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Posted on Sun Aug 22nd, 2021 @ 3:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Thomas Carey
Edited on on Tue Aug 24th, 2021 @ 3:36am

757 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Security Offices

After meeting with the captain, he thought it best to meet up with the security chief, and soon found himself staring at the door. If you asked him ten years ago that it would not be what he would be doing, he would have laughed in their face. Finally after hesitation, reason unknown, he rang the chime and awaited answer.

"Enter!" Anahera called putting aside the phaser rifle she'd been working on.

Thomas walked in, "Lt Thomas Carey reporting, new Chief Diplomatic officer of the Ontario."

"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant. I'm Lt. Commander Chernova, please take a seat, while I call up your records."

Taking the seat, "If you need help... I can be of assistance."

"That won't be necessary." Anahera said pulling up the data. "So, you majored in Security and Tactical, why the change to Diplomacy?" She asked.

"Majored in those yes, left to teach advanced weapon training at the academy, my mother who was also teaching the class made it sound like a dream job, and for five years it was just that." Thomas replied as he leaned back. "After a few years, I wanted a change, I wanted out of my comfort zone. My family has all done security, my mother was my father's assistant when they got together."

"Family has a habit of effecting what we do my father was a civilian engineer, he helped to build the colonies on the moon, so, I got a degree in Engineering in part to honour him." Anahera said. "With your training and experience in Security and Tactical, are you willing to lend a hand to this Department in an emergency?" She asked.

"I am sure my diplomatic skills wont be needed half the time, was going to offer my assistance if/when necessary."

"Good." Anahera said. "So, Lieutenant, do you have a personal weapon that you need to register?" She asked.

"A phaser/Pulse P90, its not that common, my father's favourite its a modified P90 from the 20th century that they thought might work against the Borg."

"An interesting idea." Anahera said. "I've never encountered the Borg before, but due to my ancestry, I've studied all I can about them." She added. "In my opinion the best weapons against them are bladed and projectile weapons."

"Another bonus to the weapon, not only does it fire projectiles as well, a blade comes out of the butt of the weapon should it malfunction, and close quarter combat is required." He paused. "Its a modification I made to the weapon. I presented it to Starfleet, they refused to make it available to the fleet. Saying the Borg wasn't enough of a threat currently to try and fix things. But they said I could keep a stockpile of my own, and if anything comes up, they would inquire about them. The trigger can also separate and become a pistol type weapon as well."

"Command can be a little out of touch with what's going on outside their 'Ivory Tower'." Anahera said. "But, I'm glad you have your P90s, we don't know what we'll come across out there." She added.

"I have the schematics should the need arise, if you feel you want to give it a try and replicate some."

"Good, I'm a bit of a weapons aficionado, so I'm always on the look out for interesting weapons, I have quite a collection." Anahera said. "If you're interested, I could arrange a viewing." She added.

"I would like that." Thomas agreed.

"Good." Anahera said. "Most of my collection is not onboard, but I have a few choice pieces in my quarters, the rest I have holos for." She explained.

"Well, just name a time and place, and I will be there." Thomas stated as he checked the time. "I have to make an appearance with the chief Intel officer. Before I head to my office."

"Will do, Lieutenant." Anahera said with a smile.

"Any other questions you require answering?"

"Engineering, do you still dabble in it?" Anahera asked.

Thomas paused as he thought about it. "I wouldn't make an engineer, but I have taken a few courses on it so that I can get a ship moving if need be."

"Okay, I think I've taken enough of your time." Anahera said. "So, I'll let you go." She smiled. "It was good to meet you."

"Like wise Commander." Thomas stated as he stood. "Ill be sure to visit to see your collection."


Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Security Chief
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Thomas Carey
Diplomatic Officer
USS Ontario


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