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Dinner Plans [Backpost] Part IX

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 1:16pm by Lieutenant Zero

612 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Lt. Zero's Quarters, USS Ontario


Zero took the bowl with one hand, showing no concern for the heat due to the food, and grabbed the fork with the other hand. He attempted to impale one of the sauced up pieces of paste, but it would slip off a few times. Eventually, he would finally get it and bring it up to his mouth. He paused to look at it, the mechanical blue part of his eyes rotating slightly as Zero seemed to scan the food before opening his mouth. Slowly, he eased the small bite of food in his mouth and eventually took it in, removing the fork slowly. He chewed it, precisely 20 times, before stopping suddenly to swallow.

He remained still, as if taking a moment to gather his thoughts, until finally saying. "It's...." Zero stopped then repeated. "It's...." He stopped again, thinking again, before looking to Dahlia and saying. "It's.... interesting."


"Different, I take it..." Dahlia said, her voice almost soothing as she watched him. "New experiences is always a bonus, I think. Maybe it is the Marine in me, it's good to experience what life has to offer." Because joining the Corps has a tendency of cutting said life short, she thought, but didn't say it aloud as she took more to eat. She had to wipe the corner of her mouth when she got sauce there, but she smiled. Pasta could be messy.

"Yes." Zero replied. "It is... different. However, it is a necessary for me to experience this difference now that I am... individual." He looked over to her, smiling a bit, before looking back down to his plant. "I am in need of new experiences. I must learn and adapt to my new life. A doctor once intol me that my brain would begin to remember my life before I was assimilated, but I do not." He looked back up to her, a slight concerned look on his face, as he continued. "I remember nothing, and so, I do not know if this is my first time eating food like this or if I have eaten it before. What I know is... what makes this memorable is... sharing it with you." He smiled returned.

Dahlia met his eyes, taking it in before she smiled, almost shyly as she looked down. "Oh Zero..." she looked back at him, taking a deeper breath. "I'm glad...and it is memorable to me too. Maybe it doesn't matter, if you remember your past or not. Because you are the person you are now, who is...evolving...just like the rest of us. And with that comes good in point..." she winked as she gestured between them and the food. "And some pretty rubbish ones too."

"It is my... desire, Dahlia, that you are a part of more of these good experiences. Your... knowledge and perspective, combined with your experience and understanding, will provide me with answers to questions I have still yet to ask." Zero paused hesitantly, looking away for a moment, before returning back to her gaze. "Your presence will provide me with much ease."

Dahlia smiled. "Thank you, Zero. I would like that."

Zero returned the smile as best he could. He felt he finally had a close friend. A confidant. Someone that could guide him in the ways of becoming a better individual, but also not treat him like differently. Not like a Borg, but a person. A person who is just attempting to be a better version of himself and find his way.



Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario


1st Lt. Dahlia Acker
Marine XO
USS Ontario


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