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Following Breadcrumbs

Posted on Fri Jun 23rd, 2023 @ 6:24pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Zero & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant Robin Maxwell & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams

1,331 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Ontario, various


They finally had a trail that would lead them to the pirates, thanks mostly to Zero. As the captain had yet to show any progress, Grace again sat in the center chair. "All departments ready?" she asked Yiv.

'Stations, call readiness!' Yiv demanded of the Bridge crew.

"Security ready, captain." Williams reported, standing at the security console.

Anahera was about to answer when her console went off-line. She kicked the console and it returned to life. "Tactical ready." She said at last.

Grace nodded, noticing that tactical was being finicky.

Standing near the back of the Bridge, proper stance as is the norm with Maxwell, uniform crisp as required listened and watched.

"Marines are Locked, cocked and ready to rock." He reported. "Full company readiness to deploy or repels boards as required."

"Thank you," Grace replied.

Zero walked off the turbolift and onto the bridge with slight hesitation before shifting his focus to his task as he approached the ops console. He began to open up his display and bring up the necessary controls he needed in order for his idea to succeed as he discussed it with the Captain.

After everything the ship had been through, they would definitely need some repairs--and shore leave--when they got through this. Grace would not consider this an if. It was a when. "All right. Lieutenant Zero has input the course in the computer. Lieutenant Stone, let's go after the pirates."

It only took a few hours to follow the trail to the cloaked ship as it wasn't going as fast as Grace expected. That also meant that there was a chance the pirates saw them coming. There was just as great a chance that this was a trap, but they weren't going to abandon two of their crew to pirates. Fortunately, Starfleet agreed, although they were more concerned with the information that could be gleaned from the two prisoners. Grace wasn't going to share that part of the message, just that they were going with Starfleet's blessing.

"Anahera, have weapons ready in case they fire at us," Grace said after putting the ship on yellow alert. "I want this to be a clean snatch and run, but I want to be ready, just in case."

"Weapons ready, ma'am." Anahera replied.

Grace nodded, then turned to ops. "Zero, as soon as we're in range, beam Amanda and Haruna aboard. Divert power to boost the signal if you have to."

Zero tapped on the console, his fingers jumping from button to button, moving a bit faster than normal officers. "In order to obtain the proper bone and DNA lock, I require Lieutenant Bálor to create the necessary locks in order to ensure the information that we have on file matches the information for the lock parameters."

Percy snorted at his station and began working. "I'll get you exactly what you need, just make it count." Percy wanted his friend back. He was worried about her, and it was boring without Amanda too.

"Williams," Grace said, turning to security, "As soon as they're aboard, raise shields."

"Aye captain." Williams kept his hand over the shield control, so that when transport is complete, he can raise the shields quickly.

"Siren, as soon as they're aboard, get us out of here. The less time they have to react, the better," Grace said.

The Chief Science Officer worked at his station. "Viewscreen," he said directing Grace's attention. "Something you should see" he added.

Grace carefully examined the viewscreen in front of them. The ion trail of the Klingon ship was clearly visible, as was the accumulation of particles that indicated it was sitting just inside a nebula. She wasn't sure if it was waiting for them, or another ship to pass by. "Anahera, status of the Klingon ship."

"It appears to have sustained some damage to its engines." Anahera replied. Before she could say anything further.

"I hope that will give us an advantage if we have to run," Grace replied. "Could we target the engines if we need to?"

"Aye, Ma'am." Anahera replied.

"Zero, can you get a transporter lock on our people?"

"Attempting to lock onto our officers using the needed parameters." Zero said aloud as he tapped onto the console with certainty before there was a slight hesitation. "Curious. The shields have not been lowered, but they are fluctuating." His work at the console continued. "Attempting to adjust the lock to compensate."

Watching the sensor telemetry come through on his armrest console, Yiv shook his head, 'Klingons have their shields up, and are interfering with our sensors - we can barely see any lifesigns on that ship.'

Percy grumbled and swore under his breath about the tactic.

"Commander Chernova? Please bring up the tactical schematics for the Klingon ship in question. Using a variety of algorithms and a probability equation I can pinpoint the locations in which our officers could be placed and, by using these methods, can determine that the lock is above an 80 percent accuracy." Zero spoke quickly and without skipping a beat before adding. "I would advise, as a precaution, order a security team to the transporter room in the event the two humans that are brought up are not the officers we are intending to bring."

Anahera brought up the schematics. I was a K't'inga-class battlecruiser. Lights blinked showing where it had sustained damage.

"The pirates will have a number of humanoids among them. We need something more accurate than that," Grace said to Zero. "I would prefer having a higher probability before we transport, but I agree that a security detail is in order. Just in case."

"I am aware, Captain. However, what I am establishing by using the medical and transport data from both Lieutenant Mizuhara and Lieutenant Rose is a DNA lock, which pinpoints the targets using unique markers that only they obtain. The Borg obtained this tactic from Species - 8326 and adapted it to locate and transport drones that have been disabled, disregarded, or captures by another species. It is my goal to use the same principle to establish a lock on both our officers by narrowing down the field to these key markers." Zero replied quickly. "As, the Captain is aware, DNA can only be duplicated if these officers were cloned or have an identical twin. Since both medical records show they do not have an identical twin, and we can establish the pirates do not have the capability to manufacture clones, we can postulate this method will give us an 80 percent accuracy. 80 percent because their shields are still functioning and are currently in flux. It would be advised, if the projected figure is to jump from 80 to a more stable 95 or 100 percent it is advised the focus be on lowering the shields or disabling them entirely. That is a task for Tactical, Captain. I am an Operations Officer."

"Thank you for clarifying, Lieutenant Zero," Grace said. "Anahera, unless that 80% is not enough, engines first. Then go for the shields. I'd rather capture the pirates if we can, but our first priority is to get Amanda and Haruna."

"Aye ma'am, engines targeted." Anahera said. "

Grace nodded. She knew if anyone could take out those engines, it would be Anahera. She turned to Zero. "On your mark."

Several long seconds later, sickbay reported that both women were on board and in good health, except for some smoke inhalation.

"Smoke?" Grace shook her head. "I'll be down shortly. Bridge out."

"Anahera, Siren, time to go."


They were almost out of range when Grace heard the sound of a transporter. "Security..." She didn't have time to say more as she disappeared from the bridge.


Lieutenant CommanderGrace Vetur
Acting CO

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant JG Jason Williams
Assistant Chief Security Officer

Captain Robin Maxwell
Marine CO

Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Percy Bálor
Chief Science Officer


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