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Sandalwood: A New Start

Posted on Sun Mar 3rd, 2024 @ 4:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D

1,072 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Standing By
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 02 | Executive Officer's Office

Clanking down through the second deck corridor with a small crate of items, Lieutenant Percy Balor made his way towards the office that was sparingly utilized during Grace’s tenure as First Officer of the USS Ontario. Mostly because she had spent little time in the capacity of executive officer and more in the capacity of acting Captain given Elijah Michaels’ falling ill. Everyone had been so shaken up and jumbled around in recent weeks. For a time it was Yiv in the Captain’s chair with Grace having been swept away in a transporter beam.

The designated office for the Executive Officer had been cleaned out with Grace’s fully confirmed promotion to Commander and reassignment to Commanding Officer, no acting tacked onto it as a preface. She was the Captain of this starship and Yiv was her First Officer. It even had the lingering freshly painted scent when Percy strutted in. There was nothing crucial inside, a vacant room with no decorations, just a simple desk. Because Yiv had yet to officially move into the room. Percy was able to enter without pause.

Walk in closet thought Percy as he took in ‘the view’ and snorted. You could fit two people comfortably in the space, but three would start to get claustrophobic. Percy would not have been surprised to learn if the space had previously just been a storage closet in a previous life. Nevertheless, he was glad that Yiv had a workspace of his own away from all the hustle and bustle of being Chief Intelligence Officer. He had more duties now, more responsibilities, and Percy was preparing himself for what that would mean for them relationship-wise.

The bitter taste in his mouth was the thought of some of the people who would have more access to Yiv now. Amanda the thorny black rose herself undoubtedly would have to meet with Yiv more often now as First Officer personnel matters would be in his domain. That meant crew performance evaluations, any concerns raised with psych evaluations if they merited disclosure to the command staff. Percy took a deep breath. His feelings for Amanda Rose aside, he had respect for Yiv and to an extent, Counselor Rose.

Placing the crate down on the small desk that protruded outward from the side ‘wall’ of the room a wee bit. It had what some would consider elbow room, but not much more than that. The room could handle the addition of a chair or two, maybe a love seat suitable for two, but probably not all of that. Percy started pulling out some items from the crate to spruce up the place a bit, make it cozy and welcoming for Yiv.

A few minutes later there were some minimalist decorations. A few books on mounted shelves, a little here and a little there. A small diffuser sat lonely on a tiny table in the corner of the room producing the scent of sandalwood. When the doorway opened behind Percy, he turned to find that the First Officer was standing there. “Mmm” said Percy. “Just like old times. Catching me in the act once more” he said referring to the time they really met one another with Percy fiddling around with communication logs.

Having received an alert that someone had accessed his new cubbyhole, Yiv had decided to investigate for himself, rather than involving Security.

Adjusting the heft of his new red undertunic, he cleared his throat. 'I hope we're not falling into bad habits again, Percy.'

"The red looks good on you," said Percy as the doors closed behind Yiv. The Chief Science Officer playfully grabbing Yiv's beard. "Very good", added Percy before letting go of the beard.

He smiled. "I was just in here adding a little touch. I didn't want you coming into a completely cold looking space. It was also a little stale in here."

Yiv smiled as he arched an eyebrow, 'cold was it? I know Vetur's not really one for cluttering her space, but there's not really much you can do with this cubby hole. Hopefully I won't be spending too much time in here.'

He tapped Percy on the chest tenderly, 'thank you for trying, though.'

"Consider it an option," Percy said. "A little hole in the wall for you to hide away for a bit or meet with this problematic crew."

'I don't know, most of the problematic ones are in Counselling, so the Chief Medical Officer can deal with their issues,' Yiv replied wryly. 'What do you think of him anyway? He was quick enough to flex his authority.'

"The Doctor?" Percy asked though he was pretty certain that's what Yiv was asking. "We've been acquainted. I don't believe he's fond of pork" said Percy with a chuckle.

The half-Tellarite then made a fist and pushing it into his other hand. "I think prolonged exposure to his bedside manner may result in him eating a ham sandwich, but I can be civil."

'Let's hope so,' Yiv laughed, 'I don't want to be stuck in here writing you up in a personnel report. Well. Not one that involves you decking an officer. I could stretch to writing a commendation or two if you're good.'

"If I get one opportunity to deck an officer, I am not wasting it on Doctor groucho" said Percy. "I'll just have to be on my best behavior. I would love a good commendation or two."

Pulling him in to a hug, Yiv smiled and whispered in his ear. 'Good, I can think of one or two places you can earn a commendation if you know what I mean.'

"Careful there, Commander," Percy replied reaching up and giving those whiskers a little tug. "You're First Officer now. If you aren't careful one might think you're suggesting something in exchange for a commendation " teased Percy.

He hugged Yiv firmly. "Your quarters later, after we're both off duty and available, but feel free to keep that third rank pip on your collar, Sir."

'You can count on it,' Yiv purred in reply.

"I'll see you then, Commander" Percy said teasingly on his way out.

'I'm counting on it, Lieutenant,' Yiv chuckled as he watched Percy's retreating rear, 'be on time!'

Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario


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