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The Dilemma (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 @ 6:36am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara & Lieutenant Zero & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone & 1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker

1,330 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Conference Room


Grace worked with science and operations to understand why the Romulan ship was as powerful as it was. But when they learned the truth, it made matters far more complicated. She met with the Captain, then waited while he contacted Starfleet Command. Now it was time to talk to the senior staff to discuss the recent...complications.

Anahera entered the Conference Room. "Good day, Commander." She said as she took her seat.

"Hello, Commander," Grace replied. Anahera was one of the officers she most wanted to hear from during the meeting. Security's opinion on the Romulan ship would be important going forward.

1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker did not let her nervousness show as she entered the Conference room. She looked at the Commander already there, as well the Chief Security Officer. "Commander...Commander..." she gave them both a respectful nod, moving to a chair but stopping. She wasn't sure it was the done thing for her to sit down, especially since her superior wasn't there yet.

Grace smiled. "We haven't met yet. I'm Grace Vetur. I assume you're Lieutenant Acker? Welcome." She indicated the table. "Make yourself comfortable."

Siren stepped into the Conference Room with a PADD in hand. She gave a respectful nod to the XO. "Ma'am." then to the Security Chief. "Ma'am" Then took a seat. She gave a brief friendly smile to Dahlia.

The first officer nodded back to Siren.

Anahera acknowledged the new comers with a nod. Then got up to order self a coffee. "Anyone else want a drink?" She asked as she stood in front of the replicator.

"Not me, thanks," Grace replied.

"Espresso," said Percy as he nearly stumbled his way into the conference room and quickly straightened his uniform. He brushed off the shoulder, displacing a few bits of leaf that had been stuck to him. "Apologies, I was a bit tied up," he said looking at Grace. He did not need to explain the circumstances as she undoubtedly could surmise that he had been wrestling with some sort of heinous plant.

Grace just raised an eyebrow at Percy. She wondered what botanical mayhem he was up to now.

Amanda arrived shortly after Percy. She stifled a laugh at the ridiculous half-Tellarite. She still did not like him and wondered what Yiv would think of it all. She shook her head curtly. No, Amanda, you promised Siren not to think about it. This is all in Yiv's court. She also looked directly at Grace, wondering why this meeting was called. Amanda quickly looked away after looking into Grace's eyes. At least Grace had been honest with her. Unusually, without a word, she took a seat next to Siren, trying to keep a smile on her face in front of everyone.

"One espresso coming right up." Anahera said.

The doors opened just before Zero entered, his gloved hands behind his back, as he came to a stop inches from the entrance. As the doors closed, his blue mechanical eyes looked around the room, as if scanning those in attendance. A brief smile appeared on his face as he noticed Dahlia among them, before nodding his head to greetings and proceeding to a seat.

Yiv sauntered in and gave everyone a friendly nod, before favouring both Amanda and Percy with wide smiles, though a look of confusion tinged his expression as he saw the state of the Science Officer.

Peri walked in and took a seat in the back. She'd been part of the team looking through the two ships and had been invited along with other assistants.

Amanda noticed the smile. Her own smile brightened for a split second before she stifled a blush and looked pointedly at Siren.

Siren was too focused on the Command Team to notice her friend attempting to make eye contact.

When everyone had gathered, Grace lowered the lights and activated a 3D rendering of the battle between the two ships, based on the data retrieved from their computers. It went from the first attack to the race into the nebula and the weapons discharge that sent them to the current time. Then the image focused on the Romulan attack. "Look at the damage from the warbird." She played one more attack, then turned up the lights.

"It took some digging, and verification from Starfleet Intelligence, but from what we can gather, the Relentless was testing a new weapons array. If we send them back, they'll be able to show the Empire that the weapon is a success and more will be used. In this time, Starfleet's shields were not robust enough to withstand the attacks."

"That is a bit of a conundrum," the Chief Science Officer noted. "If we send them back, that could theoretically change the landscape of the Federation, the galaxy, everything we know. A Romulan Empire with that technology at that point in time?" He shook his head. "I'm no tactician, but that looks like an enormous advantage for them."

The Counselor spoke up, "It could also potentially change time as we know it, making our potential existences or at least everything we know and currently understand questionable."

"Indeed. Thus, the conundrum," Grace replied. "There is also the crew of the Resolute to consider."

"Percy and the Counselor are right, that weapon in the hands of past Romulans could devastate Starfleet and the Federation. I've fought Romulans from that time period and they are ruthlessly efficient." Anahera said. "I am a tactician, and if I were them, I'd take out the Klingons, Cardassians and Breen first, leaving the Federation no potential allies, before taking it apart world by world."

It was a brutal reminder of what would quite likely mean the end of the Federation and several other worlds if the Romulans were allowed to return to their own time. Grace appreciated Anahera's analysis.

Zero remained quiet, taking in all the information revealed by his fellow crew, before looking down slightly. He seemed to freeze in place, while his mind ran many permutations and calculations given his knowledge shared by his time as Borg as it concerned time travel. As he lifted his head he finally spoke up. "Am I to understand, since this weapon is now in play, the option to send them back is currently our position of choice?"

Grace shook her head. "On the contrary. Starfleet Command doesn't want that weapon sent back. To complicate matters, there are members of both ships that are aware they are no longer in their timeline. So, we have a weapon that could destroy the Federation of its time, along with personnel who may know more about this time than is prudent." She wasn't entirely certain the Romulan Commander hadn't taken more than cursory scans of the Ontario, either. "Starfleet Command doesn't think it's worth the risk. But that brings up other concerns."

Frustrated at having been mentioned in the same sentence with Percy again, Amanda's face flushed. "I presume that the other concerns are whether to confiscate the weapon from the Romulans or send them to the Romulans as is. As to the Resolute, I presume the concerns are acclimating their crew to our time. I can certainly assist some of them but I can't counsel a second entire crew. We would have to send them to Starbase 1, I think and let the Federation sort out their future and whether they can be permitted to contact their relatives. It could be a very confusing time for all concerned."

(To be continued...)

Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security Officer
USS Ontario

1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker
Marine XO
USS Ontario

Lieutenant (JG) Elizabeth 'Siren' Stone
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant JG Peri Valier
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario


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