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Running Into You

Posted on Sat Jul 9th, 2022 @ 6:32pm by 1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii

1,494 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Corridor on Deck 9
Timeline: [Backpost]

There was something so comforting about the sound of boots on the ground. And by boots on the ground, it was more the sound of her of running. 1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker didn't especially enjoy running or the dreaded jogging. Yet it was part of the routine. She wore the boots that went with her uniform, her BDU trousers and a vest top, her blond hair tied back into a sensible ponytail. Sensible was staying within the uniform standard yet making life easier for yourself. Sensible was not putting on makeup because she would sweat it away after training. Sensible was part of being a Marine.

Of course, many other officers would argue that being aware of your surroundings also was also part of being a Marine. And yet when Acker turned the corner towards her quarters, she almost crashed into the Efrosian. Luckily, years of training and a lot of luck made her spot him and she almost threw herself to the bulkhead to avoid running into the man. She groaned as her palms hit the wall and she turned, slowly, breathing hard. He was standing and apart from her hands smarting she felt nothing perhaps she was lucky and avoided hitting him on her way past. "I am so sorry..." she swallowed to try and get her voice and breathing under control. A quick look at the uniform and insignia made herself straighten into attention. "Sir."

Yiv flashed a reflexive smile, and raised his free hand in a gesture of dismissal. 'No harm done to the bulkhead it seems. Or yourself, more importantly. And relax.' He extended a hand, 'Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveli. I Don't believe I've had the pleasure, Lieutenant.'

She hesitated before she took the hand, her smile disarming. "Dahlia Acker, SFMC," she said with a nod. "Pleasure to meet you, Sir. Just...had hoped to be with me being a bit more graceful and aware of my surroundings..."

He laughed, 'try not to worry. Think of it as showing dedication and commitment to your work and it sounds better in your head, no?'

She laughed at the words, nodding as she held his eyes. "I like that tactic. So much dedication and commitment to the cause I will even attack the bulkhead if it looks at me funny. Hoorah."

Well it would fit a Marine, Yiv thought. 'So how is the Ontario for Marines? Can't say I ever imagined an Ambassador-class carrying them. Before the War anyhow. You headed in this direction?' He pointed behind himself, it seemed the logical choice.

"I...was just doing a few laps of the deck," she admitted before she ran a hand over the back of her neck. "She's a good ship and big enough for the Marines not to cause too much havoc. I think...we are getting used living on ships rather than using them as a taxi service. Easier for the younger ones, more and more Marines have their first posting on ships now rather than groundside or on a base."

'This is true,' Yiv replied with a nod and a smile, 'it's reassuring to know that even if we're far from a Starbase we have an elite force trained to take on any aggressive adversaries we may come across. And it's nice to have a different perspective from time to time. A lot of 'Fleeters have their ... pies in the sky, I think the phrase is, forgetting sometimes that there is some hard work to do as well now. Not quite our perspective in Intelligence I have to say!'

She chuckled warmly at that, giving a nod. "Been around plenty of Intel Officers in my time. Not a good briefing without knowing what we will actually be facing," she said as she held his eyes. "I love the way regular Fleet sees the universe. It is beautiful and pure...but also very naïve, which is why we have Intelligence to keep them realistic and the Marines to throw at the a-holes of the universe..."

Barking a laugh, Yiv nodded, 'quite, that's how I like to see it, anyhow. Keeping the rest of the Fleet safe so they don't have to get their hands dirty.' He leaned forward conspiratorially, 'what they don't tell you is the amount of paperwork you get through. If Intel's campaign medals were honest, we'd have two or three of those for every operation we're a part of.' He leaned back against the bulkhead, 'so you seen much action?'

There was a chuckle at the paperwork comment. She could relate. "I was Recon, much post-war action as there has been. First boots on the ground or deck depending on the trouble," Dahlia said softly, giving a small shrug. "Of course, not in the last few years. Took a transfer ship-side when my career stalled. Been on some away teams, saved some hapless scientists that poked the wrong creature and didn't expect the teeth..."

'You thought being aboard ship would speed up your career?' Yiv asked politely. 'In a hurry to get somewhere Lieutenant?'

"Yes, to Captain...or Major. Actually, I want to get past Colonel," she said and winked, shaking her head. "I was good at what I did. A bit too good...a good cog in the machine stays there. Marine units on ships have a higher turnover rate, more officers going across to the regular fleet or ending up at OCS teaching with a good rank. I want to become a Marine CO, it's the way forward. Before taking a transfer shipside, I was just one Lieutenant of many, with a small team part of a larger machine. On ships, I am higher up the food chain. I have another good ten, twenty years in me before they give me a proper desk job. I want to get a good rank."

'Then a move to the Ontario would look to have been an apt one - little explored region of space, a mysterious local power,' Yiv smiled widely, 'it could be the making of your career. Make Major before your tour is over.'

She laughed warmly as she shook her head. "I am not that optimistic," she said lightly but with a certain playfulness. "I will just make sure that if I am on an Away Team, that no one gets eaten by the flora or fauna..."

'I suppose it is a full time job looking after Fleeters when they hit the deck,' replied Yiv with another light chuckle. 'Still, I hope in your eyes we give as good as we get in those situations. I've worked with some Marines in previous postings and you could see the frustration just behind the eyes. Not pleasant when it's directed at you, I can say.'

She chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Well, like security, our jobs is to protect. Just we shoot more...I like to think I don't get like that unless someone has deliberately made a situation worse. But honestly? No idea how I look when I am working. I've felt frustrated but I hope it hasn't showed."

'I'm sure we'll find out eventually,' Yiv laughed, 'I'll make sure to give you feedback!'

"Good, honest feedback is good," Dahlia said with a warm smile, holding his eyes. "We can all learn new things after all. But...maybe give the feedback after the mission, just so my Marines don't get all uppity thinking that all is good..."

Nodding his understanding, Yiv pulled himself up off the bulkhead, 'Gotcha, Lieutenant. Wouldn't want our best and brightest getting complacent after all. But I'm sure you won't let anything go to their head in any case.'

"Of course not...I need my bulldogs angry," Dahlia said with a straight face before she winked. "Of course, I am trying to remind them that they are people too, not just lean, mean killing machines. Got to be civilised on a ship."

'Well, for a given value of civilised anyway,' Yiv replied with a laugh, 'Marines need to keep their bite, just a little bit, I think. Makes you more fun.'

"Just a little bit, or else we may as well be Security," Dahlia said but it was playful, almost teasing, at the eternal conflict between Security and the Marines.

'Quite!' replied Yiv with a barking laugh. 'Well, I've taken up enough of your time. I'm sure your people are halfway around the ship by now. I should let you catch up.'

"Of course...and I will see you around," Dahlia said and smiled, giving him an easy Earth-style salute before she started running off.

Chuckling, Yiv shook his head and went on his way before the Marines did a full circle.

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence & Second Officer
USS Ontario

Lt. Dahlia Acker
Marine XO
USS Ontario


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