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The Wheat and the Tares

Posted on Sun Jan 1st, 2023 @ 7:55am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D

1,582 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Cargo Bay 2


With Amanda missing, LuAnn felt that someone from counselling should go to the cargo bay in case any of the survivors needed a hand to hold or an ear to listen. But, since she knew better than to just walk in, she stood outside the door and waited for security.

Anahera arrived Cargo Bay 2, just as her team arrived led by Chief Petty Officer S'reen.

"S'reen, take the team in and begin identifying the Crew of the Manatee, here's a PADD with her crew manifest."

"Yes, ma'am." The Saurian said taking the PADD, and leading the other four enlisted security into the Cargo Bay.

When he was gone, Anahera turned to LuAnn. "Sorry to ignore you, Counsellor, but my first duty was to make sure the survivors were who they claim to be." Anahera explained. "So, how can I be of assistance?" She asked.

"It's fine," LuAnn said, waving her hand blithely in the air to show that she didn't mind. "I'm here to see if any of the survivors who aren't pirates need to talk to a counselor. Being attacked can be quite traumatic."

"Okay, you can come in, but stay near the door, and we'll direct those we've cleared to you, understood?' Anahera said.

"Understood and appreciated." LuAnn was happy to stay by the door. If any of the refugees were pirates, she didn't want to get too close.

When the doorway to the cargobay opened, a woman in a Starfleet uniform and an icy glare locked eyes with Anahera. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to actually render aid?" asked the woman.

She was Lieutenant Commander Randgrid, and she was anything but happy. It was evident by the makeshift sling that the woman had crafted, harnessing her right arm that she was injured. "I hope this starship is heavily armed. You are going to need it."

"Commander, my first duty is to this crew and ship, once your identities have been verified, you will be given aid. Until that time, I must insist that you remain in this Cargo Bay."

The woman stepped aside. "Then get to work," Randgrid said. "Look, my Captain is dead. My starship likely destroyed. I may be one of the few survivors. These people are my responsibility" she stated.

"Security Chief to Security Chief, I won't prevent you from doing your job," Lieutenant Commander Randgrid assured. "I need to see your Captain or whoever is in charge."

"Okay." Anahera said a took a small device from her belt. Holding it in front of the other Commander's face. Please look into the retina scanner and recite your fall name, rank, position and vessel of origin." She said.

"Lieutenant Commander Monica Randgrid, Security Chief of the USS Fitzgerald," she said looking into the device. "I can also assure you that Patience is not my middle name."

A moment later, the scanner beeped confirming the Randgrid's identity.

"Thank you, Commander." Anahera said. Tapping her badge, she said. "Chernova to Bridge."

"Bridge here," Grace replied. She was eager to hear what Anahera had to report.

"Commander, my people are testing the survivors now, but I have a Lieutenant Commander Randgrid of the Fitzgerald who wishes to speak with you. I have confirmed her identity."

Grace glanced at Yiv. "Send her up--with an escort."

"Yes, ma'am." Anahera said. "Chernova out."

Anahera turned to her people. "S'reen, please escort, Commander Randgrid, here to the Bridge."

"Aye, ma'am." The Saurian NCO said. He then turned to Commander Randgrid, "If you'll accompany me Commander?" He said.


Grace and Yiv were waiting for them in the captain's ready room. The first officer felt it would be prudent to get Yiv's input on whatever the commander had to say.

Pulling on his whiskers contemplatively, Yiv stared into the middle distance. Eventually he sighed, 'this is a pickle we find ourselves in.'

"Unfortunately, I agree with you." Grace sighed. "However we play this, we run the risk of causing trouble with the merchants or bringing the pirates after us. So, I'm hoping that between the two of us, we can navigate through this muddled mess and get the civilians to safety."

'Aye Captain,' replied Yiv with a rueful smile, 'you couldn't point me in the direction of the food that gave the Captain his gastric issues?'

She gave him a half smile. "Afraid not."

Chief Petty Officer S'reen arrived on the Bridge, and approached Grace. "Commander, this is Commander Randgrid, she wishes to speak with you." He said.

She nodded. "Will the two of you join us in the ready room?" Grace raised one eyebrow. She was eager to hear what the commander had to say, and having Yiv and S'reen with them might be the better option.

S'reen said. "Aye, ma'am." and followed the others into the Ready Room, taking a position next to the door.

Grace sat behind the captain's desk. "Please, have a seat and tell me what happened."

Taking up a position towards the corner of the room, Yiv stood unobtrusively as he observed Randgrid.

"What do you have to report?" Grace asked Randgrid.

Randgrid took a deep breath and tried to compose herself and not get offended that they were escorting her. She knew it was necessary. "You don't know me. I know I have not gained your trust, but I implore you to be very careful. I just my Captain, First Officer, can't let what happened to us happen to you. I think one of my crew sold us out or one of the civilian merchants we were attempting to help. These people strike hard and fast."

"We're checking everyone's identity," Grace replied. "Right now, we can't trust anyone." She agreed that it was likely someone was on the inside, giving information to the pirates. "What can you tell us that will help us find them? They took two of our crew."

"They show no mercy and have no shame," replied the woman. Randgrid shook her head. "When my Captain and First Officer were in our observation lounge dealing with the Captain of the merchant vessel, these pirates targeted the lounge with all the force they could muster in a series of shots."

Grace nodded while she processed that information. "Then what happened?"

"I've heard you recovered bodies," replied Randgrid. She looked solemnly and a bit remorseful with a heavy weight on her shoulders as she glossy-eyed looked at Grace. "I think you know what happens when a section takes that kind of barrage...all it takes is a split second."

Grace met her gaze. "Yes, I am aware. We've tried to account for as many of the deceased as we can. We're also getting lists to inform the families." She paused. It was hard to speak calmly about this, but she couldn't allow her emotions to show. "Right now, I need to know how to find that ship."

"What's the most valuable cargo out in the immediate area?" Randgrid looked around. "Find the answer to that, and you'll at least have a probable heading. These barbarians do not have much of a cool down period. They will attack and move onto their next target. You can find a trail of disabled and disembowled starships in their wake."

"We already know what they're after," Grace said. "It's what everyone is after. Cordanium. What we don't know is if they're going for more, or if they're offloading what they have first. We also don't know why they need hostages from the Ontario."

"If I may, ma'am?" S'reen said. "Perhaps they took the hostages as a bargaining chip for when we catch up with them. They may wish to trade our crew members for a chance to escape." The Saurian added.

Randgrid nodded. "Your Saurian may have a point. My hypothesis would be they are going to attack for more Cordanium. Generally speaking, pirates tend to over fill their pockets rather than offload what the bit that they have. The hostages could be bargaining chips or even currency. It is not unheard of that Orion Syndiate operate in the region. Starfleet officers still bring a decent bounty."

Grace was once again reminded that she had a bounty on her because she took an image of the HTA contract. "Yes, that is a possibility and will be considered. "Is there anything else you can tell us about what happened?"

"It happened so quickly. I don't believe I have any more information that would be of use to you, but I want to assist in any way that I can."

Grace nodded. "Thank you. Commander Ra-Gruvloveii. He can tell you where you will be best utilized." She raised an eyebrow. "Unless you would rather help Commander Chernova sort out the refugees?"

"I'll coordinate with Commander Ra-Gruvloveii. I suspect your Security Chief and I would clash too much. We did not get off on great footing."

Grace raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. "All right." She still wasn't sure if she trusted Randgrid, but she would rather have the other woman working with one of her crew than off by herself. For now, anyway. She nodded to Yiv. "Let me know what you find. Until then, you're dismissed."


Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Annahera Chernova
Chief Security Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Monica Randgrid
Chief of Security
USS Fitzgerald

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Ontario


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