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Preparing the Furniture Part 1

Posted on Sat Feb 12th, 2022 @ 3:39am by Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara & Lieutenant Zero
Edited on on Sat Feb 12th, 2022 @ 3:42am

1,474 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Zero's Quarters


Zero stood by the door, awaiting the arrival of the Chief Engineer onboard. They would, most likely, be working together very often. However, this first interaction was very important. He required the Engineer's assistant to connect his Borg Alcove to the ships systems to allow him to regenerate when required. It was an unfamiliar piece of furniture, but one Zero required.

"Who you waiting for?" A small voice whispered in his ear from behind him. "Is it a surprise?"

Zero spun around, catching Haruna a split second after her breath upon finishing her last question, as he drew his leg out. The small woman would flip over his leg, forced by his hand, and become tossed onto the floor. The Ex-Borg than held her down with one hand, raising his fist with the other, as his blue eyes zoomed in on her. His facial expression was calm, but he was obviously not amused.

Species 5618. Designation: Human. His mind processed immediately before his grip on her loosened but he still held her down. "In the future, Lieutenant, you will use the proper entrance to my quarters. If you do not, I will report you to the Captain and Chief of Security for breaking into my domicile. Will you comply?"

"You can let go of me now" Haruna replied simply, she sounded slightly winded obviously not expecting to be thrown to the floor in such a manner.

"Will... you... comply?" Zero repeated, easing a bit closer to her.

"Proper entrance.... on you mean the door right? Not the maintenance hatch..." She said simply with a rather cheeky smile. Her eyes seemed to get larger as she gave him puppy dog eyes. "Please let me go. Haruna will use the door from now on Mister Ex-Borg-San"

Zero narrowed his eyes slightly. She was referring to herself in the third person. Perhaps he damaged her. "Your answer is sufficient." He took a grip of her uniform and stood up, lifting her up onto her feet, before letting her got. "Are you damaged?"

Haruna brushed herself down. "Nope. All systems seem to be working. Although, it seems that you took me by surprise, heart rate seems higher than usual" she said simply. "I believe you require my services? And not in that way..." she told him pulling out a hyperspanner from inside of her uniform and twirling it in her fingers. "Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara, resident girl genius and chief engineer"

"You're actions prompted my reaction, Lieutenant. Your heart rate is a direct side effect of your actions." Zero replied, placing his gloved hands behind his back, as he went back to standing up straight as he was doing when she encountered him. "I called for your services in installing my Borg Alcove. It is a necessity of my day to day functions." He took a step forward before adding. "I also would like to use this interaction as an opportunity to open communications between our departments. I am the newly appointed Chief of Operations on board. Lieutenant Zero. Some have come accustomed to designating me 'Z'. You may use either designation to your comfort."

"Borg alcove. Got it. No offense, but they're freaky things, can't say they're my favorite pieces of technology" she told the lieutenant. She pointed at him, her arm stretched out. "You shall now be known as Z-San!" She told him using the standard Japanese honorific. "Show me this alcove"

Zero stood there for a moment before narrowing his eyes for a few seconds before replying. "That is not one the provided designations." He said quickly before walking away. "Please do not divert from the required names." He said stopped at the room normally considered the bedroom from the standard layouts of Starfleet Quarters. "Borg alcoves are necessary device. Your feelings towards them to do alter their requirements." He looked over to Haruna before adding. "Shall we continue, Lieutenant?"

Haruna raised an eyebrow. "So, where do you want it? By the window, by the door, near the bathroom... wait" she paused. "Do you even use the bathroom? How do Borg do that?" She asked.

"They do not." Zero replied as he gestured to the opened bedroom door. "The Borg alcove does not require assembly. It requires a connection to the ships system to function properly." He stood there firmly, his gloved hand still extended to the entrance. "Shall we continue, Lieutenant... or does the resident girl genius require me to lead you by hand?"

Freezing for a second the small engineer stared at the man. "If I didn't know better, I'd say that was sarcasm." She replied simply. "What sort of power does it require, I guess it's not as simple as plugging in a lamp"

"You are the one who referred to yourself with that title. I was only making a reference to it." Zero replied quickly before continuing to avoid allowing the Chief Engineer to retort. "The alcove requires thirty megawatts of power. A Standard Federation power conduit should suffice, however the older design of this Starship may cause considerable issues." He said firmly before adding. "Should you require additional assistance, my knowledge of Operations and Engineering combined with my Borg knowledge, can be utilized."

"I see" Haruna smiled. "Well, I might need to reroute a few things here and there for power needs. How long do you intend to use it? Does it have to be on all day and night?" She asked curiously. She beckoned for him to lead the way into the bedroom area.

Zero placed his hands back behind his back before replying. "A Borg alcove, when not in use, runs in a low powered state. I have heard some refer to it as a stand-by mode. The system does not utilize the full thirty megawatts in this state. The computer, if programed, can allocate that power to systems where it is most needed." He walked into the room. "The alcove is in this room. The same room I was motioning for you to enter for the past few minutes." He said from inside the dark room. "Perhaps you should reconsider your title as girl genius. You clearly require more assistance than you care to admit."

"I'm a genius. Not a know-it-all" she replied back quickly.

Once Haruna entered the dark room, the lights turned on immediately, without being prompted by any form of speech. Immediately, she would notice the Borg alcove which was not functioning, a device that was so tall it just barely touched the ceiling. The wall where the alcove stood was even more peculiar. On both sides of the device, were a variety of weapons, displayed on hangers and shelves. Some bladed and some energy based. It was a peculiar site indeed.

Zero stood on the opposite side of the wall, his ungloved hand on a computer panel, his mechanical eyes focused on Haruna since she entered. Almost immediately, he put his glove back on, covering his Borg tubules. A site some normally were turned away by, obviously because it was a reminder of Borg and what they were capable of.

Haruna pulled out a tricorder. "The nearest power conduit is just behind that wall" she said as she wandered over to the wall full of weapons. "I can hook it into the main systems, but you'll need to divert power through this section while I do the work"

"I can do as you requested." He began to walk to the door before stopping to add. "I must ask you to not touch anything that does not require you to do your job." Zero looked at her firmly before proceeding.

He made his way to the Operations desk and sat down before beginning to tap the console. Zero did as the Chief Engineer requested and diverted power from the necessary wall in order to allow her to proceed with her work. Once he was finished, he shut down the console and shouted slightly. "You may proceed, Lieutenant Mizuhara."

"Ok then" Haruna replied as she pulled more tools out of her uniform. "Lets see what we can do". Luckily there was a maintenance hatch near the main power conduit, it wouldn't take long to hook up. "Once I've attached it, I want you to slowly bring up the conduit pressure so I can monitor it" she told him.

Zero remained at his Ops console, bringing up the gage that allowed for conduit pressure adjustment. "Have you taken into account the differences in both technology? The sudden introduction of one power unit to another may cause a feedback that could possibly result in you harm." He said, raising his voice slightly, to ensure she heard him from the other room.



Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer


Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara
Chief Engineer


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