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Fri Jan 15th, 2021 @ 7:16am

Captain Jason Ventres

Name Jason Lee Ventres

Position Marine Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 210
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Tall and lean, Jason works hard to maintain a flexible yet strong physique. His hair is shockingly red against the almost transparent white of his skin. If he were any paler, he would have had albinism. He keeps a short mustache along with his short red hair, with the sides shaved to the skin that allows for two ancient tattoos to be seen at all times. When he has his work shirt off, multiple other tattoos are visible, from his first call sign on his left breast, to a design made by an ex over his heart. A spade with a multi-colored 13 in the center, set ablaze. Almost no one is allowed to see this however. His arms also have multiple markings on them, and when asked about it, Jason will explain it is his family history in Celtic Knot-work


Spouse or Significant Other Divorced, twice
Children Katherine Ventres (Estranged)
Jeremy Boulur (Estranged)
Father James M Ventres
Mother Martha D Ventres
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Not hard headed, Jason is set in his ways and has a hard time learning new things. He loves to laugh, and will make jokes at the absolute worst times imaginable. He was weened on the thoughts of leading from the front and will never be seen hiding behind the people he leads.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: A pilot with 15 years experience, is fluent in two languages other than Human English (Romulan/Trill), quick learner when it comes to languages

Weaknesses: Stuck in his ways, interpersonal relationships, aloof to family, bad timing with jokes.
Ambitions Jason would like to one day captain a full vessel, not just a shuttle
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: Languages, martial arts, history, teaching, snowboarding in the holodeck and on planet when he has a chance, writing

Personal History Jason has been divorced twice due to his inability to talk when things are bothering him. He will more often then not bottle everything up and let it explode during training sessions or in his writing. Not one to back down from a fight unless it's with someone he loves, he has come to terms with the fact that he has pushed both of his ex-wives and children away from him.

He values his family history as warriors, sailors, pilots, freedom fighters and more. There may be times when in private he will watch a "highlight reel" of the things his family has accomplished in the centuries that the name Ventres has been about.

He went to Starfleet after his first failed marriage and graduated third in his class of pilots, but continued to stick to himself with every duty station.
Service Record Starfleet Academy: Rankled third in his class

Humanitarian efforts for Romulus and Remus: USS Hammerhead

Fighter Pilot: USS Hammerhead

Flight Chief: Mars Defense Forces

Flight Lead: USS Akumura

XO of Raven Group: USS Winchester