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Medical Research Lab. One upgrades

Posted on Tue Jun 22nd, 2021 @ 10:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Marian DuBois

252 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: CMO's laboratory


Marian made her way to her research lab. She had work to finish and also send in her research for a super vaccine variant for Lothosezian flu. She had spiced genome and stem cell t cell materials and reprogrammed the agents of people who were now immune with dead flu agents .... she had prefilled hypo-sprays that were delivered to the Starbase 247B, enlisted to stock and distribute the vaccines.

She went over progress reports sent to her via long range MED COMM systems and began to add the data to her Thesis... of which she would deliver at the Medical conference next year at Casperia Prime.

As she continued her research updates and cibrations to Medical Lab. Equipment.
Marian turned as a Nurse arrived with reports and a glass of botanical ice tea.
"Thank you, Nurse Kelly. " she signed the reports and returned to her work..... She heard Kelly chatting with people in the ward. Maintenance crew upgrading the power supply to Sickbay systems.....

As she completed the calculations and set the timer for trials ...
She rose, picked up her tea and made herway to her office....

CMO's Office:

She looked over the patient record's, updating all Crew Annual physicals and looking over the files as the upgraded systems folded in the older equipment files.

She continued her work....

The comm beeped, it was from home. She took the message and replied. Arrived in a timely manner and well. Regards, Marian.


Lieutenant Commander Marian T' Arwen Dubois, CMO



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