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Mandatory Maintenance

Posted on Fri Dec 25th, 2020 @ 12:23am by Captain Jason Ventres

485 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Into the Unknown
Location: SS Camelot now on the way to Starbase Unity
Timeline: Concurrent

The light snores from the Marine Captain let anyone worried about passengers know that he was still alive. Instead of a military or starfleet cruise to his new duty station, he'd opted for a pleasure cruise. Laying alone in a soft bed, soft sheets, and holodecks allowing for personal instead of tactical use had a certain appeal to the Marine. The low warp speed also allowed for more time to speak to the regular man, and means he didn't have to adhere to strict protocol. Shaking gently, his eyes snapped open, then his head turned to the left to look over to a port hole.

They were still at warp, which meant he still had some time off. Sitting up and spinning to the right, away from the motion of warp, he tapped the small panel next to his bed to check the time. Instead of the time it showed a menu for room service. Smiling, he ordered a medium burger, barbe-que sauce, tomato, mayonnaise, triple bacon, and garlic fries. As he stood to put on jeans and a tee shirt, he heard and almost seemed to feel the ship slowing out of warp.

"Captain Ventres, if you could come to the bridge please," came a voice from the intercom. Slumping, he switched tactics and slipped into his standard duty uniform, along with his service weapon. The last time he'd been called to the bridge, there had almost been a bad situation with a starfleet vessel because the Camelot was going into so called "reserved space". Stepping out of the room he walked swiftly to the turbolift, and within moments was stepping onto the bridge.

"Yes Skipper?" Jason asked as he looked around for what the issue could be.

"I'm sorry Captain," the deep greek voiced pleasure ship skipper said from the chair that was now spinning to face the Marine. "We've been asked to redirect to Starbase Unity to drop you off. The trip will last no more than ten minutes."

"It's not your fault Skipper. Thanks for letting me know. If your communications officer would be so kind as to allow me to reach out to command from my room and inform your security detail that I am not to be disturbed until I walk out of the room?"

"Of course Captain. I do so hope you enjoy your meal. It is on me." Jason nodded and turned to leave. So much for a good long trip, now he was being shunted around. That's starfleet for you, he thought. Stepping back into his room after a few more minutes, and grabbing his food, he sat on the edge of his bed to send out a message. Opening the computer he noticed the starfleet logo and where he was going to be shipped off to this time.

"Computer, lock and secure room, and send a message to Captain Elijah Micheals, priority three."


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