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Lotus: Opening the Sahaswara (Part II)

Posted on Fri May 10th, 2024 @ 9:36am by Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D
Edited on on Fri May 10th, 2024 @ 9:38am

1,140 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Standing By
Location: Ontario, Deck 15, Arboretum
Timeline: MD01


"I have been on my best behavior lately," stated Percy. It was true. He had been completely avoidant of causing any problems. It had been Haruna that took the spotlight lately. "Not a peep from my laboratories. No explosions, escapes, or anything of the sort."

When it came to Doctor Marcus he could not agree more. "He needs something. Maybe there will be something on Priapus for him. Oh, speaking of which, brush up on your flora and fauna. You're coming with us."


"I am?" Her smile grew. "I look forward to it. I haven't been on an away team in a long while."

She took a moment to consider his first comment before responding. "You have been quiet lately. I've heard nothing about new experiments in science or any new explosions. That shows progress." Although she expected something to go wrong eventually. He wasn't going to completely change. And as long as it wasn't too large or got out of hand, it would be good for him. "I hear things are going well for you and Commander Ra-Gruvloveii."

He shrugged a bit breaking the lotus pose. "I guess," he said hesitantly. "I have my eyes on the prize, but my prize is the First Officer. I can't let myself cause him too much stress or distract him. I think we have a lot to navigate ahead, but I've made plans to go ring shopping."

Percy steered back to the mission. "Priapus has a lot of plants and animal life, some of which can be deadly. I get having Doctor Marcus come along, but is it wrong for me to point out this is rough terrain. Thick rain forests with caves, and Doctor Marcus needs a cane. He's not exactly earning a reputation for rock climbing or spelunking."

"But he can delegate someone from his department, can't he? It would be under his direction to decide if he wanted to go or send someone else." An image came to mind and she smiled. "Or he could take an air cart and just float along beside you. If the underbrush is too dense, he could be your eyes in the sky."

"I'd be concerned with potential interference and the ion storms affecting a cart" Percy replied. "I suppose he could delegate, but I know men like him. I am a man like him. We have a god complex. Benching him because of his disability doesn't feel right. I'll make this work. That's what Starfleet is about."

"Yes, but who put the doctor on the away team?" LuAnn asked next. She wasn't sure if it was Percy's choice if the doctor went to the planet or not.

"Technically, nobody. Vetur only said he and I were to come up with the team, but I made a bit of assumption he was coming" admitted Percy. "As much as I don't like him, I would value having him along."

"I read his personnel file. He is brilliant, but mot geniuses have an EQ that makes them difficult to deal with." She turned her attention to Percy's face. "It sounds to me like most of your concerns are of your own making. We're going to check on a science colony that has been out of contact for too long. That would naturally indicate there is a problem that will require medical, science, or both. And security is always involved. I'm going because I know plants and because I'm a counselor. And I don't complain as much as Amanda." She had to smile at that. "But she is a very good counselor."

"That's up for debate," Percy fired back, not fond of Amanda on any given day. "Yes, I am planning on bringing you along because you know your way around plants. Though there's more to it than that."

He took a deep breath and exhaled. I can do this "A counselor would be beneficial to have. Those missing archaeologists are just some scientist. I knew one of them. I don't want that to cloud my judgment down there."

LuAnn was silent for several seconds, noting his rapid mood change and the emotions accompanying it. "How well did you know one of those scientists?" She was pretty sure she knew why, but she needed him to state it in words.

Percy could not conceal the physical response, a facial
erubescence. The increased capillary blood flow caused a redness to his cheeks. "We attended Dartmouth together" Percy replied. He looked at LuAnn. "We were roommates for a few semesters" he added.

"That's what I thought," she replied placidly, pleased she’d read him correctly. "I will definitely keep that in mind while on the planet. I hope we find them alive and well, but if not, I can act as grief counselor." She wasn't unfeeling about the situation, but she did need to keep things in perspective for the sake of both the Ontario team and the team on the planet. "Do you think you should tell Commander Ra-Gruvloveii or wait to see what happens first? This was before you two met, and it might be a good idea to let him know sooner rather than later, but I will leave that decision to you." Then she smiled. "Or maybe it's something you should discuss by a campfire with s'mores."

"It was a long very long time ago" replied Percy. He knew Yiv had a history, aside from being an Efrosian, it just made sense. "Yes, it was before the two of us met, long before. It doesn't really matter. We were roommates, close friends but that was it. Nothing happened between us. Nineteen year old me would have welcomed that, but all that's left are memory and a lingering nostalgia. I just want answers."

LuAnn nodded. "Yes." She felt like the discussion was coming to an end, so she stretched out her legs before getting up. "We all have things in our pasts we regret. I think that's part of growing up. We'll find your former roommate--one way or another. Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

"No, I've said enough about Greg," Percy replied and cleared his throat. He broke from the lotus position and upward he climbed like a winding weed. "Be ready for the away mission. I want everyone at their best."

LuAnn stood as well and bowed. "Yes, sir." The question was a general one, but if he thought it was just about Greg—she’d look his name up on the list of scientists--it was definitely time to leave. She smiled cheerfully. "It will be fine, Percy. Whatever happens, it will be fine, as will you."

"I hope so," Percy said. Scientists don't go quiet for no reason.


Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood


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