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First we're gonna rock

Posted on Fri Aug 20th, 2021 @ 2:31am by Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone & 1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker

1,523 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Marine Gym
Timeline: [Backpost]

"Hey there, Siren," Dahlia smiled as she stood outside the gym, watching the woman approach. She had sent a message and asked if she wanted to work out together and had been pleasantly surprised to see Siren show. It was difficult to know on a ship if duty would shake up plans. Even so, it was nice to see. Dahlia had opted for a green sports top with decent support and black leggings, clothes that she could move in. Her hair was back in the usual ponytail, secured so she didn't have to worry about there. "Ready to let off some steam?"

"God yes." Siren had on black lycra shorts and an olive green sports bra.
She had the physique of a marine pilot, toned but not ripped or bulky. She wasn't going to sit on her laurels just because she was now flying this mini city through space. She looked at Dahlia's tight ponytail with a tiny bit of envy. But she was getting better at her own, and today it was not actually that bad.

"I was really hoping we could work on some grappling and self defense. I need to make a lot of modifications, and I was hoping you could help me brainstorm through them. See what works, and what doesn't, etcetera. Siren explained.

Dahlia nodded and gave her a warm smile, walking into the gym. "Happy to try that. Any particular modifications you need?" she asked as she went to get the medical kit out. She suspected they would be bruised by the end of it and she didn't have the luxury for nature to do its thing. She rolled her shoulders, moving to loosen up.

"Well I don't have the wrist strength for the double-handed grabbing. I can grab, but any twisting motions and I can't hold it. I was looking at some different types of martial arts, something to play to my strength. Lower body strength, flexibility and speed. " Siren paused then asked "Is there anything you'd like to work on? I'm happy to just spot, or whatever you need."

Dahlia smiled as she faced her, meeting her eyes. "Actually, my brain needs the training and working with you will help with that," she said softly and let out a breath. "Okay, so maybe rather than grabbling we can look at kicks and other take-downs. Elbows...choke hold. Things where you aren't relying on twisting your wrists. Speed is brilliant, if you can get them down so quickly they don't try to grab, we avoid looking like we're doing judo..."

"Sounds good." Siren replied. She started stretching. "So, too much paperwork?" Siren asked. "I hate paperwork. Always need to punch something for a bit after more than 20 minutes of it."

Dahlia chuckled warmly, nodding as she did her stretches. "I always have paperwork. It's one of the things here. I am also trying to make sure we have the gear we need for once. Which means requisitions."

Siren nodded in understanding. "I left that to the deck chief." She replied shamelessly. "Seemed better to cut out the middle man and just let them order what they needed." She continued to stretch as well, then hopped up once she felt warmed up.

"Well, I once spent time with subpar has made me a lot more eager..." Dahlia said and smiled warmly, moving up to her. "Come at me slowly. Let's see what we are working with and take it from there."

Siren nodded, and went at a slow enough pace that Dahlia could easily counter. She instinctively tried to grab her, but let go quickly and rethought. She side stepped and went for a leg sweep.

Dahlia jumped out of the way, nodding as she watched her. "Okay, legs are good. Start with some kicks, go full speed...I'll try blocking," she said and lifted her arms, grinning as she held her eyes. "Bet you've always wanted to beat up a ground pounder, flygirl..."

Siren chuckled. "Who says I've never beaten up a ground pounder?" The two worked out several different strategies, and by the end of an hour, Siren was covered in sweat, but feeling better. It had been as good as hitting her heavy bag, but had actually been productive.

"I wish we knew more what was happening out there." She pointed in the direction of the hull. Of course every direction on the ship pointed towards space. "I'm not used to sitting on the sidelines."

Dahlia caught her breath, a nice bruise already forming on her cheekbone from a good kick she hadn't dodged very well. "Neither am I. I was Force Recon, I'd usually be telling people what was going on...waiting for news? Not really something that falls natural to me. But..." she gave small shrug and rolled her shoulders, her top dark with her sweat. "Marines make do. So I am putting that in a mental box for awhile."

"That we do." Siren would always consider herself a Marine. It wasn't something you just turned off. "Thanks for the spar. I'm going to have your footprint on my ribs for a few days." She pointed towards Dahlia's face. "Want me to get you some ice?"

"Sure, or some gel from the med kit..." Dahlia said before she smiled, almost a wicked one. "It's nice, you know...a reminder that we're alive and did a good exercise. And you haven't lost your edge, flygirl. Glad to see that every Marine is still a badass. No matter what uniform they put on."

Siren couldn't help but grin at the praise. She went for the medkit that was stored in the gym, and returned with the gel. "It was nice. And It's nice to know that with some work, I can still defend myself. We should add this to the normal gym schedule, if you're up for it."

"Oh, I am..." she said and took the tube, squeezing out a generous amount and putting it on the slight swelling with the finesse of someone used to patch themselves up. "Because you, Siren, will keep me sharp. I am not going to be one of those middle aged officers who has lost her edge and only cares about the next drink in the officer's mess...which reminds me...we should hit the lounge sometime, have a few drinks, cause just the right amount of trouble."

Dahlia could not have worse timing with her suggestion. Siren had gotten off a subspace call with her previous CMO/Counselor just hours ago. She'd mentioned her almost relapse, then finally agreed to what he'd been suggesting since everything had fallen to pieces. Six months, no booze, no sex. It was supposed to be a time to refocus on herself. He'd given her a long explanation of the benefits, and why he thought it would be good for her, and she'd finally agreed to give it a try. But she wasn't that strong. She'd never be able to go to the lounge and not drink or find some tall dark and handsome to follow back to their quarters. "Ohhh umm." Siren tried to think fast. It wasn't something she wanted to share, it was a personal decision, and the way this ship worked, she didn't want it in the gossip mill. "I'll think about it." Vague, that should work.

Dahlia looked at her, raising an eyebrow before she smiled. "Or coffee in my quarters," she suddenly said on impulse. Maybe it was the look she had imagined, a slight panic that reminded her of her father's look. "Or we keep it to the gym..." the smile grew teasing, playful even. "I'm easy."

"I like coffee, and the gym." Siren answered back easily. If there was any innuendo there, it went way over Siren's head. She'd always had an easy comraderie with fellow pilots and other Marines. "I also know a masterful replicator code for chocolate lava cake."

"Oh...okay, you got me there," Dahlia said and nodded, stretching as she shook her head. That was a better reaction, which was good. She'd be happy with it. It was nice to make a friend who was a Marine, as an officer there were precious few of those. "I make my coffee strong. Black, bitter and with enough caffeine to wake the dead. Marine Mud."

"Nothing some heavy whipping cream won't fix. " Siren replied. "I like my coffee almost white, but not sweet. I used to drink it by the gallon, so had to keep it weak or I'd have had a heart attack before 22." Siren packed the medkit back up and put it away for Dahlia. "I'll check my schedule and see what we can fit in. I've kinda been getting the short stick with bridge shifts." Siren explained, though she didn't seem upset about it.

Dahlia chuckled softly as she watched the other woman, appreciating the way she now seemed almost calmer. "Well, I am around so just let me know," she said and moved to sit down, to catch her breath properly.

"Will do." Siren gave Dahia a quick wave, then headed off towards the locker room.


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