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The Endless Flame, Indeed

Posted on Sun Jul 25th, 2021 @ 12:44pm by Ensign Remedy Slim

352 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Anthropology/Archeology Lab

"Now out, out, out," the Rigellian said shooing the officers away, "let's go no lolly gaggling, or something," she said not really knowing what the saying is.

"Yeah, yeah we are going," the male scientist said, even though he outranked her, the fight that would proceed was not worth fighting. Once outside the lab, he turned to the other scientist, "she is such a bitch," he said shaking his head,

"Shame, she is so beautiful," the other male scientist said, with a small gulp, as his face turned slightly red as he blushed.

....meanwhile back in the lab.

Hearing what they said, it did hurt, but sadly Remedy was used to it. Hell, she grew up with it on Rigel IV, between a corrupt government, that was heavily infiltrated by the Syndicate, and on top of all that there was still the tribal infighting along with just tribal fighting, so yes she was a product of her environment.

Shaking her head she got to work reading the report she vaguely remembered reading some things about the Tkon Empire, and something about an Endless Flame. And something about a meteor which was some kind of artifact that changed the course of the species trajectory.

And like with all vast and mighty empires, they came across a species and a great galactic war was started and ended by the other side somehow creating a star-destroyer weapon, which destroyed the Tkon Empire, but there are some journals that claim some survived and are out in the galaxy somewhere.

Letting out a big sigh as she needed to make some decisions mostly what to do next, either it was accessing the ship's data, and/or Memory Alpha, or do some massive scanning of the slab. The scans, well from all as she knew, But, that also wasn't her process, and why change your process especially if it worked.

So, it was actually off to the ship's library to see what she could find, plus she actually enjoyed going there, not only was it quiet but she was surrounded by her favorite thing, pure knowledge.


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