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Into Darkness (Part III)

Posted on Mon Feb 17th, 2025 @ 12:23pm by Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Petty Officer 3rd Class T'Rala H'Zelar

1,629 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Standing By
Location: Shuttle on Priapus


"Very well. Everyone stand by for transport. We only get one shot at this so please no one move." It was at this point that Aaron noticed that Amanda had already made it back to the shuttle. Great. One transport I don't have to worry about. he thought. "Thorny sit down and be quiet and that is an order. Before you say anything keep in mind I outrank you and I am your Department Chief. So, this is just to let you know I have a whole bag of sit down and shut up with your name on it."


"You may outrank me but if you're exhibiting issues, I can still remove you, Doctor," she told him while scrunching up her nose and having a snide tone on the word, "Doctor."

"And that is the last I will hear from you. That is an order Lieutenant." Aaron replied and then tuned her out. Truth was he had to concentrate on the transport. He wasn't kidding when he said they only had one shot at this and he did not want to miss it.

Aaron energized the three remaining people and they materialized in the shuttle. "Welcome back gang I am your host for the evening Dr Marcus but you can call me Doc if you wish. Lieutenant Lovegood since you are in charge be advised that our patient is well and sleeping comfortably in the rear compartment. The storm is upon us so by my estimation we will be on the ground until the morning. But Commander Chernova is the pilot round these parts."

"Thank you." LuAnn was glad that Percy was sleeping. "Anahera tagged the bodies of the other scientists. Can you beam them to the shuttle? They can stay in the transporter buffer if you prefer, but I'm sure their families would like the remains sent home."

"I will keep them in the buffer as we do not have enough stasis fields. Once on the Ontario we can materialize them in the morgue and I can perform autopsies." Aaron turned back to the console and executed the transports.

Amanda crossed her arms across her chest while she listened to the conversation. The Doctor was on her shit list and she was not about to let it go, no matter how much he deferred.

Counselor Rose was quiet for once, looks like the Doc, finally pulled rank on her, but that didn't stop her starring daggers at him.

"Everybody, this is Doctor Khan." Anahera said introducing the Vulcan scientist.

LuAnn had two questions. First, she turned to Anahera. "You heard Doctor Marcus' recommendation. As the pilot, do you concur?"

"Yes, I agree with Doctor Marcus, we should wait for morning to get this bird skyborne."

LuAnn nodded. "Thank you. Then we wait." And hope for the best, she silently added.

Then the counselor turned to Doctor Khan. "Hello, Doctor. I'm LuAnn Lovegood. With the bodies in the pattern buffer and yourself, does that constitute the entire away team?" She didn't want to leave anyone behind if she could help it.

"There was Professor Jack Michaels, he was an anthropologist, he fled with me, and sacrificed himself, when we were attacked by raptors, so I could escape." T'Fral Khan said. "There was nothing I could do. Once the raptors, had had their fill, the scavengers took what was left." This said, she slumped into one of the chairs. Her nightmare almost over.

Then came the rowdy snarl of a snort that certainly would draw attention. "My eyesight may be shite but my hearing is perfectly fine" quipped Lieutenant Bálor who certainly had been well sedated as he had to brace himself against a bulkhead. Trying to steady himself. "Doctor, when I want your drugs I'll ask for them" grumbled the half-Tellarite.

"Don't bother," he prefaced. "While you were getting chatty I helped myself to a hypo of Flumazenil. I wouldn't mind a nice hot mug of raktajino to chase it with though."

"The doctor did what he felt was best for your health," LuAnn countered.

Percy nodded in agreement though he was not fond of being sedated. He understood.

Then she turned to Doctor Khan. "What about Greg Westfall and the other two scientists?"

The Chief Science Officer of the Ontario looked at the surviving scientist. "I know," prefaced Percy. "Doctor Westfall was a friend. I know in my gut that he's gone."

"I don't know, it all happened so fast, the cave bear, the raptors. This planet looks like a paradise, but in reality it’s a death trap." Khan said.

"They always are," replied Percy. "Paradise exists only to those that see it. This place probably is paradise. The ruins, the flora and fauna. There's natural beauties here but for every beautiful thing is a harsh reality of the beasts that reside within it."

"We can't leave if we aren't certain everyone else is dead," LuAnn replied, stating the obvious.

Aaron had looked in Percy's direction as he thought about what transpired here. Fact was there was two things at play here the first was that the Lieutenant technically committed a crime, by taking a prescription drug without authorization. This is something that Aaron would have to take up with the lady in charge. The second was that Aaron simply did not like being outdone. Additionally, there was the fact that the Lieutenant had a panic attack in the middle of a mission to consider. All at once Marcus knew what he had to do. "Lieutenant Balor you are hereby relieved of duty under my authority as Chief Medical Officer of the USS Ontario. Lieutenant Lovegood, please make a note of this in the official mission log. You will not be allowed to return to duty until Lieutenant Rose as the Ship's Counselor restores you to duty. You should know that no one can override this order not even the Captain. Your next response will be Yes sir or I will order Commander Chernova to take you into custody for your crime."

Amanda's eyes narrowed at the Doctor. She then turned to Luna and in the most commanding voice anyone on Ontario had ever heard said, "Lieutenant Lovegood, you will ignore that order by the Doctor. Lieutenant Balor already acted under Regulation 619 in relieving himself of duty. One cannot relieve someone from duty when they have already relieved themselves. It is an impossibility. Also, because Lieutenant Balor already relieved himself of duty, he demonstrated that he had enough of his faculties to determine that he was emotionally compromised. The term of his relief is to be determined by me. The Doctor, at least got that right. Therefore, once we reach the ship, I will conduct an evaluation to determine if he is able to resume duty."

She then turned to the Doctor and in a low, dangerous voice warned him, "I would suggest that before you try to throw your weight around further that you consider your next words carefully. I would not want have to find that you are too emotionally compromised to continue commanding."

Wait! Did I just defend Percy?! Why in the hell would I do that?

Percy who had gotten himself a mug of raktajino and took a very audible slurp after listening to Amanda Rose find herself finally. Defending Percy was probably not on her list of things she expected to do on Priapus, but Percy imagined this was hardly even about him. No, this was a long way coming. She was standing up for herself personally and professionally.

They say every rose has its thorns and this poor bastard just fell right into a briar patch thought Percy. "Damn good raktajino" commented Percy. "If you'll excuse me since I'm just Percival Bálor, an observer or guest or what have you, I am going to sit down and let your drugs wear off."

Aaron would have a long think about the Counselor's evaluation when crew evaluations came up. Perhaps she would receive a transfer for all of her efforts. But this was not the time nor was it the place to debate protocol with the Counselor. There was one card that Aaron could play though, seeing as the Counselor simply reiterated what he had stated. "Lieutenant Lovegood I would hate to disagree with my esteemed colleague. But, Thorny is in no position to belay an order that I have given. So, for the record I will restate my order. Please note in the mission log that in my capacity as Chief Medical Officer. Lieutenant Percy Balor is relieved of duty until such time as he can undergo a complete psychological evaluation to be performed by the Ship's Counselor."

"It will be duly noted." And this was why LuAnn didn't ever want to be in command. "Lieutenant Rose, you are not in command of this team and you do not have authority over the doctor. His previous order stands." And if she pushed the point, well, LuAnn would do what she had to. She was pretty sure the captain would support her in this.

The Counselor first shot a sharp glare at Percy, warning the pig from saying anything more. More calmly she turned to LuAnn and said, "You are correct to an extent. However, if I can show that the Chief Medical Officer is compromised, then it is my duty to relieve him." She turned to the Doctor and gave him a devilish grin.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood
Counselor and Botanist
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security and Tactical Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus
Chief Medical Officer
USS Ontario


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