional working relationships with the others he serves with, and so tempers his aversion to them with an understanding that by going through him his ability to serve his crew can be elevated.
Ambitions Arev has one, and only one, driving ambition in life, the further pursuit of scientific knowledge. Not out of a sense of misguided curiosity, but because the gathering of knowledge can be used to expand and uplift the lives of all beings.
Hobbies & Interests Arev is not a sentimental person, and so is not someone who really has what one would call hobbies. He does a daily meditation routine, morning, and night, practicing the Disciplines as most of his species do. He also does a daily stretching routine, like the Earth practice of Yoga. Outside of these things most of his time is taken up with his work, as a scientist, learning and growing in the various disciplines he is most proficient in.

Personal History Arev was born in the city of Vulcana Regar, to parents who were both members of the Vulcan Science Directorate, and instructors at the Vulcan Science Academy. His other siblings, all older than him, were already into their teens or even into full adulthood by the time Arev was conceived, leaving him alone as a child, a condition that was conducive to his development of an anti-social demeanor.

In school Arev was a star pupil, with high achievements in all the traditional studies one would expect a Vulcan to excel at, and it was known from a young age that he would go into the sciences, though his decision to enter Starfleet, much like that of another young Vulcan many years before, would be met with distaste, and disappointment by many.

Arev’s time in Starfleet Academy was a difficult one. His attitude regarding the other students was not conducive to the creation of bonds and left him often alone and isolated. At more than one point he was ordered to seek the assistance of a campus councilor to attempt to integrate more readily into campus life. This was an effort in futility. Unlike other Vulcan’s on campus Arev simply had no interest in integrating. He simply wished to accomplish his goal of graduation and being placed on a vessel where he could serve as a science officer.

It wasn’t until it was finally pointed out by a counselor in his sophomore year that without his effort to integrate his chances of graduation would begin to dwindle that he finally began to realize his error. He began to make a more concerted effort, and while he still made few friends, and even fewer acquaintances, he did begin to finally come to see the ways his communicating and forming bonds with others would help him excel as an officer in Starfleet.

Upon graduation from Starfleet Academy Arev would find himself assigned to the USS Newton, a training vessel with a purely science-based mission parameter, as a junior science officer in the biology department, where his skills as an evolutionary biologist would be put to the best use. He would be aboard this ship for a year, until the end of his training cruise, and then be reassigned.

His second posting, this time as a full science officer, with the designation of Biologist, was to the USS Windsor, a vessel with a much broader mission scope, but with a very impressive science suite at his disposal. He would serve aboard that vessel for the next eleven years, until she was mothballed directly after the Dominion War.

With the end of the Dominion War, and the Windsor now decommissioned, Arev found himself in a unique position. His skills, and his experience had given him the boost he needed, and he found himself applying for a choice posting, as the Assistance Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Oberon. He was granted a rank increase to that of full lieutenant, and served under Chief Science Officer Wilhelmina Anderson, who took him under her wing and instilled in him the ideals and guiding principles needed for someone who wished to be a chief science officer, in charge of likely the second largest department aboard any Starfleet vessel during peace time.

He would serve under her for the following five years, and then would take her place as she retired, leaving a vacuum that had to be filled. He would continue for another thirteen years, as the Oberon’s chief science officer, until she too was mothballed as she finally aged out of her usefulness.

Now, after this very fulfilling experience Arev finds himself assigned to the USS Ontario as her Chief Science Officer. With a whole new crew to get to know, and a whole new mission set to get used to, it will likely be a challenge, but it is one he is gratified to explore.
Service Record Starfleet Academy – 4 yrs
Cadet I-IV
USS Newton – 1 yr
USS Windsor –11 yrs
Ensign/Lt. J.G.
USS Oberon – 18 yrs
USS Ontario – Current