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Reporting For Duty

Posted on Fri Mar 25th, 2022 @ 7:14am by Lieutenant JG Jason Williams & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova

722 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Crew Quarters, Bridge, Security Office

Jason had been on the ship for 24 hours.

He used the time to unpack the few things he brought with him...some pictures of his parents...some clothes he can use for his off duty and exercising hours.

But now it was time and get started with his career on the Ontario.

Jason headed to the security office. He was guided to the security chiefs office.

He approached the door and tapped the door chime.

"Enter." Anahera said looking up from a daily report she was reading.

Jason entered the room, walked towards the commander, seated behind her desk. He stopped in front of the desk. "Lieutenant JG Jason Williams, reporting for duty, sir."

"At ease, Lieutenant. Take a seat." Anahera said. "I'd offer you some refreshment, but my replicator's on the fritz, It only makes mint choc chip ice cream."

Jason sat in one of the chairs in front of the commander's desk. "No thank you, sir. I don't require anything at the moment."

"So, Lieutenant, tell me about yourself." Anahera said.

"In my junior year at the Academy, I was assigned to the USS Potemkin for field studies. In addition to my studies, I worked in every department. I learned a lot. When my assignment was over, the captain and first officer awarded me with high marks for my performance." Jason took a breath. "When I graduated, I returned to the Potemkin, and I found out that the captain requested me. I worked in security and tactical. I learned a lot there, but it's been 3 years, so when this position opened up, I applied. The captain and the first officer wished me well."

"That's all well and good, Lieutenant, but I could found that out by skimming your personnel file." Anahera said. "I want to know something about you, which baseball team do you support? Do you like black olives? Did anything of note happen while you served aboard the Potemkin? Have you had to fire your phaser in combat? What are you views on Breen Politics? Something that tells me more about you than that you served on the Potemkin, and that the CO and XO, thought you were grand." She didn't raise her voice, but it was clear that she wasn't happy with the man's answers so far.

"I'm a rugby man, commander. I root for the Scotland National Team. I detest olives, especially the green ones. Once, the Potemkin came across a ship that had been attacked by pirates. I led one security team while the chief led the other. Turns out that some of the pirates were still there. I encountered 3 in a corridor, they fired at me, and I returned fire. I managed to stun one and tracked down the other two. I don't care about the Breen or their politics. Romulans have a saying, 'never turn your back on a Breen'. Is that better, commander?" He watched her for a reaction.

"A little." Anahera said, smiling to show she was teasing. "My favourite Baseball team is the Barisa City Battlers. I love black olives. The less said about my first Starfleet assignment, that better. I've lost count how many times I've fired a phaser in combat. As for Breen Politics, I think Thot Palara, is a shoe in for First Minister."

"Personally, I think baseball is too slow, Commander." He leaned back in his seat. "If I think of anything else about my history, I'll be sure to let you know."

"We'll have to agree to disagree on that, Lieutenant." Anahera said. "So do you have any questions for me?" She asked.

"I guess all I want to know, is when can I start work, ma'am?" he responded.

"Okay, I'll put you on Beta Shift. I'll have Lieutenant Summerby show around." Anahera said.

"Of course, commander." Jason paused. "Is the lieutenant here or can they meet me at my quarters? I have some items I wish to unpack."

"I'll have her meet you at your quarters." Anahera said.

Williams stood up and nodded. "Thank you, commander. Will there be anything else?"

"No, Lieutenant, dismissed." Anahera said.

He stood a little more straighter, nodded at his boss, and replied, "Thank you, commander." Then he turned and exited the room.

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Security Chief
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Jason Williams
Assistant Security Chief
USS Ontario


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