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Hoo-Rah (Temp title)

Posted on Thu Jun 29th, 2023 @ 6:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & 1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker & Petty Officer 3rd Class T'Rala H'Zelar

1,567 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Timeline: [Backpost]

1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker liked to think that she had a good overview of those serving under her. As a former Recon Marine, she had known the names and personalities of all those in her unit. Being new on a ship though made it a bit harder. It was different, she was the second only to her Marine CO in the chain of command over the Marines and she knew it would be a learning curve for her. However, she would still make the effort.

She had asked Corporal T'Rala H'Zelar to report to the gym. Not to work out, she had specified that. She wanted to get her measure as a Marine and she didn't need to see her drill for that. She just needed to talk.

Having received Lieutenant Acker's message T'Rala made her way to the gym double time. She wondered what the Marine XO wanted to talk about, as she'd assured her it wasn't for drills. Perhaps she wanted to discuss the incident in the Mess hall and her resulting detainment.

Arriving at the Gym, the Vulcan/Orion woman took a deep breath before entering the Gym.

Acker looked up as she heard the doors opening, seeing the woman enter. She gave the Marine a nod, standing and waited for her to come over. "At ease, Corporal. Take a seat..." she motioned to the bench and sat down as well, watching her. "Sorry for the setting, I did not want to kick the Captain out of his office just to catch up with the Marines."

"Thank you, Ma'am." T'Rala said taking the offered seat. "Permission to speak freely, ma'am?" She requested.

"Permission granted," Acker said with a nod, turning to face her properly, meeting her eyes. Her own were focused, giving the Marine her undivided attention because she wanted to know what was on her mind.

"Thank you, Ma'am." T'Rala said. "Are we here to discuss the assault charge I received after defending myself in the Mess Hall?" She asked.

Acker blinked, watching her for a long moment before taking a breath. Now that was unexpected. She thought for a moment, considering it, weighing it up. There was no mission at the moment to put in jeopardy. Therefore, she suspected the First Sergeant was dealing with this. If it had been self defence, records would show it. If it was pushed higher, she would deal with it then. "No, Corporal," she said and raised an eyebrow. "Until I have a report on my desk, I am assured that the First Sergeant will take care of anything in regards to the behaviour of the Marines. As I have no such report yet, I am will let your NCO deal with it. Off the record, if you wish to talk about it, I will listen. But no official action will be taken until a report is either on my desk, or on Captain Maxwell's desk."

"It was just a drunken, stubborn crewman that wouldn't take no for an answer. He eventually physically attacked me, so I defended myself." T'Rala said. "The arresting officer wouldn't listen to my side and charged me with assault. When the Security Chief found out about the incident, she did her own investigation and released me on the grounds that it was self defense." She explained.

"Then...sounds to me like it never needed to pass anyone else's desk," Dahlia said before she gave a small nod, her own eyes calm. She was not surprised, T'Rala was a beautiful woman and some people needed to be decked when crossing a line. "Hope you broke the bastard's nose and well done restraining yourself from killing him, Corporal. I am impressed."

"I left him bruised, mostly his ego." T'Rala said. "I thought it best not to kill him, so as not to form a rift between the Corps and 'Fleet." She added.

"Much appreciated," Dahlia said, a small smile coming to her. She nodded and sat back, slowly, clearly thinking. "Which brings me to my question. I want to hear what your ambitions are, Corporal. Where you want to go in your career."

"I'd like to remain in the Infantry MOS, and work my way up to Master Sergeant." T'Rala replied. "I see the Corps as my family and would like to stay with it as long as I can."

Dahlia held her eyes, giving a nod at the words. "A great goal," she said softly, smiling gently. "You are already on a good've survived Terminal Lance, so the next step is...Sergeant. The more you progress, the more technical manuals and codes you'll need to know. If you ever need assistance or advice, you can come to me. Or if you feel more comfortable, the First Sergeant is also a great person to ask."

"Thank you, ma'am." T'Rala said.

"Having read your file, I know you got it in you," Dahlia said and smiled weakly. "Is there anything you think that the Marines need in order to do their job better?" A straightforward question, but broad enough to mean anything from equipment to training to counselling...or leadership.

"An ice cream sundae bar." T'Rala joked. Then seriously she said. "I member of my fire team, could use a little counselling, he's new to ship board life, I've been allowing him holodeck time to help him acclimatise, but I think he could use some time with a counselor." She said. "Equipment's adequate, and I've caught up on my drills since my release."

Dahlia had chuckled at the ice cream comment but her face fell into the more professional as the other Marine started speaking about what actually was needed. "Send me over his file, I will arrange it with the Counsellor. I am trying to get us more upgraded equipment, especially the night tech. There has been some brilliant new tech coming out, but it hasn't been approved yet by the high-ups. I am trying to make a case that we could try it out, in simulations. If it is as reliable as what we got, but better, we could do the swap seamlessly."

"I'll send his file, once we're done here." T'Rala said. "As for the new equipment, once we get it, my fire team and I, would be happy to put it though its paces. With your and the Skipper's permission of course."

Dahlia nodded at that, smiling gently. "Thanks for volunteering, T'Rala," she said, meaning it. "Is there anything else on your mind?" It was an invitation, for her to air what was going on if she wished, without any heat coming down on her for it.

"If its not out of line, can I ask what made you join the Corps, Ma'am?" She asked.

Dahlia looked at her with surprise before she smiled, looking down. "Runs in the family," she admitted and met her eyes, taking a deeper breath. "My father and uncle served. We go back centuries with serving. The Marines...well, since they were formed as part of Starfleet. It's something I always knew I would do, to serve the Federation."

"Due to my mother being of a low born house, on the homeworld, her and I were destine to be hostesses, a kind of object of desire for high born or rich, powerful warlords." T'Rala said. "My father took her and by extension, me out of that life, only for pirates to kill him and bring us back to that life." She added. "We only manage to escape when 'our owner' was attacked and we were forgotten in the melee."

"Hard life," Dahlia said as she held her eyes, not with pity, but with recognition. "And a tough road. What made you...interested in the Marines?" There were other services, other branches within the Federation...even colonies sometimes had their own forces. She was a talented young woman, she could have gone anywhere.

"I tried joining some colonial forces, but even in these enlightened times, people are still hesitant to trust an Orion." T'Rala said. "I visited Starfleet Academy and the looks I got were a mixture of disgust and pity, with a few lustful looks too. Told me I wasn't welcome." She added. "The Marines were different, I was a willing recruit and after I passed boot camp, I was a Marine, and my heritage was of no consequence."

Dahlia smiled gently as she nodded, watching her. "And once a Marine, always a Marine. It's a family and community...sure, we have our bad elements, but every family have some a-holes. that about us. How your background, creed, colour, gender...none of it matters because we're Marines first. Still..." she paused, frowning. "I'm sorry you had to face that. I hate seeing pity in people's eyes, can almost deal better with anger."

"Agreed, ma'am." T'Rala said. 'Their anger I can work with, their pity is of no use to me."

"That is a good attitude," Dahlia said before she laughed softly. "Not just because it is mine too..." she added playfully.

"Thank you, ma'am." T'Rala said.

Dahlia nodded, sensing the conversation was coming to a natural end. "I'll let you get back to it. But if you ever need something, please don't hesitate to come to me."

"Yes, ma'am, thank you for the talk, ma'am." T'Rala said.

Corporal T'Rala H'Zelar
USS Ontario

1st Lt. Dahlia Acker
Marine XO
USS Ontario


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