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Protocols of Passion

Posted on Thu Jun 24th, 2021 @ 8:02am by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant Commander Marian DuBois

1,712 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 07 | Sickbay - Chief Medical Officer's Office

Standing outside of Sickbay, just outside of the proximity sensors, Lieutenant Percival Bálor took a deep breath and tried to mentally prepare himself for the meeting he had requested with the Chief Medical Officer, a woman he had yet to formally sit down with and engage in any sort of conversation be it professional or personal. Now, he had more or less forced himself into the situation. He had backed himself into this corner and it was time that he clawed his way out of it. He gave his uniform a quick tug to smooth out any wrinkinf or riding. He proceeded towards the doorway which opened for him, allowing him access to Sickbay.

He was kindly ushered in by a technician when he presented a PADD confirming that he had an appointment with the Chief Medical Officer. The technician went to notify the Doctor, returning moments later to return the PADD to Percy. He was directed to to the woman's office where Percy soon stepped inside and found himself seated across from the woman he had an appointment with. "Doctor Dubois, Doctor Percival Balor, Chief Science Officer," he said greeting the woman with a nod, uncertain if she shook hands or not.

Marian, who was still unpacking personal items for her office. She had unpacked the bouquet of crystal yellow nebula roses that Cloudt Eagle had given her, just before she left the last medical conference three months ago. She placed them upon her desk.

Looking up as she heard Nurse Kelly, directing someone to her office, she put the crate off her desk and went round it to greet the person. She heard his name and department. She, gloved hands from unpacking.... extended her hand. "Doctor Balor, I am honored to greet thee." She replied and shook hands , "How may I assist thee today?"

Her gloved hand he took to shake then eased as he settled in his seat. "Interspecies protocols," he said not bathing with much of a prelude. "Any member of the crew intending to engage in intimate relations with a member of another species needs the expressed approval of the ship's physician," he noted, reciting it with a paraphrasing that was still cerebral and sterile. "You Chief Medical Officer. That is what brings me here today for this meeting."

Doctor Dubois, looked at the Chief Science Officer and said in polite tone. "So you and your significant other have decided to embark upon a more intimate journey. As I am certain you both know Starfleet Medical and Starfleet Counseling department work with all parties involved, in the same discreet non-disclosure protocol as with your medical files. So, tell me about you and your partner, you both already know that there could be some things both physically and even mentally that you both should prepare for."

She turned around as her ancient kettle whistled. She turned off the eye and ask him. "Would you care for some botanical tea, Lieutenant Balor?"

"Proper tea," he said with a smile. "Absolutely. I would love some herbal tea, Doctor," he added as he thought about how to broach the whole matter. "I'm single. This is entirely forward thinking of me and is just how I want to go about things. I need a concrete plan beforehand. Why get involved if there are going to be formalities in the way? So, let's clear those obstacles first. The problem is I do not want the Ship's Counselor involved. If we could circumvent her, that would be ideal. It's a conflict of interest."

Marian poured two cups of botanical tea and handed him one. Picking up the second cup, she moved to her desk and sat down.

"Well if the Chief Counsellor cannot be party to this, the Assistant Counsellor can help. So, tell me exactly what brings thee here today...." She concluded and sipped her tea..... The rich aroma of blackberry flowers, jasmine, orange blossoms filled the room. Marian, was used to all sort of reasons for visiting Sickbay..... She listened quietly...

The tea was good, fruity and floral, but a nice balance between the two. He took in the aroma before taking a sip. Now, he would have to do something he was not keen on doing, opening up.

"The Assistant Chief Counsellor will do just fine," Percy said agreeing to that condition. "Doctor Patient confidentiality, I have become enamored with a member of the crew, one that I suspect the Chief Counsellor is at least fleetingly interested in. I wouldn't get used to her being aboard. She has a service record that reads like a fidgety child."

Percy continued. "I'm interested in an Efrosian, but I am clearly not Efrosian. Though you can spare yourself the primary school sexual education lecture, Doctor. At least I'll save you a bit of time. Omit the reproductive and procreation bit as it is moot."

Marian's eyes glistened with slight merriment. She controlled her emotions and replied quietly.

"As I am sure you are aware, people of Efros, are quite unencumbered in relationship of an intimate nature, they do not hold the same bonding, marriage protocols of other UFP species. Remember, they find flirting with persons they are attracted too, normal .

Does this Efrosian have the same goals for a relationship as you have?"

Marian, politely listened to him and sipped her tea. Something about his Given name sent her minds eye back to an old Author Baroness Orcy... She could even hear her friend Serron reciting a favorite poetic passage.... 'They seek him here. They seek him there....' She turned her attention back fully to this Percy....

"I am more than willing to let him be an Efrosian, responded Percy. "I'm half Tellarite, if this snout like nose was not enough of an indication. I like intellect and a good argument, and he's definitely smart enough albeit a bit aloof to what is right in from of him. I wish I could say I know what he wants, but I don't even think he realizes that I'm interested in him. Actually, the poor fool thinks I'm interested in the Counsellor." Percy chuckled. "How does one tell an Efrosian that you can't shake them from your mind?"

Marian, rose from her chair, pulled one of the eternal yellow nebula rose from the vase.... walking over to the holo image of Wilton Cloudt Eagle, she tapped it and the holo image went full size. She gestured towards the image and said. "Wilton, I know you still grieve for your wife Esperanza, and I know I cannot take her place...... she moved closer to the image, Wilton reached out and stroked her cheek. .... Wils, I do see thee as more than friends these roses are a symbol of our romantic feelings. I am now prepared to give thee the world."

She tapped the image and it vanished. Turning around to Percy, she said as she placed the rose back with the others. "Sometimes one has to speak up. Love always finds a way."

She sat back down in her chair. Her mind on a face a very long way away....

Percy blushed a little and tried to hide behind the teacup. Trying to regain his composure, he sat the teacup down and looked ar the Doctor. "Are you aware of my botanical background or is this random chance?" he inquired. She was hitting awfully close to home. "So...I have been growing a orchid especially for him. It's from the Vulcan Forge. He has a strange but adorable affinity for desert plants. Do you think I should give it to him?"

"You created this garden for him, as you stated... When you bueve the time is appropriate, thee shall know and then give him the garden. But, remember he will be honest with thee, and his feelings will reveal his heart."

She looked at him and said, "the unknown can be off-putting, yet no love can become more than just one sided unless the parties talk. Only then can the reverie of love become two as one."

"You I can relate to," he said with a chuckle. "But give it to me straight, Doc, if he accepts me as a romantic partner and things escalate, do I your medical permission to pursue it?"

Marian looked at him and replied. "Thee knows Starfleet regulations, if two Officers are in the same department, that would be problematic... Another thing, if the Captain frowns on relationships on board a ship, that must be considered. I cannot monitor nor will I monitor crew interactions, I can only caution and advise when people seek me out for guidance. You are both adults, this is a matter best suited between the two of you."

Percy handed over the PADD. "I appreciate that, but it unfortunately is something you need to give me consent to pursue. Archaic medical protocols and such. We aren't in the same department, and as far as the Captain goes...he has his own problems. You should see him about that. It probably would do him some good."

Marian let the commentary regarding their Captain drop. She looked at the PADD, and handed it back to him. "When the two of you reach an agreement, come and speak with me again, address any facts that might cause mental or physical harm to the two of you, and bring in scientific protocols that the two of you will adhere to and we will discuss the matter. It is after all a private matter with you and he."

Percy nodded. "You are much more liberal with interspecies relations than the CMO from my previous posting." Percy finished the tea and stood. "Thank you for the tea and the advice, Doctor. I appreciate it."

"Infinite diversity in infinite combinations, but remember it takes two equally willing persons to make a relationship. I will await the two of you making an appointment with Assistant Counsellor, and myself."

She rose and and waved a gentle hand towards the door. She walked with him into ward....

Two...three...relationships thought Percy, but for the sake of simplicity he just nodded in agreement. "Thank you, and have a good day, Doctor" he concluded. Percy left feeling a but better about what he wanted.


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