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Maybe a old dog can learn some new tricks

Posted on Thu Dec 31st, 2020 @ 9:18am by Crewman Apprentice Talee Malena & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova

564 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Into the Unknown
Location: USS Ontario, Shuttle Bay

=/= Begin Log =/=

The Shuttle Jorge Álvares landed in the Ontario's shuttle bay. Anahera completed the post landing checks, grabbed her carryall and stepped on to the deck of her new assignment. She could have used the transporter, but this was one of the ship's replacement shuttles, and she had the relevant qualifications, so she thought she'd give one of the over worked station pilots a rest. It also gave her a chance to inspect her new home from the outside. The Ambassador Class ships, held a warm place in her heart, it had been the Ambassador Class Magellan that transported her to probation trial, that led her to enlist in Starfleet.

....grumbling as she walked out onto the shuttle bay deck, Talee looked around as she saw the shuttle land. Her kit in her hand as soon as the had the go ahead she running several scans on a modified engineering PaDD, which acted as a PaDD and tricroder.

"Long day?" Anahera asked as she saw the Crewman approach.

The crewmen didn't look up as she made some notes, stress and weak points in the structure of the shuttle, "it has just started for me," the crewmen said again still not looking up.

"The port thruster's a little out of sync with the starboard one." Anahera said as the crewman made notes.

Making that note that would be sent a propulsion specialist, "where did this shuttle come from?"

"The Station, but its been in storage for a while, according to records, its last active assignment was the Manchester in 2394." Anahera replied.

{You are a commander, you couldn't get anything newer,} Talee thought finally looking up at the commander, "they had nothing newer, and also why didn't you just come onto the ship through the airlock like everyone else?"

"The shuttle needed to come aboard and so did I, so I thought I'd give someone a break." Anahera explained. "As for its condition, only new ships get new shuttles." She added.

The PaDD beeped letting her know that her diagnostics confirmed what she believed, that station shipwrights were lazy and useless, "...well we are looking at at least a week of work to get this shuttle space-worthy, and ton of material that better get replaced before we leave," Talee said looking over the materials that were gonna be needed.

"I'll make sure we get the resources, even if I have to take them personally." Anahera assured her.

{I'll believe it when I see it,} Talee thought, her fingers moving just above the PaDD as she moved through the different windows, "I'll have the list of supplies to you by mid-day," Talee said simply.

"Acknowledged." Anahera said. "I'll be in the Security Offices then."

Talee just nodded, {yes, go take a leisurely nap in your office while the real backbone of Starfleet gets things done,} Talee thought as she finished her walk around of the shuttle.

Anahera turned back before leaving. "Crewman, thanks for the warm welcome." She said.

Talee just nodded, no she didn't want to make life miserable for others that was not her goal, and her attitude and obvious disdain of officers wasn't always gonna be correct, but this officer has proven herself at least in Talee's eyes.

=/= End Log =/=

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Ontario

Crewman Apprentice Talee Malena
Structural/Environmental Specialist
USS Ontario


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