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Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 10:04am

Ensign Vincent Parker

Name Vincent Parker

Position Operations Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 187 pounds
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Average weight and height.
Modest physique.
No tattoos or piercings.


Spouse or Significant Other None
Children None
Father Captain Alexander Parker
Mother Dr. Eliza Smith-Parker
Brother(s) Lieutenant Steven Parker
Lieutenant Junior Grade Geoff Parker
Sister(s) Lieutenant Nancy Parker
Other Family Admiral Henry Parker

Personality & Traits

General Overview As a recent Academy graduate, can be very seriously minded when it comes to his work, but off duty, will sometimes 'let his hair down', on ocassion.

Strengths & Weaknesses S-Worked hard to be on the ship. Knows what his duty entails.
S-Intelligent, hard worker.
S-First assignment, knows what can happen in deep space.

W-First assignment, hopes he doesn't freeze.
W-Having to live up to his family reputation.
Ambitions To make Chief of Operations.
To make Chief of Engineering.
To make captain.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, mostly tech manuals and the latest news from Starfleet about Operations and Engineering. But will toss in some historical fiction or mysteries.

Plays cards, pool, volley ball and tennis.

Personal History Born the fourth child of Captain Alexander Parker, CO of the USS Pontiac, and Dr Eliza Smith-Parker, chief medical officer of the Pontiac.
2 older bothers and 1 older sister all have made the service their careers. Steven is a security officer on Deep Space 71 station. Geoff is part of the engineering department on the USS Brisbane, and Nancy is on the medical staff on the USS Oklahoma.
Grandfather Henry is on the command staff at Starfleet Headquarters.

From the time he was born, his faith was already decided...a career in starfleet.

His early school work ranged from good to excellent. His teachers all had good things to say about him.
He never, usually, ever got into trouble.
He had several close friends in school and in their neighbor on the Starfleet personnal grounds.

High school lasted 2 years, his grades allowed him to skip 2 years and apply to college early.

College lasted 3 years, where he received a docterate in applied mathematics.

Upon graduating from college, applied and accepted into Starfleet Academy.

Age 5, started primary school.
Age 15, started college.
Age 19, Graduated college, and entered Starfleet Academy.
Service Record Age 19, enrolled in Starfleet Academy. Took a double major course, Ships Operations and Engineering.
Freshman year: Arrived at the Academy, received his room assignment and cadet uniforms. His freshman year, his roommate was Morgan Willis, a fellow engineer.
Vincent and Morgan got along well together.
In addition to his studies, Cadet Parker joined the tennis club and made the varsity team.
First year grades: in the top 15% of the class.

Sophomore year: Stayed at the academy to get more work in, instead of leaving to see the family.
Neww roommate, a Bolian, who told me to call him "Fred" since he figured I wouldn't be able to pronounce his name. Stayed on the tennis club, and joined the volley ball team.
Second year grades: in the top 10% of the class.

Junior year: Courses have gotten harder this year, so studing harder. "Fred" transferred and I didn't get a new roommate. Haad to drop the tennis and volley ball to concentrate on classes. Needed some help in work this year, so I requested a tutor to help me. They sent me a 3rd year cadet, named Caroline, very attractive.
Third year grades: in the top 12% of the class.

Senior year: All the extra studying and tutoring helped. I found the work easier and kept scoring high marks in all my courses.
Since she was no longer my tutor, had a relationship with Carolina, which lasted the semester.
Fourth year grades: in the top 7& of the graduating class.

Upon graduating, Cadet Parker was commissioned Ensign, and assigned USS Ontario as Operations Officer.