
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Sun Jan 24th, 2021 @ 8:17am

Lieutenant Scott Kayne

Name Scott Kayne

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Betazoid
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 210 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Scott is a well built male in his late 20s. He has a scar that runs down the right side of his face that starts at his mid forehead and runs down to his cheekbone.


Spouse or Significant Other None on Record
Children None on Record
Father Tobias Kayne
Mother Lily Kayne
Brother(s) None on Record
Sister(s) Meredith Kayne
Other Family None on Record

Personality & Traits

General Overview Scott is a generally outgoing guy. Going by his Nickname of "Scotty", he likes to keep things as casual as he can outside of duty. He shows compassion and kindness to everyone that he can, and like to get the job done.
Strengths & Weaknesses -Can keep a cool head in rough situations
-Excellent pilot
-has advanced Security Training as well
-Can become a little hot headed
-Gets a bit Cocky in his abilities occasionally, which has landed him in trouble more than once
Ambitions Since he was a kid, Scotty has always wanted to go out into the cosmos on a starship, hopefully as her captain one day, and does everything he can to achieve that goal.
Hobbies & Interests Occasionally enjoys a good detective HoloNovel. Every now and again, he'll play the Saxophone in his quarters. Also enjoys spending time with his crewmates.

Personal History Born on June 12, 2367, Scott "Scotty" Kayne has not lead an easy life. His early years were spent either on a starship or starbase. When he turned 10 years old, His Father was killed in a Transporter accident. After that, him, his mother, and his 8 year old sister, Meredith, moved to Betazed, to stay with their maternal Grandparents. Scotty spent most of his eight years on Betazed alone, studying and prepping for Starfleet Academy, and mourning the Death of his late Father, when the time came, he applied and was accepted into Starfleet Academy. When choosing what his profession was going to be, he remembered that his father started out as a pilot. While going through flight training, all he could think of was how proud his father could be if he saw Scott now. Scott Graduated from the Academy and received his first assignment, the USS Valiant. He was assigned to be one of the relief flight control officers and a shuttle pilot. His year aboard the Valiant was enjoyable, but then he decided to take a posting aboard the USS Bellerophon as her Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer, before her destruction 6 months later. After that, he took a posting aboard the USS Victory, as her chief flight control officer. His time aboard Victory was the most enjoyable of his career up to that point. He made a lot of friends there, but, unfortunately, time moves on, so Scott did as well. Taking the chief Security Officer position aboard the USS Delaware. During his Time aboard the Delaware, Scott was on an an away mission to a damaged Klingon Freighter near the Romulan Border. During the mission, he was attacked by a crazed Klingon and took a D'k tahg knife to the face. He had to have his eye replaced with an artificial implant, but decided to keep the scar to serve as a reminder to himself to always watch your back. Scotty then decided then that he was going to go back to being a pilot. He transferred to the USS Colorado as her chief flight Control Officer a year before putting himself up for transfer one last time.
Service Record 2389-Graduation of Starfleet Academy
2389-2390: USS Valiant, Flight Control Officer and shuttle pilot
2390 2391: USS Bellerophon, Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
2391-2392: USS Victory, Chief Flight Control Officer
2392-2394: USS Delaware, Chief Security Officer
2394-2395: USS Colorado, Chief Flight Control Officer