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Posted on Tue Jan 10th, 2023 @ 9:04am by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii

1,987 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 15 | Swimming Pool

With a little help from Haruna, Percy had managed to secure the swimming pool on deck fifteen to himself during night watch, neither of them assigned to be on duty during the shift. It was certainly beneficial knowing the Chief Engineer especially one that had been willing to fudge a few details and put in a maintenance report that the swimming pool was closed and restricted access to it. This had of course been before she was taken, ripped away from the Ontario by these pirates. When Percy reached the doors marked swimming pool on deck fifteen, the doorway would not part. The computer cited that it was closed for maintenance, but once Percy tapped away at the control panel, a code that Haruna had set for him, the doorway slid open.

There was nothing wrong with the pool. If anything, it was pristine, full of water and the entirety of it was empty of people. Not a soul in sight and that was exactly the plan. It had been LuAnn’s suggestion after all. The holodeck could have been an option but, the whole thought of a holographic pool was not at appealing. He had been waiting for this night ever since he had begun to plan it, and it had to be delayed when the escalation of piracy had called him away, but after it all, he was home again and safe.

Wearing a paisley sleeveless tank and solid joggers, he was not exactly dressed for swimming at least not in the conventional sense, but that would come into clarity when Yiv arrived. Percy was a little worried about what the Chief Intelligence Officer would think when he arrived and put two in two together – that the pools was supposedly closed for maintenance and yet there was Percy, and the pool was perfectly fine. It certainly would not be the first time that Yiv caught Percy somewhere that he was not supposed to be.

Percy could smell the scent of Yiv before the Efrosian had even arrived. Heading towards the doorway, the doors opened, and Percy smiled as he saw Yiv standing there. “Ignore the maintenance notice, that was…” Percy knew better than to lie to Yiv. “My doing. Before she was taken, I had asked the Chief Engineer to ensure the pool would be empty and we could have some privacy. I know. I bent the rules a bit.” The poolside was adorned with a few potted plants of pinks, peaches, and creamy white honeysuckles. Some petals ornately placed by Percy from the doorway leading to the pool steps.

Yiv snorted good-naturedly, 'only bending? You're mellowing Percy.' He surveyed the room, taking in the potted plants, the petals leading up to the pool, and the pool itself. 'You've gone to a lot of effort. It's a shame I didn't bring my bathers with me,' he said with a smile, stepping in to the room fully and allowing the door to slide shut behind him.

The doors secured once closed and Percy approached Yiv. "You don't have to worry about that," Percy said nuzzling up against Yiv's neck. "I didn't bring mine either," added Pecy who slowly started to lift up his shirt. This was LuAnn's idea.

His heart speed up as he felt Percy nuzzle up against him, his breathing coming fast and shallow at the turn of events. Yiv's hands went to Percy's hips, and his sense of time became focussed on the here and now. 'I see,' he said breathily, the chatty Intelligence Officer once more shorn of his words around his Percy. 'What a fortunate oversight,' he managed to whisper into Percy's ear.

Percy leaned inward to be closer to the Efrosian's ear as he gently whispered "I'm half Tellarite and the Chief Science Officer. I don't make oversights," teased Percy before gently kissing the intelligence officer's lobe. He eased his way back and off went Percy shirt discarded aside.

"My counselor suggested that we take a dip in the pool with a little more...freedom" Percy clarified with a bit of a half smile. "I believe Efrosians tend to use close physical contact as a means to really getting to know someone."

Smiling a little shyly, Yiv nodded, 'you'd be right about that ... I don't think you want the sociological lecture right now, but yes.' He admired Percy's bare torso with a growing hunger, then a notion snagged him, does he think we're not moving forward quickly enough?. After all, he seemed to have brought up something about them with his counselor. Yiv shoved the thought down, and stripped off his own tunic, and wandered to the water's edge. 'You like water, don't you?'

Percy admired the Efrosian and the restraint that the man clearly had given the sounds he was making. "You'd be surprised what scientists are into," teased the half-Tellarite. "Lengthy sociological lectures can be rather stimulating, and if I didn't know any better, I would say someone is a bit hungry" he added.

As they neared the water's edge, Percy reached up and gently touched the Efrosian's whiskers. "Despite what some may think, I'm more fond of water than mud."

Bristling, Yiv gripped Percy's hand. 'Do people still say that inane crap? You'd think they would have learnt by now.'

"Sometimes," Percy admitted with a softness. "Certain people will say things like that or just approach me as though I'm fully Tellarite. So, they treat me like Tellarite, not Percy Bálor." He smiled. "Not you though. You've always made me feel like I mattered and that I was more than my reputation or any stereotype."

Yiv grinned as he calmed down, 'you have pretty eyes. Kindof hard to miss them.' He looked down at the water and started pulling his own top off, sighing, 'Denobulan cashmere. I guess it can't be helped I dressed up for the wrong occasion.' He stuck his tongue out at Percy as he bent to get his shoes off. 'How's the water?'

"Then get undressed for the right occasion," replied Percy who had touched the water to test its temperature and found it suitable. As Yiv was pulling off his top, a small grunt from Percy could be heard and an article of clothing found itself hurtling towards Yiv's face as Percy got into the water.

The joggers were by the poolside and Yiv had caught the Chief Science Officer's undergarments. "The water is nice, but you joining me would make it better."

Having the propriety to blush appropriately, Yiv reddened across his face and chest. Slipping off his rather snazzy trousers and his underwear, he slipped himself into the pool with barely a ripple, and moved some of the flowers across the surface of the water and through his fingers. He waded forward, closer to Percy, 'the water is nice,' he smirked.

"It is lovely, a good temperature, but the companionship tonight is even better," commented Percy as he inched himself closer towards Yiv until he was practically chest-to-chest with the Efrosian. "I wouldn't have it any other way. You are exactly who I want to share a soothing dip with."

'Humm, we're in a flattering mood tonight aren't we,' Yiv teased, sticking his tongue out slightly, and trying his best to avoid looking Percy up and down. A sore temptation. He distracted himself with the flowers, teasing them between his fingers as they floated on the surface of the water. Giving up the fight, he ran a hand down the other man's arm. 'Same here,' he said softly, moving up closer, closing that remaining infinitesimal gap.

Percy took a deep breath and gently caressed the man, wrapping an arm around the Efrosian's waistline. "A little more than just a flattering mood," the Chief Science Officer said gazing into Yiv's eyes. "I suppose if I were to be completely honest...which with you, I find myself wanting to be, that little away mission I just had has left me a bit shaken."

Lieutenant Bálor pressed his lips slowly against Yiv's, just for a moment. Then slowly retreated, but kept himself close to Yiv. "I was worried that I wasn't coming back."

Feeling his throat tighten, Yiv slipped his own arms around the half-Tellarite's waste, then slid them up to his shoulders before pulling him into another tender kiss. 'I'm very glad you did,' he managed breathily after composing himself for a moment. Then he grinned, 'no running off in shuttles for you from now on, you hear?'

Percy rested his head on Yiv's shoulder. "That is a little difficult to promise given we are both in Starfleet," Percy lamented. "It is a bigger than the two of us when we put our uniforms on, but I can promise that I will be more careful about petitioning to take a shuttle out, and I guarantee you that I'll be as careful as I can if assigned to an away team."

The Chief Science Officer kissed Yiv's neck gently, once, twice, and by the third time knew that if he were not careful, it would escalate if Yiv permitted it, and knowing how Efrosians were - that was a strong possibility. "I don't know if I can sleep tonight. The thought of being alone...I try to close my eyes and I just see the bodies Siren and I recovered."

Closing his eyes, Yiv savoured the feel of Percy against his neck and heaved a sigh. Pausing another moment he replied throatily, 'you don't have to sleep alone ...'

Percy felt good about that. "I want to get to know you a lot better, intimately...the Efrosian way" whispered Percy in Yiv's ear. Percy knew that the Chief Intelligence Officer would understand what he meant.

"Not here though," teased added teasingly.

'No?' Yiv asked teasingly as he leaned in for another, hungrier kiss. 'This was just an elaborate sideshow was it?'

"One should always examine the merchandise and inspect it..." Percy said pressing his body up against Yiv's and looking into the Efrosian's eyes " very closely before.."

Percy pressed his lips against Yiv's and was carefully that his two slightly protruding lower teeth didn't hurt Yiv nor get in the way as he became a little more forcefully passionate and exploratory with the Efrosian's mouth. The Chief Science Officer very slowly pulled back, a bit of saliva between them made Percy blush. "Purchasing it for personal use" he finished.

Slipping his hands below the water line, Yiv grinned as he pulled Percy closer once more. 'I'm glad I made it through my audition. If I knew I was supposed to perform, I'd have learned a little dance.'

"You never need to" Percy said in a breathy response. "My heart was sold the moment I came aboard the Ontario; I want to spend the night with you in your quarters. I'm..." the Chief Science Officer did not want to say the word 'scared' but the unspoken word and short span of silence spoke loudly.

He nuzzled up closer to Yiv. "We're going to get them back. We have to get them back," added Percy looking into Yiv's eyes for reassurance. Now all Percy wanted was to dry off and warm up next to Yiv in the Efrosian's quarters where he could feel safe.

The Efrosian looked deep into Percy's eyes, and nodded, 'we'll get them back.' There was a steely determination to his answer. 'Lets get you out of here and dry.' He began steering him to the pool's edge.

'You can stay the night.'

Those words alone were enough for Percy to feel safe.

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario


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