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The Waiting Game (Part III)

Posted on Fri Jun 23rd, 2023 @ 6:21pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara & Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Edited on on Sat Jun 24th, 2023 @ 10:06am

1,028 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Pirate Ship


Haruna clicked her fingers, she began to yank at the bottom of her uniform. The sound of fabric ripping could clearly be heard inside the cell where Amanda was.

The ripping sound caused Amanda to stand up. Curiosity was starting to get the better of her. "Just what do you think that you're doing, Haruna?"


"It’s nothing! I just need to tie some stuff up in here!" Haruna replied back. She began to use the fabric to tie the wires together. Then finally her little plan worked. Both of the security cameras in their cell sparked as their circuits overloaded, cutting them out.

"Now for the real action!" Haruna grinned as she placed the main power cable with the others. There was an almighty bang. Haruna was literally thrown out of the hatch. She was thrown across the room impacting with the other wall. The lights flickered before sparking out. Haruna had overloaded the power grid for the cells, granted it had thrown her across the room, but now maybe the forcefield might have dropped.

"Ouch..." she said rubbing her head.

Amanda called out, "Haruna, are you OK? What in the galaxy did you just do?!"


The pirate assigned to watch the two women swore. That little fleeter was dangerous. He copied the video footage and data and sent them to Lady Scarlet. At least she had the foresight to keep those two rooms separate from the rest of the ship. Even so, there'd been a flicker in the forcefield. He set about fixing that before Lady Scarlet found out.


Haruna's hair was stuck up from the shock. "Well, that was fun!" She exclaimed. She looked directly up at the camera and gave it a cheeky smirk.

"I'm going back in!"

"To do what, exactly, Haruna?"

Haruna dived back into the wall amongst the wiring and other systems. There wasn't much to play with, however Haruna did find something. The sound of strange evil giggles could be heard from inside the wall, almost as if the tiny engineer was possessed.

"Haruna, what exactly are you doing?" Amanda asked now half curious and half worried.

"Oh, this is going to be fun!" Haruna exclaimed. "I'm used to fixing things, now I get to BREAK THEM!" Without another word Haruna began to laugh as she literally started ripping off anything she could find in the crawlspace.

Electrical Wiring, Parts of conduit, fragments of installation, smashed computer parts all started flying out of the hole. Basically, whatever she got her hands on, came flying out. She was more than determined to break at least something.

"Just what are you doing, Haruna? How is this helping anything?"

Outside, Haruna's activities had not gone unnoticed. The pirate watching them immediately called Lady Scarlet. "Cap'n, the short one is completely nuts. Even worse than his nibs."

"Now what?" Lady Scarlet muttered, sweeping into the observation room. She took a moment to assess what was going on and swore. "You're right. Not even he would go this far." She paused. "Correction. He might, if he saw this." She wanted to gas the room, but it might cause an explosion. "Grab those phasers we took from the last ship. Heavy stun. I still want them as bartering chips." At least for now. She wasn't sure if the shorter woman would try something even more foolish next time.

[Amanda and Haruna's Cell]

"Ooooooo" came the sound of Haruna, deeply embedded into the wall. "If I cross this wire with that one..."

At this point, Amanda decided to poke her head in the hole. "Harrrrrunnna?! What are you doing?!"

"Too late! Already did it!" Haruna called back. "Oh crap, hot, HOT!"

It wasn't long until a horrible plastic and metal burning smell filled the room. Small whispers of white and black smoke started to drift out of the hatch. The engineer emerged a few seconds later, her face dirty and her hands cut and bruised.

She stood there with a 'Look what I did' smirk on her face. "Yeah, so... I might have started an electrical fire in there. But the best thing is that it's likely to spread and if that manages to get to the EPS grid, that'll knock out pretty much everything!" She crossed her arms standing there with a smug look on her face.

"So, let me get this straight, you're trying to kill us to set us free? Brilliant plan, Haruna." Amanda knew that the sarcasm would be lost on the girlish-engineer.

"It is brilliant isn't it! Clearly, she wants us alive, plus they'll need to move us elsewhere to repair the damage I've done..." Haruna beamed as more smoke started to emerge from the open hatch.

"Sure, if the fire, smoke" or I she added mentally "doesn't kill us first." Amanda headed as close to the exit as possible and flattened herself against the floor to try and avoid as much smoke inhalation as possible.

The door opened. Before the two women had a chance to look up, they were stunned.

"Get them out of here and put them in the brig. I want a level ten force field around everything but the door. Pete, put out that fire." Lady Scarlet turned and walked out.

Amanda's last thought just as she saw the phaser was, Yes, Haruna, they want us alive, but that does not mean that they are stupid. Consciousness for us is optional to them. She felt the stunning blow and fell into darkness.

Sometime later, Lady Scarlet received a frantic message. "It's Starfleet. They just took the prisoners."

"They what? Get them back. He will not be pleased if we lose them!"

There was a long pause. "They took out our engines. We are unable to pursue."

The female pirate swore. "Get them back online! Scarlet out." She closed the transmission and took several deep breaths. Well, they may have lost the two, but Kilgore was ready for Plan B and Starfleet wouldn't see it coming.


Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara
Chief Engineer
USS Ontario

Lady Scarlet and the Pirates
NPC by Grace Vetur


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