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Tue Mar 11th, 2025 @ 2:27am

Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood

Name LuAnn Lovegood

Position Counselor

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Betazoid
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 139
Hair Color Pale Blonde
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Luna has long pale blonde hair that's the color of moonlight. She sometimes wears glasses because she likes to think they make her look more intelligent.

She loves plants and often wears a pair of earrings that resemble vegetables because they're good for your health.

Luna is tall and slim and a lot stronger than she looks.

Her nickname of Luna comes from her hair, her love for taking walks in the moonlight (along with other activities) and her quirky nature.

Luna is tall and slim and a lot stronger than she looks.

Her nickname of Luna comes from her hair, her love for taking walks in the moonlight (along with other activities) and her quirky nature.


Spouse or Significant Other
Father Mercurial Lovegood
Mother Hepsibah Lovegood
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Luna is generally outgoing and friendly. She loves to talk to people and considers herself a good listener. She is blunt and usually doesn't pull her punches, preferring to speak honestly, especially when on duty.

She often goes walking in the woods, looking for new species of plants to tell her father about. Her knowledge of herbs and herb lore is extensive and she will often use homeopathic treatments when possible.

Because of her Betazoid parentage, she is highly empathic. She is mildly telepathic, but she doesn't like to read other people's minds.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Cares about people, intelligent, honest, fiercely loyal

Can be too blunt, daydreams too much, likes to go walking alone in the woods--even if it's on the holodeck.
Ambitions Wants to heal the world. Or at least her part of it.
Hobbies & Interests Loves plants. She knows what many of them are and how to use them for medicinal purposes.
Loves to go walking outdoors. She is proficient at tracking, hunting and fishing.
Reads voraciously and always has a PADD on hand.
Collects knickknacks.
Loves plants. She knows what many of them are and how to use them for medicinal purposes.
Loves to go walking outdoors. She is proficient at tracking, hunting and fishing.
Reads voraciously and always has a PADD on hand.
Collects knickknacks.
Proficient with phaser, slug-thrower, slingshot and knife.

Speaks Federation Standard, Latin, Greek, Egyptian, Bajoran, Vulcan, and Ferengi

Proficient with phaser, slug-thrower, slingshot and knife.
Federation Standard, Latin, Greek, Egyptian, Bajoran, Vulcan, Ferengi

Personal History LuAnn was born and raised in Yorkshire, England. The daughter of a research scientist and a horticulturist, Luna (as she is called) spends a good deal of her time outdoors.

Because of her pale hair color and her fondness for walking in the moonlight, her parents nicknamed her 'Luna'. The nickname stuck.

From an early age Luna would follow her father as he searched for strange and exotic plant life. She could identify most plants around her home and their uses. She still loves to study plants, but only as a hobby.

As an only child, Luna spent (and spends) a good deal of her time alone. She has a vivid imagination and loves to read. This has led her to be teased a lot by other kids, but she doesn't mind. She firmly believes that a good imagination is a sign of a healthy mind.

She has some telepathic ability, but usually doesn't bother to read people's minds as she thinks of that as 'cheating'. She'd much rather guess and see how close she comes to the truth.

She went to University to study plant biology and horticulture, but found she preferred to wander around as she wished rather than be told what she had to study or do.Because of her overall knowledge, she managed to get her degree.

While in school, friends would often come to her for help and advice. This led Luna to her current career as a counselor. She loves her work and loves to help people as often as she can. She went back to University and got an advanced degree in Clinical Psychology and Counseling.

Her driving desire to learn and explore led her to join Starfleet.
Service Record Served as counselor aboard the USS Ticonderoga.
Served as counselor aboard the USS Alioth
Served as Assistant Chief Counselor aboard the USS Tremonton.
Served as Assistant Chief Counselor on Obsidian Colony.