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A New Frontier for the resident Flyboy

Posted on Thu Dec 24th, 2020 @ 10:52am by Lieutenant Scott Kayne

527 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Into the Unknown
Location: Transporter Room, USS Colorado, Starbase

Scotty Kayne stepped onto the Transporter pad of the USS Colorado, bag in hand. After what felt like an eternity of an assignment, it was time once again, for him to move on. He was leaving behind a lot of friends, but that was nothing new. As low as it made him feel, leaving the lasting friendships, he knew most of his friends were but a few taps away. He was confident he'd find his Niche on this next Assignment, the USS Ontario, an older Ambassador Class. He'd always wanted to serve on one, but never got the chance until now. He had always liked the Ambassador, the way they looked, the versatility. As he took one last look around the transporter room, he hiked up his bag.

"Ready for transport, Lieutenant." The transporter chief told him, "The starbase has given us clearance." Scotty nodded, and then looked down at his Personal PADD, it contained a picture of his father.

"If you could only see me now, dad," Scotty whispered to himself. "Energize, chief." Scotty now once again felt the transporter beam whisk him away off of the USS Colorado for the last time. He reappeared onboard the Starbase Transporter pad. He stepped down off the pad, and thanked the Transporter Chief, he then found the nearest View port and watched as the Akira Class USS Colorado Left the station. His stargazing was interrupted by a member of the station's staff.

"If you'll follow me, lieutenant, I'll show you to your new ship." The ensign told him, she was young, If Kayne didn't know any better he'd say this girl was 14 years old, she certainly looked it,

"Lead the way, ensign." he said 'Lots of fresh faces these days, I'm starting to feel old.' They started towards the promenade and made their way to the docking ports. Kayne, bag still on his back, and PADD in hand followed the young ensign to The port that led to the USS Ontario. "Thank you Ensign, I believe I can find my way from here."

"You're to report to Captain Michaels as soon as you're settled in." She told him.

"Wait, Captain Michaels?" Scotty asked, "You don't mean by chance Captain Elijah Michaels?"

"The Very same, Lieutenant," She said, "If that'll be all, sir?"

""You're dismissed, thank you again, ensign." he told her. She gave him a nod and went on her way. Scotty felt a rush of excitement flow over him, he hadn't seen the man in three years, but all the same, he missed him. He suddenly had flashbacks to his first day aboard the USS Victory. Suddenly he knew everything was going to work out, different ship, same Captain. Scotty walked through the doors and down the way to the Airlock of the Ontario. He couldn't wait for the Adventures ahead, and was maybe feeling a bit overly optimistic, but at the same time, had to appear as cool headed as he usually does. He composed himself, and tapped the panel to open the airlock to head to the ship. As the doors opened, he couldn't help but smile as he headed towards his New Frontier.


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