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Thu Jun 30th, 2022 @ 11:19am

Petty Officer 2nd Class Evangeline St. Clair

Name Evangeline St. Clair

Position Yeoman

Rank Petty Officer 2nd Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Catullan
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Hair Color Magenta
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description There is very little in the way of opposing when it comes to describing a woman who stands barely over 5 ½ feet. She is small, thin, and does nothing to hide the fact that she is a woman. If anything, she prefers to emphasize her sex any chance she gets having served in a male dominated arm of Starfleet. “Little Evie” was the nickname she was labeled with at the academy (she dropped out) and despite being appropriately fitting due to her small stature, Evie has no problem dispatching orders to those serving under her and getting up on her ‘soap box,’ in order to challenge a superior officer if she feels their decision is a tactical or diplomatic error.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Evie is a small little firecracker that is too hot for most individuals to handle if they are unprepared to do so. She has a sharp tongue, a quick wit, and chip of her shoulder that screams: do not trifle with me, but that has not prevented people from trying to overstep the boundaries with her in more ways than one; they often end up flap on their ass looking up at a woman who’s not afraid to put the heel of her Starfleet issued boots to anyone’s throat. She is a strong independent woman with a docile wholesome exterior, but an internal personality of a hot tamale.
Hobbies & Interests - Addicted to bonbons
- Southern Sweet tea
- Alabama Slammers and Mint Juleps

Personal History Born on the Kasparian coral atoll of planet Cendo-Prae (Catulla), Evangeline was an adventurous misfit who always was getting into things. Her energy and enthusiasm about the world around her even as a toddler could just not be quelled. She had a voracious appetite for exploration and learned how to swim from an early age. Her parents were Catullan scientists, her mother a marine biologist, and her father an aquatic botanist. Though Evie had a love and respect for the plant and animal life she encountered, she was not one to stop and settle in one place to admire their beauty. Instead, she would wander off from her parents constantly and likely scared them more often than not. Evie was a quick learning child, but she was not a genius by any means. She walked at a relatively young age, but she was a bit slower at formulating words and was a bit behind in school when it came to putting sentences together.

Though she has some childhood memories from the Catullan homeworld of Cendo-Prae, she only lived there for a few years. Her parents relocated to Earth just shy of her ninth birthday. Earth was quite different than where she was born. The Catullan homeworld was largely Catullan in population, and the Kasparian atoll was sparsely populated at that. It was rather remote and aside from the occasional local who had lived there, it was populated by scientific researchers like her parents; however, she was not aware of that growing up.

Mississippi on the other hand was a change for Evie. She was among a diverse population, lived in a neighborhood with children her age and older. There were no Catullans anywhere near her except for her parents, and her friends were mostly Human. This was how it was all through her teenage years growing up in Mississippi. Sure, an occasional Vulcan or another more commonplace member of the Federation would be there, and she saw plenty when she traveled outside of her immediate area. Her parents were frequent users of the public transportation system due to their work. They were always leaving her in the care of neighbors and trusted family friends as they spent several days at a time in some cases in Okinawa Japan at the Daystrum Institute or catching a transport vessel destined for Luna or Mars.

She was young and full of life when she was delivered the crushing blow. Just starting her freshmen year at Starfleet Academy after having a fight with her parents about her even applying. They wanted something different for her. They saw space exploration as too dangerous. They were scientists, but not explorers. They stayed ‘close to home’ where it was ‘safe,’ but it was within that safety of Federation space that they lost their lives. Evie saw it unfolding in the campus center, she and dozens of other students, faculty, and staff stood stunned by the news. Utopia Planitia had been attacked; it was destroyed. Mars was ablaze all lives were lost. Her parents were there.

She bottled a lot of her anger inside. Some feared it would derail her from her studies, family friends who had been watching over her saw her rebel and seek independence. She was an adult, but she was also reckless and had a chip on her shoulder. She was advised to seek counseling which she did, but if there was one thing Evie was great at, it was concealing pain and masking it well beneath the surface. Evie did not let anything, not even the pain and guilt she felt prevent her from serving Starfleet, but she only managed to make it to the end of her first year before she abruptly dropped out. She had the smarts, but she did not have the patience. She wanted to serve and she wanted to do it sooner rather than later. She immediately enlisted.

Her first posting was to the Beta quadrant at Starbase 118 where she served as part of the station’s security personnel. The station Commander took a quick liking to her and over the next few months, Evie was assigned as part of the security teams to missions conducted by the station’s two ‘attached’ starships, the USS Gentry and USS Monarch. Starbase 118; however, was not quite the assignment as Evie anticipated. It was a science station housing two Diligent class starships and several shuttles and runabouts that carried out scientific studies of the nearby briar patch. The problem was these starships often had the piss taken out of them due to regional conflict and border disputes. When the starbase’s Chief of Security abruptly resigned his commission after the death of several of his men, the station commander field promoted the young Evie St. Clair to “Acting” Ensign for a brief period of time as his interim replacement. She would hold the position only for a few weeks until someone more senior could be assigned to take over. When someone was brought in, however, Evie was restored to her previous rank but took leave to return to Starfleet Academy for several weeks to complete an advanced hand-to-hand combat and weapons training course. Upon completion, she was assigned to the USS Ontario as part of the starship's Security Department. It was an old Ambassador class starship having undergone some significant refitting before heading back out into service. She was only part of the crew for a few weeks when she filed a formal request to transfer departments leaving security behind.