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Posted on Fri Aug 20th, 2021 @ 3:03am by Ensign Vincent Parker

154 words; about a 1 minute read

"Personal log, Vince Parker."

"I've been on the ship for 4 weeks now, and I still haven't had a duty shift at Ops on the bridge. I've been working in main engineering since I've been here, doing routine maintance and diagnostics. The only time I got to go to the bridge was when the engieering chief sent me to the bridge with a report for the first officer. Spent a total of 45 seconds on the bridge."

"The engineering chief is a kind of odd duck. She doesn't seem very friendly, or talkative. She justs barks orders."

"My quarters are fine. I have a roommate, but we have different shifts so I rarely see him, which is fine cause it means I can have some quiet time when I'm off duty."

"The ship, from what little I actually have seen, seems to be a fine ship. The captain, I hear, is a fine leader."

"End log."


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