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Arrival to the USS ONTARIO. Mission The Lonesome Journey

Posted on Tue Jun 22nd, 2021 @ 3:49am by Lieutenant Commander Marian DuBois
Edited on on Tue Jun 22nd, 2021 @ 6:38pm

305 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Timeline: Current

Mission The Lonesome Road.


Doctor Marian T'Arwen Dubois , CMO sat in her quarter's on the Horizon. They were making best speed to meet up with the Ontario.

She did needle point and sipped chocolate tea. Her nimble fingers sewed the silken thread into the intricate pattern.

She felt the ship drop out of warp....

She stowed her needle work and placed the used cup into the recycling process next to the replicator.

Making her way to the transporter room. She made her way to the platform and beamed over to her new assignment the Ontario.

As she remateralized in the new ship's transporter room, she handed her orders padd over to the Officer on duty who processed her orders and her codes into ship's systems.....

She made her way to her quarters dropped off her case and then made her way to Sickbay....

She made her way to her office and began to look over Sickbay Staff lists, if any patients were in wards. Talked with the Head Nurse, made her appointment to meet with the Captain and pulled in her consultation jacket.... She began checking her supplies had arrived in a timely manner...She programmed instruments. Diagnostics equipment and stocked the bio bed cabinet s.

Marian had her hands with recalibration of some surgical equipment. She worked several long hours.

Once she had everything on her list completed, she looked up as next shift staff arrived. She greeted them and exchanged pleasantries ...

As she left Sickbay to finish up reports. She made her way to her quarter's for a lite salad and mint tea. She continued her reports and other check lists....

She looked up as the computer beeped with incoming messages from Starfleet Medical, her parents and friends......



Lieutenant Commander Marian T'Arwen Dubois, CMO


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