
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Tue Jul 20th, 2021 @ 3:29am

Ensign Allen Ricky

Name Allen Peter Ricky

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 6"
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Allen is your average looking human male and while he might not stand out in a crown he is not ugly, just average.

At 5'6" he is just one inch above average Hight. His browns hair is kept trimmed short and does not extend below his ears.

The one thing about him that is not average is his eyes as they are crystal blue.


Spouse or Significant Other none
Children None
Father David
Mother Betty
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) Marry

Personality & Traits

General Overview Allen is a young man eager to get out between the stars and find out what is there. He eagerness can at times need to be restrained by those older and wiser.
Strengths & Weaknesses He is a talented Engineer, but lacks experience.
Has Agoraphobia (the fear of open spaces)
Ambitions Allen would love to eventually command a ship of his own. Specifically a ship of exploration on a mission beyond the Federation borders into some unexplored region of space.
Hobbies & Interests Allen loves to explore to go were he has never gone before and see things he has never seen before. He keeps a hand written journal of his travels.

Personal History 2375: Born in Tyco City on Luna. His Father David was a school teacher and his mother worked maintenance for the local monorail system.

2381: At the age of six Allen went outside for the first time. His father took him for a walk beyond the domes of Tyco City while the trip only lasted for ten minutes it sparked a need to explore in the young boy. At the suggestion of his father he began to keep a journal of his travels and discoveries in and around the city. As he aged he began to explore further from home

2389: The family of Tina LaGrange moved into the apartment next to his and the two young people quickly became friends. Allen soon fell in love with Tina but could never bring himself to tell her. Both of Tina's parents were in Starfleet and suggested Allen join as a way to get some real exploration done.
Service Record 2391: Entered Starfleet Academy. As eager as he was to attend the Academy Ricky found there was a period of adjustment to being on Earth. Upon entering the Academy he decided to specialize in engineering as none of the other specializations did not interest him.

During his early days at the Academy he found that when moving between buildings he found that he was nervous and would often run. When having to spend extended time outdoors he would become agitated and could not be calmed down until he was back indoors. eventually diagnosed with agoraphobia. With the aid of a counselor and some newly learned coping techniques he was able to bring the agoraphobia under control.

2393: As a third year cadet Allen was assigned to the USS Creston, NCC-88561 (California Class) for a training cruse. As part of the cruse the ship mapped the MGC-441 stellar cluster.

2395: Graduated from Starfleet Academy as an Ensign and assigned to the USS Ontario (Ambassador Class) as an Engineering Officer.