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Wed Sep 28th, 2022 @ 4:35pm

Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone

Name Elizabeth 'Siren' Stone

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 125
Hair Color Dark Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Siren has a trim, muscular build.


Spouse or Significant Other N/A
Children N/A
Father Russell Stone
Mother Elizabeth Stone
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Siren can be a bit of a hothead. While she has matured, she still has a temper and a tendency to let it flair. She is an unrepentant potty mouth when off duty, and under the wrong circumstances, even on duty..

Siren has always had confidence in her abilities, but struggles with personal self esteem.

Strengths & Weaknesses Excellent reflexes
Quick to take decisive action

Does not do well with authority, and struggles to maintain the required Starfleet discipline when faced with orders she doesn't like.
Ambitions Siren is struggling to find ambition with her life 'after' her injury.
Hobbies & Interests kickboxing
cross stitching, though she would die of embarrassment if anybody discovered that little hobby. She has not gained enough control in her wrist to take it back up though.

Personal History Siren started in the Marines as a fighter pilot. She gained herself a reputation for being an outstanding pilot, but one with a bad attitude. She did slowly mature and made her way up the ranks however.

When a mission gone sour left her with a severely wounded wrist that was unable to be tended to quickly, her career as a fighter pilot was over. Without the very fine motor control needed to pilot a fighter, she was left with no choice but to transfer to the naval branch if she wanted to pilot at all.
Service Record USS Gemini - Fighter Pilot
USS Gemini - Squadron Leader
USS Gemini - Wing Commander

Transfer from Marines to Naval Branch

USS Ontario - Assistant Chief Flight Controller
USS Ontario - Chief Flight Controller