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Posted on Tue Jun 22nd, 2021 @ 10:45am by Warrant Officer Arin Merkara & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Petty Officer 3rd Class T'Rala H'Zelar

1,270 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: USS Ontario - Lounge

Having been freed from the Brig, T'Rala sat a lone at a table in the corner. The male members of the crew making a concentrated effort to avoid her.

She nursed her coffee and looked around the room.

Bored back in her quarters, Arin decided to go back to the lounge. Slipping on some stretchy jeans, loafers and hunter green v-neck henley, she padded down to the lounge. There was some truth that she always had a seat there, it was on her deck.

As the door shut, she saw something she hadn't expected. While Arin knew she wasn't the only Orion in Starfleet, far from it, she had yet to encounter more than a handful in service. The woman was nursing her drink, alone. Walking to the bar itself she ordered. "Otter, I'd like a big bowl of colcannon and a few bangers please." Otter winked at her as he dried his hands. "Coming right up babe."

Turning her attention to the woman again, Arin walked over. "May I join you?" She said simply.

"Sure." T'Rala said without looking up. When she did, she was surprised to see another Orion. The Marine was instantly drawn to the other woman's amber eyes. After a long moment she finally said. "Hi, I'm T'Rala."

"Arin. Buried down in the belly of the beast. Propulsion specialist." Arin offered. Otter swung by with the bowl of colcannon with extra butter. "You didn't order a drink. Black tea, splash of milk. Maybe you'll go to bed after this? Otter offered.

Arin touched his arm in thanks. "I'll try. No promises." She turned her attention back to T'Rala. "T'Rala....not an Orion name, but neither is Arin. Guessing Vulcan since your ears are trying to peak out from that hair. Nice...for a Marine." Arin said with a smile.

"Yeah, both my ears and name are gift from my father." T'Rala replied. "So, you're an engineer, my father was one too, my parents owned and ran a freighter, my mother was the captain." She told her happy to have someone to talk to, that wasn't a Marine.

Just like me. My name and my eyes came from my father's human side. Sometimes I think running a freighter would be easier. Not as many people answer to and less paperwork. Just getting off duty or brooding?" Arin asked plainly.

"Actually, I just got out of the Brig." T'Rala replied. "Apparently 'Fleet doesn't like it when you beat up their crewmen, even when the crewman starts it." She explained.

Sipping her tea, Arin made a face. "They did tend to frown upon that. Bring me next time. At least that way you'd get company in the brig." She paused and chewed a bit of the sausage. "Not completely kidding either. Good luck taking us both on." She added, "Story worth telling or should I not ask?

"Thanks for the support." T'Rala said. "I was here in the Lounge, when I was approached by a group of drunk male crewmen. Most of them retreated when I rebuffed their 'romantic' propositions, but there is always one that takes it too far. He wouldn't take no for an answer, even when I stood up and told him right to his face. He tried to grab me, but I caught his wrist and twisted it until he stopped trying to grab at me. This angered him and spewed out a string of obscenities before trying to slap me. I grabbed his arm just below the elbow and used his own momentum to roll him over my hip and onto the table behind me. I then picked up some cutlery and used it to pin him to the table by his ears and the cuffs of his pants and shirt." the Marine told her. "I then sat down to finish my drink in peace, but someone called security."

Arin nodded and her Irish accent became more pronounced. "If I had a nickel for every time some thick-headed drunk muppet grabbed me, I'd have an awful lot of nickels. I can't say as I blame lass and pinning him to the table is certainly inventive. I'd have loved to have seen that. Next time stop before he needs surgery."

"I'll take that under advisement." T'Rala said. "So, Arin, what led you to joining Starfleet?" She asked.

"I joined for a few reasons. One was to get away from the former husband. Plus it let me gain time working on something bigger than farm equipment and electric vehicles. The only downside is the I don't get as much time with with my daughter. What about why you joined? Arin asked.

"I was looking for a way to fight back. After the death of my father at the hands of Orion pirates and my and my mother's years as slaves to an Orion Warlord, I needed something that I could be proud of." T'Rala said. She smiled. "I also found a home and a new family. To the other members of the Corps I was a Marine first and all that mattered was that I did my job well." She explained. "Sure there's teasing, but its just good natured ribbing."

Arin had no ill will towards anyone putting in the work that it took to be in Starfleet and it's connected groups. "Our histories are more alike than I thought. My father was a Starfleet Captain. My mother was involved in a plot to steal his ship. It's a long story I won't get into now. While I wonder what my mother was really like, I love my step-mum Colleen. I couldn't have picked better. I think it was a given how I grew up that I would end up in the fleet."

"I'm happy things worked out for you, Arin." T'Rala said with a smile. "My mother has yet to remarry, for her the pain is still too raw." She added "I miss him too."

"Worked out is relative, my new friend. I should have finished my degree and not married a control freak." Realizing the pain that T'Rala was displaying, her tone changed, "My condolences. I can only imagine your loss." Arin said.

"Thank you, Arin." T'Rala said. "But I'm not the only one who's lost a loved one to the Syndicate and I won't be the last. I wish I could do something to stop them." She admitted.

"I'd drink to that if I was drinking right now." Arin said honestly. "The Syndicate." Arin practically spat the word. "Powerful and not to be messed with. We were let go and as bad as it, I am grateful beyond words. If we ever get the time and opportunity, count me in a strike for justice." She took a risk and reached out for T'Rala's hand. "For now though, we concentrate on holding on to what we still have."

T'Rala accepted Arin's hand. "Agreed." She said. "I can't drink to it either, part of my probation is that I stay away from alcohol, even though I was sobber when the incident occurred."

"Fair enough. Tea and coffee it is lass." Arin raising her mug of tea. "To the death of the Syndicate, or least being able to punch them right in the face."

"Here, here!" T'Rala said touching her mug to Arin's, a smile on her face.

Arin took a sip from her mug. "Not let's not give them any more power over our lives that we have to. Why don't you tell me some good stories about your dad."


Warrant Officer Arin Merkara
Propulsion Specialist
USS Ontario

Corporal T'Rala H'Zelar
USS Ontario


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