
First time for everything

Posted on Sun Apr 18th, 2021 @ 10:45am by Warrant Officer Arin Merkara

684 words; about a 3 minute read

Walking into her quarters, Arin stripped off her tunic top. Her chest got in the way as she pulled it off, and she tossed it into the recycler. She saw the console flash as it did when she had waiting messages.

It was a recorded communique from her ex Michael. Swearing under her breath, she was thankful that it wasn't a live feed. When his face popped up, she still marveled at his good looking features, but his nature had soured her long ago on anything other activity with him unless it concerned their daughter.

"Hey..." She knew he almost said babe. He would know it irked her. Not that it stopped him all the time. "Lisa is starting to go through the change. Can you take some time to talk to her. I can't seem to get through to her anymore."

Muttering to herself, she said, "She's realizing what I knew when I divorced you. Ass." She never disparaged Michael in front of Lisa. Whether it was reciprocal was another story. Michael continued, "Anyway, I know I've had her for a long time. While I hate that you serve in Starfleet, it might be time to step up your motherhood game. Anyway, call her please."

"Step up my game." Arin muttered making a face. "Computer record an audio message to Michael Lorada. Michael, if Lisa is more than you can handle, perhaps you could send her my way so I can become all the mother I should be in your eyes. End message and send."

She walked to the replicator. Punching in a few commands before saying. "Computer, Irish whiskey, two fingers, one ice cube." Waiting a few seconds, she sipped the top layer. It wasn't Tyrconnell, but it wasn't bad. She had gone to great lengths to produce something drinkable.

"Computer, personal log, today's date. Settling into the ship has been relatively easy. Refitting is a much different timetable. Sure there will be late nights but the pace of the shipyards is typically feast or famine but this is a more even tempo than I am used to. I've even managed to finally start programming that Kyushu Shinden J7W for the holodeck. It will make a great addition to the WW2 fleet I have." Walking around she pulled out a fresh change of clothing as she padded around her quarters.

Arin took another small sip of her drink. "I don't really have much else at the moment. Michael, the ex, is still his normal self. Meaning his narcassistic entitled asinine temperament hasn't changed. Not that I ever expect him to be anything other than a nuisance. Heaven forbid. The only thing decent to come out of our relationship was Lisa." She looked over at the last picture of them together. Arin at least thought she looked more like Michael, but he though she looked l like her. The truth was somewhere in the middle. Her skin was a slightly pale green. Whether she would need to deal with the pheromone problem was a few years away.

That set her brain into high gear. "Computer, record a second message to Michael Lorada. "Michael, i don't want to fight, place blame, or point fingers. If Lisa is starting to go through womanhood, it's time to consider she spend more time with me. Not to take her away. All I have ever wanted was joint custody. Our issues with each other shouldn't affect her. One of the few reasons I got through my own puberty was a loving family. She needs both of us. I am also a bit more used to what she is going to be going through soon. She needs someone who understands the upcoming changes and the best way to get ready for them. Especially since there is the unknown component of her Orion heritage and how that may affect those around her. Think about it. This is about her. Computer, send message." She drained her glass.

Heading for the sonic shower, she hoped Michael would see reason. "First time for everything." She smiled a bit smugly into the mirror.



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