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Wabbit Season | Part II

Posted on Wed Aug 4th, 2021 @ 9:36am by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova

769 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Out of Time


Percy walked down the corridor with the Security Chief leading the way. The Chief Science Officer monitoring his tricorder while carrying the modified rifle. His tricorder began to flitter and chatter. "Bunnicorn, ahead several meters and take a right. It's on the move, Commander."

Anahera followed Percy's directions in search of the Bunnicorn. The corridor appeared empty. Then there was a flash of light and the Bunnicorn materialised only to disappear just as quickly.

"Well, damn," commented Percy. "Next time that thing shows itself, I'm shooting it," he said confidently.

"Let's hope that's before it hurts someone," Anahera said as they continued the hunt.

Percy couldn't argue with that. "That little thing is hardly the most dangerous creature I could have gotten aboard. Believe me, you don't want to be dealing with cybernetic arachnids," he added. "Though point taken. Let's find that bunny and turn his ass into jerky."

"Cybernetic arachnids." Anahera repeated, "You'll have to tell me about them someday and I'll share one of my adventures from before I joined Starfleet." She said.

"What did you do before Starfleet?" asked Percy curious. "I would love to trade stories with you some time, I'm afraid the cybernetic arachnids were partially my fault."

"The usual; trading, smuggling, a little piracy, but mostly mercenary work," Anahera said. "A girl's got to do something to pass the time."

Percy nodded. "Oh yes," he replied in agreement. "Those are definitely things I'd expect from a girl," he added somewhat teasing the Security Chief. "Now," he mused as he checked his tricorder.

He started to charge down a corridor. "Commander!" he exclaimed in excitement. "Hurry, I have a reading on our little friend. Get ready to shoot him."

Anahera nodded and followed the Porcine Science Chief down the corridor. Catching up with him, the Bunnicorn appeared and she fired.

The woman's shot was perfect, to say the least, she had managed to incapacitate the little mischievous Bunnicorn before it could escape managing to unintentionally cloak itself again. Percy was quick to reach where it has collapsed and quickly scanned it. "Nice work, Commander," he said looking up at the USS Ontario's Security Chief. "This little fellow has caused me a great deal of stress let alone the cabbages he has destroyed, probably has chewed his way through several Jefferies tubes" Percy added with a sigh.

He looked at the woman. "Commander Vetur might have had a valid point or two about the whole not allowing me certain plants or animals aboard the starship." Percy pondered for a moment as to what he was going to do as he scooped the Bunnicorn up into his arms. "I think it is just dazed for a bit, but I don't know exactly how long this sedative will last. Admittedly, I thought about capturing him and turning him into Bunnicorn jerky, but he may be more value in a lab albeit under heavier guard than I had given him."

"If you're going to keep the Bunnicorn alive, you and me have to upgrade your lab containment protocols," Anahera said. "Also, don't expect me to protect you when Lieutenant Mizuhara finds out what that thing did to her Jefferies tubes."

Percy waved dismissively. "I'll find her something Kawaii and she'll be fine. If anything, she will find the whole thing amusing. Some orchids or something nice and it will be water the bridge, but I would gladly take you up on that lab containment protocols offer."

"Okay, I'll stop by your lab later and take some scans, so I can draw up the new protocols," Anahera said doubting he'd be able to pacify the Chief Engineer so easily.

"Appreciated," he replied. "I owe you a few rounds of drinks I'd say and not the synthetic crap they give us, but some real genuine burn ya throat alcohol. Next time we have some leave perhaps?"

"I'm going to hold you to that." Anahera said. "And remember as an El-Aurian, I have a very long memory." She added.

"Aye, I betcha do, but as half-Irish I'll out drink you," he replied with a chuckle. "You have yourself a nice evening, and thanks again for helping. Suppose you'll want this back" added Percy handing over the weapon.

"And a good evening to you," Anahera said taking back the weapon. As they parted ways she smiled to herself. "And I'm half Ukrainian." She said to herself. "We taught the Russians how to drink."

"Fun" replied Percy with a chuckle.


Lieutenant Percival Balor, Ph.D
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security Officer
USS Ontario


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