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Accidents in Training

Posted on Sun Aug 1st, 2021 @ 2:16am by Lieutenant Commander Marian DuBois & Lieutenant Robin Maxwell

1,608 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Sickbay


Maxwell had to admit he avoided the Sick Bay, the burn was nothing more than superficial... really. SO his simulated charges were a bit loud; noise is part of combat and it seemed best to get his Marines more accustomed to it. The burns were healing even after the Field Medic did their thing but the slight imbalance from the concussive force did leave him with a bit more than just an earache.

"Hello, anyone about?" Maxwell said as he was in the Sick Bay finall, after much prodding by his officers. "I might need cotton and aspirin?"

Marian stepped out of the imaging section and said quietly. "We are definitely here, i am Doctor Marian Dubois, how may I assist thee?"

She motioned for Maxwell to take bio bed one.

Maxwell knew the drill, he moved to abide as he played with is still rining left ear.

"Sorry Doctor, got a little to close to my own firecracker." He chuckled as he sild onto the biobed. "Duty officer insisted that I have you chck me out and say I am okay and all."

Marian scanned the Captain and then treated him for ruptured war drums and concussive cranial injuries.

As she watched the neurological machine do it's work, she said. "How are you feeling?" She gave him a slight smile.

"You were lucky you didn't permanently damage your ear drums and your brain."

"I have suffered louder noises closer Doctor." Maxwell almost chuckled but decided better not to." Once had the left ankle damaged enough to stop me from going on a mission I spent a month training to do.It is unfortunate that these things happen but in my line of work it does...Ma'am."

Marian looked at him, not amused. "I understand your line of work well, trust me I do, however; regeneration of ear drums, one does lose some frequency that cannot be recovered, except through, idenic cloning a new one from your eardrums DNA. I recommend, next time you play Private Pyle that you use your noise suppression ear plugs."

She concluded the treatment and ask, "Anything else?"

"Doctor." Maxwell look her in the eyes. "If I have offended it was not intentional." He said with sincerity. "I am just uncomfortable around... Doctors, bad encounters." He shrugged. "I was in a Bell jar for a bit and the way they poked and prod just made me ... leaary of the Sick Bay." He gave a grin. "Your concerns are duly noted and if you even visited Marine Country you would see that I follow what doctors tell me to do. He nod' You are the healthy experts, not me."

"Oh I am not offended at all. I see people everyday who would rather be anywhere but Sickbay. I try to live as healthy a lifestyle as possible, in order to remain on this side of the bio bed." She made notes to his chart and looked up.
"We never want to meet the Officers and crew in Sickbay for injury or illness, we do find meeting here annually for Medicals pleasant. As for today's visit, Captain, your injuries are healed, the concusion another matter, please take it easy the rest of the day, that will allow time for your brain and the soft tissue to settle back down. "

"Trust me Doctor." He nod. "I listen to experts as that is the only way to stay alive." He winked. "Doctors are experts so be assured I will take your advice and rest in my quarters. I have the Morrow half off so that should be enough time to be safe right?"

"And I hear you and understand. Yes half a day off and light duty for 24 hours will suffice. Your other tests are normal. " She smiled at him slightly and said. "Unless your symptoms get worse after this treatment, you are clear. Just remember, return to Sickbay if you have too."

She watched his face through eyelash covered eyes. Looking up directly at him she said. "So tell me, what is your favorite off duty free time hobbies, Captain Maxwell?"

"I really find it hard to miss a good curl if I have a board." Maxwell began. "Do a lot of reading while on ships, not all outr transportation had holodecks." He grinned. and I have been known to cook a little from things I picked up in my travels." He nod. "How about yourself Doctor, what makes you smile outside helping people in Sick Bay?"

"Returning to the lazy Black Warrior River, hanging ten on my board when the tides are high at Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. Skulling on the Warrior. Meeting friends for lunch at Rama Jama's for a BLT . Drinks at Rounders .... And lazy sunbathing on Orange Beach, or the River."

Maxwell's demeanor rose a bit as he listen. "Those are my kind of leisure time activities, especially the hanging ten.. in just about any surf." He chuckled. "I have made a mean Teriyaki Cheese burger a time or two with a cooked to glazing pineapple and some Beer baked fries a time or two so I can appreciate a good BLT, but I am one to use the real thing, not the replicated junk, only the best. I get what I bargained for, you can get anything from a Ferengi merchant you know?"

"I do not drink synthetic whiskey unless its the only thing around under extreme circumstances. I drink Clyde Mays Whiskey , the State Whiskey, AL. I drink bourbon only from a KY, distiller. I only eat Magnolia River Chocolate and I am picky about my BLT's. Either Rama Jama's or made by my own hand. I, do my job to the best of my ability and I will only do research and work , after either being ask by the Captain or another Senior Officer, Admiral. I do not believe in breaking the chain of command. I eat my greens with a side of Perez or Tabasco, I like my coffee black and my tea sweet.

Maxwell chuckled lightly. "A lady who knows her her her desires is rare and a delightful change from the norm Doctor." He complemented. "If you are willing some time I could introduce you to my Cheese Burger as I know better than to try a BLT, I like to cook for others fine food is not as fun alone, to share the feelings and the enjoyment of a good meal should be shared don't you think?"

Marian smiled and said. "Okay, and one-day,, I will recreate in my kitchen, the best Cheese Steak Burger Purple Onion style, I might even toss in famous fries......" she giggled ever so slightly.... "But.... I do have to mission parameters first of course, we wouldn't want the crew to wind up ill from some strange Space traveling bug, now would we?"

She joked. Her face unreadable at that moment. She had her N'Kendi Interspecies medical group work to fall back on... and, she had scheduled a complete Sickbay sanitization protocol, every week just to keep everything ship shape.

Looking across at the Captain she said quietly. 'Sir, my goal when I accept any assignment is to make a difference, for the crew the ship.... Starfleet... I am new here so I understand being looked at with skeptical glasses, however; I am a very skilled Chief, and I do understand why people give wide berth to Sickbay Personnel... If I am needed, you have but to call, same thing goes for the entire crew. It can be lonely, here on the outside looking in, Sir."

"Duty is foremost." He stood from the Biobed and look the Doctor in the eyes. "I get the impression you are a fine doctor who cares for the family of the Ontario." He nod. "But a Girl's got to eat and other's cooking always tastes better when you are not the doing the dishes afterward." He winked.

Marian nodded. "Then shall I prepare dessert? Just so I don't feel totally useless?"
She ask as she closed out his chart with updated annual physical as well as current treatment. She, found it difficult at times to be relevant, as a friend and a Doctor. She had to walk a fine tight rope, one the Officers department personnel avoided like the Scoobies avoided Vamp Queen Drusilla...
Smiling as she pulled up her desert menu she handed the PADD to him and said , you want to choose?"

"Surprise me with what would go best with a sweet cheeseburger." He winked. "The important thing you bring is conversation and a shared delight in a good meal." Company is the best part of the meal.

"If I didn't know better, I'd near swear you also had Kriosian DNA too. " she commented. "Sure you have no spots on your temples neck and nap of the neck?" She teased... "I shall surprise you with a wonderful dessert. Just you wait and see."

"Quite human." Maxwell answered. "But I will look forward to the desert." He was ready to be away from the Sick Bay; he had too much time invested in them and wanted to be elsewhere; despite the pleasant conversation and dlightful young woman."

The Doctor nodded as she said, "Captain you are cleared to resume duty, I recommend you use this therapy after exercise soothing oil blend, you may get it in a favorite fragrance or fragrance free. Bit had great healing properties for muscular skeletal strains, sprains, bumps bruises.... " She handed him the vial. And said, "You're good to go."

Returning back to the CMOs office to sign off Nurses reports , and prepare Beta shift schedile.


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