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Posted on Thu Dec 24th, 2020 @ 9:53am by Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova

301 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Into the Unknown
Location: Starbase Capri, Chief Security Officer's Office

"Good morning, Commander, you wished to see me, sir?" Anahera Chernova said entering her boss's office.

"I wouldn't call it good, Commander, I gave you a simple extraction mission, and you turn it into a free for all that lands 8 people in hospital and destruction to private property. One of the injured was pinned to a bulkhead by a stiletto heel, and a Galor Class Cruiser was disabled." Commander Bren Trarek said.

"I did retrieve 'the package' though, and I didn't start the fight, sir." Anahera replied.

"Indeed, but couldn't you have prevented it?" He asked with a sigh.

"Well, you know 'the package' enjoys his alcohol and gets belligerent when drunk." Anahera replied.

Bren sighed. "And I take it he was in that state when you arrived?" He asked.

"Yes, and I now believe he is paying for that with one hell of a hangover." Anahera replied, letting a smile briefly cross her features.

"Couldn't happen to a nicer fellow." Bren said. "Okay, I'd like you to hand the case over to Lieutenant Bilson, as she will be assuming your duties."

"What? Sir, am I being put on administrative leave?" She asked.

"No, you're being reassigned to the Ontario, and her captain asked for you personally."

"Okay." Anahera said still surprised. "Who's the captain of the Ontario?"

"Captain Elijah Michaels, I believe." Bren replied.

"Good old E, last I heard he was Captain of the Victory." Anahera said with a smile. "So when do I leave?"

"As soon as you get your paper work up to date." Bren replied.

"So within the next month?" Anahera joked.

"I recommend in the next few days, your ride's not go to wait. Dismissed and good luck."

"Yes, sir, thank you sir." Anahera replied before leaving the office. She had a lot to do.


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