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Timely Arrivals (Part I)

Posted on Thu Mar 21st, 2024 @ 12:06pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant JG Peri Valeri & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Edited on on Thu May 9th, 2024 @ 2:55am

1,244 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Standing By
Location: Various
Timeline: MD00


It had been fifteen hours since Grace's return to the Ontario and she'd finally managed to get a few hours' sleep. The situation with Haruna would take time, but for now things were stable. Mostly.

They were close to rendezvousing with the medical transport, but it would be taking Elijah, not Haruna, to a long-term facility. At least Doctor Marcus agreed on that. She still wasn't sure what to make of the curmudgeon. As soon as she thought she understood him, he'd surprise her.

She still hadn't heard from Admiral Hunter, and she was growing concerned. There were nine hours left before the pirate's deadline.

"Commander, a ship just dropped out of warp. It's the Shakespeare," Peri announced from ops.

"The Shakespeare?" She had no idea why Admiral Burke would be out here--unless she brought word of the admiral. But then, why wouldn't she just contact Grace? "On screen."

Just as the Miranda class ship appeared on the viewscreen, Peri announced an incoming call. "Admiral Burke, ma'am."

The commander signaled for her to put it on the viewscreen. "Admiral, what can I do for you?" Grace asked.

"Permission to come aboard. I would like to have a word with you."

That wasn't ominous. "Permission granted. I'll meet you in my ready room."

"Thank you. Burke out."

Looking across to the Captain from his seat to her side, Yiv arched an eyebrow, 'sounds like a fun appointment. Want me to go find some tea and biscuits? That's what humans like at a meeting, right?'

"I believe so." Grace shook her head. "Yes. If nothing else it will give my hands something to do." She stood slowly. "You have the bridge." She wasn't looking forward to this meeting simply because she assumed it meant there was no word from Admiral Hunter, and that was not good. But either way, she would hear what the admiral had to say.

Five minutes after Grace left the bridge, the turbolift door opened and a woman in her late fifties emerged. "Hello, everyone. Before anyone says it, please don't. At ease." She didn't have time for formalities right now. Not when Kilgore was in the area and she couldn't find Max.

She turned her attention to Yiv. "I'm Admiral Burke. If there are any messages for me or the commander, please send them straight to the ready room."

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Yiv recovered his composure, and smiled, 'of course, Admiral. I'll send through any messages. Biscuits too?'

She hesitated. "Yes. Herb tea, please. I think we'll both need it." Then she continued on to the ready room.

'Herb tea it is,' Yiv repeated at the retreating back of the admiral before getting up from his seat and busying himself.

Amanda had just walked onto the bridge as the Captain, the Admiral, and Yiv walked into the Ready Room. She looked at everyone on the bridge after an awkward silence and asked, "Does anyone care to tell me what this is all about?"

'No idea,' Yiv replied brightly as he headed for a replicator. 'A clandestine meeting aboard ship - won't be the last I'm sure.'

"No," she answered her former romantic interest. "I don't suppose it will be. I just do not like it. Commodore just gets back and already whisked away...."

'Just to her Ready Room, hopefully,' Yiv replied with an easy smile as he worked his way through the shipboard menu and find an Herb tea that his senior officers might both enjoy.

Now for the biscuits, Yiv thought, twiddling his fingers a second as he thought what he should replicate.

"Hopefully," Amanda answered as she found her bridge seat, wondering what she should do in this situation.

"I trust Admiral Burke. She was one of the few members of the Admiralty not to shun me after I exposed the treasonous act of one of their number." Anahera said.


Grace was pacing the room, nervous about the meeting with the admiral--especially as she assumed it meant there would be no Hunter. She knew the deal was for her to contact Admiral Hunter, but she knew Kilgore would be angry if he didn't get the response he wanted.

When the door chimed, she turned. "Come in."

"Hello, my dear," Kathryn said, entering the room. "I'm sorry you've had to deal with Thayne Kilgore. I've left messages with Max, but he hasn't replied yet. That usually means he's undercover somewhere."

"That's what I was afraid of." Grace sighed. "Please, sit down." She went over to the couch and chairs in the back corner and sat on the couch. "I'm not sure what to do now. He said I had 24 hours."

Burke waved that off as she sat in one of the overstuffed chairs. "You fulfilled your part of the bargain. The rest is up to Max. And, in his absence, me."

"But what can you do? Kilgore wants a woman and a ship. I assume the admiral knows where both of them are."

Burke smiled. "Max knows a lot of things, but that doesn't mean he's going to comply with any demands. Especially from a pirate." She knew a good deal about Kilgore, but she didn't know who the woman was, or why Kilgore wanted her. She would have to ask Max when she saw him again.

"I know. I don't believe turning over the woman he wants would be a good idea. He's as likely to kill her on the spot as anything, and I don't want to be responsible for someone's death."

"Nor do I. But I have a bit more leverage than you do," Kathryn replied. "Not as much as Max, who used to call him friend, but I have more than most. Right now, I want to ensure the safety of this sector from pirates like Kilgore."

Warbling the door chime, Yiv didn't wait for confirmation to enter - both Grace and Burke were sensible enough to stop talking about whatever classified matters they were discussing - and strode across the room.

He bore a tray with a clear glass teapot filled with herb tea and two glass mugs. On a small plate he had taken the liberty of providing a pile of jammy dodger biscuits, the only ones that really agreed with his digestive system.

'Refreshments sirs,' he said simply, plonking the tray on the table with a little clatter.

"Thank you," Grace said, smiling at her first officer. He may be a bit brusque at times, but she appreciated it.

Burke's eyes twinkled, but she remained somber. "Thank you."

"Please, help yourself," Grace said when Yiv had returned to the bridge.


Not hanging around, Yiv spun on his heel with a breezy 'you're welcome,' and made for the Ready Room door. As it closed behind him, he looked at a small listening device in his palm. Despite the itchiness within him to know what was going on, he had refrained from placing it down.

He sighed as he walked towards his new chair. Best to trust they'll inform us properly of what's going on.

(To be continued...)

Commander Grace Vetur
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario

Admiral Kathryn Burke
Theta Fleet

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant JG Peri Valeri
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario


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