Lieutenant Commander Karen Myles

Name Karen Myles

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 68Kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Karen has light brown hair that she wears shoulder length, Karen is in no way physically threatening her small stature and angelic face see to that. Karen's eyes are a deep blue. the only make up Karen wears is light red lipstick when she is on duty, when she is off duty or at an official function it is bright red lipstick.


Spouse or Significant Other Divorced
Children none
Father James
Mother Gail
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Yvonne Myles

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths- Karen is one of those rare officers who excell in paperwork, never accused of not doing it putting it off.

Her training and natural talent makes her adept at reading body language and reading people in general.

Weakness- Tends to over work.
Ambitions Career wise Karen is more than content to follow where the wind blows. In life she hopes to continue to expand her knowledge.
Hobbies & Interests Karen plays the piano and loves to read

Personal History Karen Anne Myles was born in Los Angeles, California her early life was fairly standard to outward appearances however those that knew the family soon came to see that it was not the standard. James Myles was rarely home unknown to anyone at the time just beginning his decent into the criminal aspects of the sector. Karen’s mother was far more interested in her social standing than being a mother. From a very early age Karen learned to be self-sufficient.

When Karen was seven years old her sister Yvonne was born, Yvonne as she grew up proved to be the opposite of Karen, concerned with only herself and immediate gratification whatever the cost, Karen retreated further and further from her family.

When Karen was sixteen her father left the family for the last time and Karen’s mother unable to cope spent ever more time out with friends, Karen stayed looking after her younger sister and trying her best to keep up with her studies. When Karen turned Seventeen she applied to Starfleet Academy for early enrolment, this was denied at the time and Karen turned to civilian learning institutions for her higher education.

Karen had finished a short course that would prepare young adults for Starfleet Academy and she again applied when she turned eighteen, this time she was accepted and she thrust herself into Medical studies.

Karen’s only concern was becoming a Doctor, she ignored all courses and lessons that would further a career as an officer and purely focused on Medicine, this tactic to her education allowed her to finish the Medical courses early and start her career as a non-commissioned officer.

Again Karen showed no interest in starting her career and she re-applied for medical study this time choosing the specialty of psychiatry, when she attained her PhD Karen was finally accepted a working role in Starlfeet.

Her first assignment was on Starbase seventy seven, Karen was an assistant Counsellor with the rank of Petty Officer First Class. She received criticism at the time for holding a position she was overqualified for and a rank well too low compared to others with her qualifications but Karen ignored it and focused on her work.

Karen was thirty one and had a fairly limited social life however that changed when she met Jarred King, Jarred was an Engineer who was briefly assigned to Starbase seventy seven, the two started dating and after a short time were married. This marriage almost immediately began to fall apart, with both Karen and Jarred too focused on their respective careers to manage to hold together a relationship.

Karen filed for divorce after only eighteen months of marriage and the two parted ways. Karen now at a loss in her personal life again retreated into her professional life; she finally took courses that would allow for her to become a commissioned officer.

At the age of twenty nine Karen received her first pip and major promotion, Karen was made Chief Counsellor of Starbase seventy four and proceeded to close the gap between the counselling department and the main medical staff. But her success in career didn’t translate to success in her personal life; Karen met then Lieutenant Commander Alan Pierce a brilliant surgeon with an ego to match, at first Karen hated the man with a passion, he made no secret of his distrust of ‘quack’ Doctors who practiced what he liked to call ‘mind voodoo’.

After a substantial number of heated arguments that became legendary on the station for their length and volume Karen and Alan began dating, Alan at this time was married and Karen with a sense of self-hatred played the part of ‘the other woman’.

When Alan’s marriage ended Karen bore the brunt of his newly ex-wife’s anger, Karen fully aware that her actions were shameful made no attempt to fight back which only encouraged the whispering behind her back.

Karen broke off her relationship with Alan and decided it was time for her to move on, a Counsellor mired in controversy wasn’t help to anyone. Karen put in a request to be assigned a position on a Starship.